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  • Leading A Worthy Life

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Aug 3, 2021

    We don't wake and decide that, today we'll live with integrity. It's a lifetime of decisions and training.

    Leading a Worthy Life 2021 Summer Series / Ephesians 4:1–16   • Real-life integrity • [IMAGE] Story of Robert Adams who found $17,000 in cash in a bank bag beside an ATM in Chicago. • At first, he thought is was prank/joke. But no TV crews popped out to catch him. • Bag had Chase on the side, more

  • Beyond Our Strength

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 23, 2021

    When human mind and brain fail THEN we need to put our trust in God who raised the dead.

    Beyond our strength 2 Cor 1:8” For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life; 9 indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust more

  • Drawn To God Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Aug 20, 2024

    If you see a bunch of rednecks laughing at the Mona Lisa, where you hear them say, “I’d rather see a painting of dogs playing poker,” you understand what’s going on. Jesus says to these Jews, “The Mona Lisa is in front of you, and you grumble because you want dogs playing poker.”

    We continue our series of hearing from our Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ. We continue our series in the gospel of John. I invite you to find your Bibles and find John 6 with me. If you were to pause to consider some of the most important speeches in American history, you might think about Patrick more

  • Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 7, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    The first chapter of Ephesians is dedicated to telling the Christians there how pretty they are to God. Why would Paul spend all that ink and paper on this topic? And what can that mean to us?

    I read once about a nursing home worker who would go from room to room taking care of the needs of the residents. On day she was in the room of one of the residents when the woman looked up at her and said “My but you’re pretty!” The attendant blushed. She was “plump” and “overweight and wasn’t more

  • God's Fire Escape

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Feb 19, 2014

    God will give you an escape route from sin....but will you TAKE IT?

    Some of you will accuse me of stereotyping men as being somewhat simple, but when it comes to sex and women most men are. Chris Rock the comedian once said, “A man is only as faithful as his options”. That of course was meant to be funny, but there is a thread of truth to this more

  • In The Dark

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 27, 2022

    It’s always darkest before dawn.

    LIGHT DISPELS DARKNESS: Ruth 3: 2 "Now is not Boaz our kinsman, with whose maids you were? Behold, he winnows barley at the threshing floor tonight. 3 "Wash yourself therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes, and go down to the threshing floor..” We had to travel more

  • Wait For Now Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    Waiting is much more bearable when we keep our eyes on the end result.

    Wait For Now James 5:7-12 Be patient for the Lord is coming. It is easy to get distracted, because we are an impatient people. Think about food, atm machines, express lanes certainly not the indicators of a patient lifestyle. What about debt? We are a debt burdened society...instant more

  • Do Not Be In A Hurry

    Contributed by Simeon Bali on May 29, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    All of us one time or the other have prayed and asked God for something and have had to wait on the answer. Waiting is one of life's most difficult tasks. The waiting room is a land where time stands still; it seems as if progress has come to a screeching halt.

    We live in a society where everything is instant. We have become a society where delays are not accepted or tolerated. (We wait when in hospital, on ATM machine etc) Most of us are waiting for something and it could be; 1. Waiting and hoping that conditions will change for the better. 2. Maybe more

  • Spend Your Money Wisely Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Aug 22, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Part 4 of a five part sermon series on understanding your possessions from a Biblical perspective. Part 4 - Learn how to spend your money wisely.

    SPEND YOUR MONEY WISELY LUKE 15:11-24 INTRODUCTION: Intro: Shania Twain song and power point: “Ka-Ching.” “All we ever want is more, a lot more than we ever had before so take me to the nearest store.. Can you hear it ring it makes you wanna sing. It’s such a beautiful thing.. Ka-Ching!” That more

  • Wait For Now Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    Sometimes we are directed to wait.

    Wait For Now James 5:7-12 Have I got good news for you!!!! The Lord is coming!!! Now all you need to do is hurry up and wait. Seriously, James tells us to be patient. Sometimes it is easy to get distracted. Just look at our society, we are an impatient people. We eat fast food paid for with more

  • False Prophets

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jul 1, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Satan wants the believers never to grow spiritually but believe in his lie. Beware!

    False prophets! Jeremiah 23:15”…..For from the prophets of Jerusalem Profaneness has gone out into all the land.” Because the daughter was falling sick often, the parents (who are Christians) changed the name of their daughter from Sindhu to Mary, because the word more

  • The Beast The Number And The Mark

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Mar 7, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    You don't have to be affraid of the RFID micro-chip for technology can NEVER be the Mark of ther Beast. The true mark is a spiritual mark.

    The Mark of the Beast By Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Revelation 13 STATEMENT:- My assignment today is not to make you shout, it’s not to excite your emotions or to stimulate your senses. My assignment today is to mess you up, to destroy your preconceived ideas and to cause you to question more

  • Remember The Rules!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jul 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Be it in games or in life, you win and you succeed when you follow the rules meticulously!

    Remember the rules! Numbers 15:38 "Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner. 39 And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of more

  • What Makes A Hero? Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Sep 9, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Everyone needs a hero, and on 9/11, we discovered that there are heroes all around us. What traits make a person into a hero, and what does God need to do in my life to turn me into one?

    September 1, 2002 Hebrews 11 ¡§What makes a hero?¡¨ INTRODUCTION My son, Benjamin, being the extremely active boy that he is, will often fall and get cuts and bruises. When he does that, he¡¦ll come to Tammy or me for us to take the pain away. Knowing that we cannot take the pain more

  • God Offers The Ultimate Credit Advance

    Contributed by Edward Frey on Feb 21, 2002
    based on 149 ratings

    We are justified by faith, not by works. God’s grace is freely credited to us.

    It’s been said that more Americans are in debt these days than ever before. Many blame credit cards as the culprit. It is easier than ever for people to spend and it’s easier than ever to put off paying the bill. “Buy now! Pay later!” That seems to be the basis of our economy these more

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