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Sermons on arise and be baptized:

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  • Baptized!

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jan 9, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Baptism means that we have been forgiven, cleansed, healed, initiated into God’s family, and set on a mission.

    Baptized! Mark 1:4-11 Baptism of our Lord January 8, 2006 Toni and I moved to Denver, Colorado in the late summer of 1977 in order to get settled in for the beginning of my first year of seminary. From our student housing unit, you only had to look west to see three of the fourteen thousand foot more

  • Be Baptized Series

    Contributed by Ryan Akers on May 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The final message of our Spring Life Series deals with the importance of baptism in a believer’s life. We will look at the who, why, when, where and the how of baptism.

    Spring Life 2008 Part 9- Be Baptized Pastor Ryan Akers *parts of this sermon where borrowed with permission from Pastor Joe Colaw of First Wesleyan Church in Bartlesville, OK. Matthew 3:1-17- Amazing transition in people’s lives, beginning of Christ ministry, proof of the trinity(3 distinct more

  • The Baptizer

    Contributed by John Oscar on Feb 9, 2018

    Showing how God used John the Baptist to usher in the Messiah, and how John's ministry is an example to us as Christian's today.

    The Baptizer Gospel of John Series CCCAG February 4th, 2018 Introduce one of the most unique men in the New Testament. We see much of his life and ministry in the Gospel of John, but we will also use several other scriptures to highlight this man’s life Scripture- John 1:6-9, 19-28 more

  • Arise

    Contributed by Elijah Abiara on Sep 27, 2015

    Pastor Elijah Abiara gave sermon on how to arise from every form of background that may hinder Chritians

    Proverb 6:9 How long will you lie down sluggard? When wilt thou arise from your sleep. Ok let me tell you a story of a young man, he came from a poor background, infact he was known as an area boy, everyone concluded that this man is of no use in the community or even in the nation but something more

  • Arise!

    Contributed by Fred Michaux on Apr 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Gospel means that I know I am going to Heaven when I die and that I can experience heaven on earth while I’m why hasn’t His resurrection transformed and changed our lives like those we read about in Scripture?

    Opening For me, the gospel means that I know I am going to Heaven when I die and that I can experience heaven on earth while I’m here. -and you can’t have heaven on earth by yourself!!!!! Introduction -Top 5 conspiracy theories… • 5 is the moon landing… • 4 is Roswell… • 3 is 9/11… • 2 is the more

  • Arise

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 25, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    Do not dilly-dally, obey the voice of God and arise!

    Arise Joshua 1:2”…Moses My servant is dead; now therefore arise….” ‘Now therefore arise’, implies there is an urgency, there was a ‘now’ situation, therefore without delay, put the pass behind and ARISE, this is a prophetic word for someone out there! Hello! Moses was dead and the people needed more

  • Arise PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 8, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores God's command to Joshua, encouraging believers to find strength in divine promises and live in awed adoration of God.

    Welcome beloved friends, to this sacred gathering, a time and place where we seek to commune with our Heavenly Father and understand His divine will for our lives. We are here today, not as individuals lost in the wilderness, but as a collective, a community of believers, united in our pursuit of more

  • John The Baptizer Series

    Contributed by John Gaines on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    A look at the greatness of John and his baptism of Jesus

    JOHN THE BAPTIZER 1. Matthew tells us nothing about the childhood of Jesus. Instead, he offers us chapter 3 as a transition between Jesus as a young child (Matthew 2) and the adult Jesus being tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4). 2. Matthew 3 emphasizes the work of John the Baptizer. John more

  • Baptized In The Spirit

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Oct 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Martin Luther said, “baptism is something we do in the church one day, but it takes the rest of our lives to finish. In baptism we have new life in Christ, but as babes who are brought to its waters continue to grow, we too must continue to grow, to obe

    Baptized in the Spirit Matthew 3__1-17 ADVENT II Second Sunday in Advent (A) the kingdom of heaven is at hand Isaiah 11:1-10 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom more

  • Why Baptize? Series

    Contributed by David Holwick on Mar 20, 2014

    The proper attitude toward baptism.

    Rev. David Holwick First Baptist Church Ledgewood, New Jersey November 10, 2002 WHY BAPTIZE? 1 Corinthians 1:11-17 ________________________________________ My brothers, some from Chloe’s household have informed for me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this. One of more

  • Baptizing Into The Name... Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 8, 2001
    based on 174 ratings

    The Great Commission is intriguing in what it says and what it doesn’t. Consider the mystery & the power of Christian baptism.

    OPENING: A drunk stumbled along a baptismal service on Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeded to walk down into the water and stood next to the Preacher. The minister turned and noticed the old drunk and said, "Mister, Are you ready to find Jesus?" The drunk looks back and says, "Yes, more

  • John The Baptizer

    Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Children’s sermon showing what some people have gone through for God’s kingdom.

    1-sack of Bit o Honey candy 1 sack of chocolate morsels 1 sack of check mix Use the bit o honey for bodies, the chocolate morsels for eyes and the brown wafer looking things for wings, and nuclawave them. It only takes a few seconds to get the bit o honey warm enough for the eyes and wings to more

  • The Baptism Of The Baptized Series

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Oct 17, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The meaning of Pentecost, God pouring out His Spirit to empower the mission from Jesus to go into all the world as His witnesses to make disciples from all nations.

    A children’s catechism class was learning the Apostles Creed. Each child had been assigned a sentence to repeat. The first one said, “I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” The second child said, “I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son…” When he had completed his more

  • John The Baptizer Series

    Contributed by Mark Driscoll on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    John the Baptizer had courage to confront the darkness in people's lives and to speak into their lives that he loved with tears in his eyes and compassion about their sin.

    So now we’re gonna talk about John the Baptizer. It’s not John the Baptist. John wasn’t a Baptist. He’s a baptizer. Story starts. He had a dad. He had a mom. Most kids, that’s where the story starts. John’s dad, Zechariah, was a priest, served the temple, more

  • Why Be Baptized? Series

    Contributed by Tim Huie on Apr 18, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Why should a person who believes on Jesus be baptized? The Bible gives us some very clear answers!

    1. Illus. of myself • Came to Christ, pastor began to talk to me about being baptized. • Didn’t really see the need for it. Had been sprinkled as a child in another denomination, didn’t see any reason to do any more than that. • Spirit continued to deal with me, so one day I just sat down with my more

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