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  • The Hardest Word Series

    Contributed by Jim Kilson on Nov 6, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 4 of 8 in a series covering words in the Bible that are all too often overlooked or ignored.

    INTRODUCTION: What is the # 1 most spoken word by young children? The answer without a doubt is “why,” it’s a word that is spoken dozens if not hundreds of times a day… and if we’re honest it’s not just kids that throw that one out it’s adults as more

  • The Truth Of Forgiveness

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Dec 29, 2021

    What does it mean that Jesus died for my forgiveness? This is an exploration of that idea.

    The Truth of Forgiveness Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz Mark 12:28-37 28 One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, “What commandment is the foremost of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The foremost is, ‘HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS more

  • Am I Called To Ministry? How Can I Know?

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 3, 2021

    Ah, the grand call to adventure. Every hero has accepted the call and began the journey of love and service. In a sense, every Christian is called to ministry of some sort.

    Isaiah 6:8 (ISV) Then I heard the voice of the LORD as he was asking, "Whom will I send? Who will go for us?" "Here I am!" I replied. "Send me." Ah, the grand call to adventure. Every hero has accepted the call and began the journey of love and service. In a sense, more

  • Brother Jesus

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Dec 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    God, in Jesus, identifies with us and reveals his love for us in as real and personal a way as possible. And the more we come to understand and appreciate the full humanity of Christ, the stronger our relationship with God will be.

    Hebrews 2:10-18 (Read Hebrews 2:10-11, 14-18) In 1980 a woman named Rosie Ruiz ran the NY City Marathon and finished first in the Women’s Division--or so it seemed initially. After she received the star treatment at the finish line, though, some of the event staff realized that they hadn’t more

  • Your Environment Doesn’t Dictate Your Direction Series

    Contributed by Joseph Marshall on Jul 26, 2022

    In this lesson, we will examine the variety of lessons learned by Adam and Eve, as well as by every parent, from the heartbreaking decisions made by Cain.

    Introduction: We have already seen the impact of Adam’s fatal decision, which plunged mankind into sin, as well as the effect of the curse upon the lives of Adam and Eve. In this lesson, we will examine the variety of lessons learned by Adam and Eve, as well as by every parent, from the more

  • When Joy Overflows! In These Extra Ordinary Times!

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on Jan 4, 2021

    What happens when the joy in heaven overflows to earth?

    When Joy overflows! In these extra ordinary times! By my calculations its just five days to Christmas Day Morning and I’m trying to get a sense of the anticipation that might have been in the air some 2020 years ago. First of all, I suppose that we ought to ask who it was who was anticipating? more

  • The Burial Of Jesus

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Feb 10, 2020

    John 19:31-42 deals with the transition from the cross to the tomb. Two groups are involved here: the Roman soldiers, and two friendly Jewish leaders who have come to believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah.

    The Burial of Jesus: John 19:31-42 Intro: Everything about the arrest, trials, beatings, death, and burial of Jesus was a continuous departure from proper protocols and basic fairness. The only reason this worked is that Jesus permitted all of it to happen to him because he willingly laid down his more

  • Se Laisser «tailler» Aux Travers Des Aleas De Son Ministere Series

    Contributed by Patrick Berthalon on Jul 3, 2019

    Nous allons suivre l'exemple de Pierre

    2. SE LAISSER «TAILLER» AUX TRAVERS DES ALEAS DE SON MINISTERE Cet épisode, justement, nous montre une deuxième qualité d’un dirigeant. Pierre était prêt à se laisser « tailler » aux travers des aléas de son ministère. Est-ce que Pierre more

  • When God Changes Your Plans Series

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Dec 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God interrupts. Plans change. We glorify God when we submit to His plans rather than ours.

    Poet Laureate John Masefield wrote these lines in his famous poem The Everlasting Mercy (New York: Macmillan: 1912). . . “He who gives a child a treat makes joy-bells ring in Heaven's street, And he who gives a child a home builds palaces in Kingdom come, And she who gives a baby birth brings more

  • Do You Have The Courage?

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Jan 23, 2024

    Ask yourself if you dare to do something for God which could jeopardize your lifestyle or even your life?

    Do You Have the Courage? Luke 1:39-56 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 39 Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah, 40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. [Elizabeth’s reaction] 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby more

  • Murder She Wrote Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 14, 2022

    We can choose the drama that comes from foolishness, selfishness, and sinfulness – even to the point of murder – or we can choose stability and meaningfulness that comes from wisdom, godliness, and concern for others.

    Murder She Wrote (2 Chronicles 21:1-24:27) 1. I have long been a fan of murder mysteries. I enjoy shows like Perry Mason, Poirot, and my favorite is Ellery Queen. 2. Murder She Wrote is another one I enjoy. 3. It always amazed me how Jessica Fletcher, in the first show, was new widow, about 60 more

  • Retirement

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Nov 9, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    There is no retirement from service to God, but there are seasons of life that affect what kind of service we do.

    Thoughts about the passage: Dr. Charles H. Hennekens of Harvard Medical School says that retirement may increase a man’s risk of dying of heart attack. His statement - “We found an 80 percent higher rate of death from coronary disease among those in a study who had retired compared with those more

  • Are You A Servant Or A Son?

    Contributed by Charles Banks on Jul 19, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon helps believers analyze whether they are only servants of GOD or have they started living as Children of GOD!

    “Are You A Servant Or A Son??” Luke 15:17-19 I. A servant (John 15:14-15) servant - one that must work for another and obey him: John 15:14-15 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have more

  • Back To The Basics - Heaven Series

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 11, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Heaven is a real place; the dwelling place of God and His angels and His children forever.

    Back to the Basics - Heaven June 10, 2012 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Heaven is a real place; the dwelling place of God and His angels and His children forever. Focus Passage: Revelation 21:1-27 Supplemental Passage: "In My Father's house are more

  • Proskeyneo (Worship)

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 2, 2019

    A sermon for the celebration of Epiphany.

    Proskeyneo (worship) Matthew 2: 1 – 12 Intro: There are 7 principal feast days on the Xian calendar. One of them is Epiphany which is a fixed day on the 12th day after Christmas. It celebrates “revelation” or “manifestation” of Christ. The GK meaning of epiphaneia. I Perhaps you are intrigued more

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