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  • A God Blessed People Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 14, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    God cared for His people even when they did not call out to Him. He would revive His lifeless people with His life giving Spirit and with a renewal of the promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:2; 13:16) that the nation would bless the world. None need fear that Go

    ISAIAH 44:1-8 A GOD BLESSED PEOPLE [Ezek. 36:24-28] The emphasis again shifts from the ill winds of 43:27-28, where God rebukes His people for trying to manipulate Him and become His god, to the glorious prospects He has for His people’s future. God’s more

  • God's Own People

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Mar 6, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ has redeemed us from sin to make us God’s own people and call us to good work.

    God’s Own People Tit. 2:14 Scripture Reading Tit. 2:11-15 INTRO.: The letter to Titus is a treatise on Christian ethics. It tells about Church organization and the functions and morals of Christians. 2:11-14 provides a theological basis by reminding us of the function of God’s grace in the death more

  • I Like People Series

    Contributed by Vera Hughes on Feb 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    To become aware of the importance of developing effective people skills and to cause you to understand that your success in life and in ministry is greatly determined by the ability to relate well to other people.

    Introduction: Questions that will guide our understanding process: 1. What do you mean by relationships? 2. What are the types of relationships ordained by God? 3. What are the qualities that can help me become an effective leader? 4. How do you deal with difficult people? 5. How do you get rid more

  • Let The People Hear

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Mar 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Palm Sunday message encouraging people to not bow to the pressure to stay quiet about their love for Christ.

    Let the People Hear Luke 19:28-44 March 16, 2008 – Palm Sunday NOTE: THE ME/WE/GOD/YOU/WE FORMAT USED IN MY MESSAGES IS BORROWED FROM ANDY STANLEY’S BOOK, "COMMUNICATING FOR A CHANGE." Me/We: How many here have ever been told to “shut up?” If you’re a human over the age of 1 week, you’ve been more

  • People Need Jesus

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Mar 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Everyone, including us, is in need of a healing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Matthew 9:1-8 “People Need Jesus” “Everyone, including us, is in need of a healing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.” Sunday Morning Sermon 03.25.07 Intro: VIDEO CLIP – LOST EPISODE “Enter 77” 3/07/07 Starting with: 36:06 Ending with: 40:33 Discussion: (Start with Title and Text) We moved more

  • The Church And Young People

    Contributed by Wade Allen on Apr 9, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Sermon preached at the Peebles Church of Christ based on a church-wide survey taken of young people and older people.

    It was a total disaster. The contractor could not believe what had just happened. He sat in stunned silence gazing over the blueprints of the construction site. All he could think about was the money invested and lost; the time and effort that had been put into the project. And now… everything more

  • "Rest For God's People”

    Contributed by John Harper on Nov 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God has promised a rest for His people

    “REST FOR GOD’S PEOPLE” Hebrews 4:1-10 July 20, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God I am deeply indebted to Andrew Murray for his main points Introduction: Swindoll quote According to Charles Swindoll, “Two of the top prescribed medications in America are Valium and Tagamet. The more

  • Fishing For People For The Kingdom

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Apr 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This incident probably reminded the disciples of the time 3 years earlier when Jesus asked them to cast their nets again. That was the time when he first called them to be fishers of men.

    The disciples have seen the resurrected Jesus, alive and well. He appeared to them on the evening of Resurrection Sunday (20:19) – Easter Day. On that occasion He commissioned them – He authorised them to go – saying, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (20:21); and he then appeared to more

  • Unknown People Of Significance

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jun 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Unknown people of significance are the real heroes of today and they deserve to be honored and remembered for their sacrifice. Their sacrifice of their lives, their precious time, their loyal hearts, have bestowed on us our personal freedoms today.

    “The unknown names of significance” “A band of brothers” Thesis: Unknown people of significance are the real heroes of today and they deserve to be honored and remembered for their sacrifice. Their sacrifice of their lives, their precious time, their loyal hearts, have bestowed on us our personal more

  • Jesus And Toxic People

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 8, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    How does Jesus deal with toxic people?

    Jesus and Toxic People June 7, 2009 Matthew 26:17-30 – Last supper John 13:1-17 – Foot Washing A few weeks ago it seemed that almost everyone who I sat down and talked with were dealing with “toxic” people in their lives. Weeks like that are like “discernment for dummies” for me. I more

  • God's People Will Judge Series

    Contributed by David Baeder on Jun 8, 2009

    This is the seventh of a series of sermons based on scriptures where a rhetorical question beginning with the phrase "Do you not know. . ." is asked. This sermon deals with the rhetorical question asked in 1 Corinthians 6:2. "do you not know that the sai

    Series: Do You Not Know? Sermon: God’s People Will Judge Text: 1 Corinthians 6:2-8. Introduction: How do we handle grievances against one another in the church? That is the issue at hand in these verses from 1 Corinthians. In first century Corinth, as well as 21st century America, sometimes more

  • A People Without Purity Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Aug 26, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The church today has become one without purity. We have let the world comform us and determine our ministry. As Christians we need to be holy and pure.

    A People without Purity 1 Peter 1:13-16 Intro Over the decades from the foundation of the local churches beginnings, people have become more and more un-pure. The modern church is a people without purity. The modern church has listened too much to the experts of the day; who have told us that more

  • Treating People Right Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Sep 3, 2008
    based on 38 ratings

    A look at how we are to treat other people.

    Treating People Right One of your biggest problems and mine are people problems – learning how to get along with other people. There is a short poem that goes – “To dwell above with those you love – that will be glory. To dwell below, with those you know – that’s a different story.” We have more

  • Connecting People To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 7, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Evangelism will have little effect if we don’t love the lost.

    Connecting People to Jesus Romans 9:1-5 Rev. Brian Bill 9/7/08 Our family went up to Chicago on Labor Day to spend time with Emily. We ate a picnic lunch, went down to Lake Michigan and then just strolled around downtown. While we were walking on Michigan Avenue I glanced up and saw a more

  • A Picture Of A Revived People

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Sep 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon describes what occurs when God’s people are revived.

    From time to time we need a fresh touch from God. We need a revival of our hearts. Our hearts can drift away from God. Our hearts can grow cold. Our hearts can become cluttered with worldly things. In Nehemiah 8 we see a picture of a people who experienced revival. The Israelites had been down and more

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