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  • Godly Character Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Apr 18, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    We live in a world starving for godly character. Daniel is a young man with an abundance of it!

    1. Illustration of Gerald Ford. • Gerald Ford died recently. He has the dubious honor of being the only vice president, and later president, who was never elected to those offices by the people. • Over and over, those who have spoken of him have mentioned his character and his integrity. more

  • Qualities Of An Honorable Father

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Jan 10, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Father should demonstrate qualities that deserve honor.

    QUALITIES OF AN HONORABLE FATHER Joshua 24:15 “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” When Joshua uttered this famous verse, he was challenging the tribes of Israel to make up their mind when it comes to serving the Lord. He told them to fear God and serve Him with more

  • Promoting The Gospel

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Jan 11, 2008

    There are certain lifestyles that promotes the preaching of the gospel.

    PREACHING THE GOSPEL PHILIPPIANS 1:27-2:11 Oftentimes we associate certain lifestyle with certain group of people: Celebrities – glamour, fashion, and media. Medical People – stress, decisiveness, and discipline. Politicians – campaigns, electioneering, and projects. Housewife – PTA more

  • Understanding The Sin Of Anger Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Parts of this sermon came from others. The idea is to understand the depth of sin in order to appreciate GRACE.

    Understanding the SIN of ANGER Matthew 5:21-22/Proverb 6:16ff Last week we discussed the sin of dissension. Like we discovered last week, it is not just the doing but even the thought of sin is just as guilty. In this passage, I want you to notice, that in this passage the Lord covers the more

  • When It Comes To My Persona Series

    Contributed by Jeff Davenport on Oct 3, 2007

    We spend a lifetime constructing our image only to find out that it’s realy not about me!

    It’s Not About Me… When It Comes To: PERSONA Matthew 16:13-19 Video Clip: “It’s All About Me” Singer One of the most evident ways we prove to the world and to the Lord, that it truly is “All About Me,” is through our Persona. DEFINITION: American Heritage Dictionary pl. defines personas as: The more

  • O Lord It's Hard To Be Humble

    Contributed by Ruth Hind on Oct 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A Sunday morning sermon examining humility

    -Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble when you are prefect in every way. I doubt any of us think that we are perfect it is not always easy for us to be humble. After all humility gets rather a bad press, When we speak for example humble origins, humble means poor or ordinary or it might bring to more

  • Forgiveness In 3-D

    Contributed by Bo Dunford on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    There are three dimensions of forgiveness.

    MATT. 6:12; 14-15 “FORGIVENESS IN 3–D” A) There are some subjects I could preach on tonight that might not apply to everyone! * For instance: I could preach on “How To Spend Your Money,” and many of you would say, “What money?” * Or “How To Make Your Wife Happy,” and some would say, “That more

  • How Jesus Used Healing In His Ministry

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 4, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Never a sickness that He cannot heal. Never a sorrow that He cannot cheer. Never a problem that He cannot resolve Never a worry cause He still on the throne.

    How Jesus Used Healing in His Ministry John 9:1-9:38 Many people fail to understand God’s greater purposes for physical suffering. Instead of allowing the disciples to drag the Lord into a complicated discussion about sin and suffering, Jesus stated an important fact about sickness when He more

  • Permanence Of Faith

    Contributed by Doyle Hayes on Sep 9, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Salvation has always been through faith and the coming of the Law did not change it.

    PERMANENCE OF FAITH Galatians 3:15-18 Introduction • You’ve probably heard it said, “It doesn’t matter what you believe; it’s how you live that counts.” • A. J. Gordon encountered this philosophy one time as he talked with a fellow passenger on a train. The man believed he could get to heaven by more

  • Learning To See That We May Follow

    Contributed by Carl Greene on Jun 21, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The Greek word for “roadside, road and ‘way’” are the same word. Bartimaeus ask for and received his sight. Upon seeing clearly, he got up and followed [Jesus] along the road… along the “way.”

    “What do you want me to do for you?” If Jesus were to come through the doors of this sanctuary this morning, walk up the center isle then suddenly pause, then turn to you and ask that question….how would you respond? Think about that question for just a moment. “What do more

  • The Seed Of Faith

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Sep 9, 2010

    We all live with faith, we all walk in faith but it is only faith in God that will take us through our days, now and in eternity.

    The Seed of Faith 11/15/09 AM Text: Mark 11:22 (various) Introduction: In our lesson together today we are going to talk about faith. Ok, so I’ll do the talking but I’m hoping you will do the listening and the thinking because the simple fact is that none of us can get through even the more

  • Y R U Crying Series

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Oct 11, 2010

    Mary Magdalene was crying at the tomb. We have many problems and we cry too. Do we cry for the same reasons she did?

    Why Are You Crying? John 20:1-18 It was very difficult for God to watch people cry because He cared for them. Sick He healed Mary/Martha Raised Lazarus 5000 hungry fed them Now, one of the people He loved very much... Mary Magdalene, is weeping at the tomb of Jesus. It had been a more

  • The Ministry Of Reconciliation

    Contributed by Damion Lowe on Jan 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What is the Ministry Every Christian Should Be Involved In? Reconciliation

    “The Ministry of Reconciliation” Text: II Corinthians 5:14-20 Intro: There is a lot of good preaching in this passage, but I would like to focus for just a few moments on verses 18-20, and introduce to you to The Ministry That Every Christian (For Heaven’s sake) Should Be Involved In: At some more

  • Never Give Up!

    Contributed by Reggie Corfield on Aug 12, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Many of us are too quick to throw in he towel and give up on God; when we do that we are doing exactly what the devil wants us to do. We are to persevere and trust God to do the impossible.

    This morning I want to talk a little about the rewards of never giving up on God. Today’s gospel story is about a persistent woman and a disinterested God. It is also about a mother who would not take “no” as an answer. The woman was a Canaanite which meant she was a gentile. She more

  • Comes The Preacher

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 12, 2018

    Two instructions given to the church regarding the elders that Timothy would appoint

    Text: 1 Tim 5:17-20, Title: Shhh, Here Comes The Preacher, Date/Place: WHBC, 9/2/18, AM A. Opening illustration: B. Background to passage: Explain the structure of leadership in the church regarding a plurality of elders and deacons. Timothy, being an apostolic delegate, would appoint and help the more

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