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Sermons on apologetics messiah:

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  • Prophecy: Fingerprint Evidence Of The Messiah Series

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 25, 2013

    This sermon shows many of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled, proving that He is the Messiah.

    Last time I was here, we answered many questions with one sermon. • Why do I believe in God? • Why do I believe that God created the world? • Why do I believe the bible as we have it is the word of God? • Why do I believe that all of the men who wrote the bible were more

  • Apologetics

    Contributed by Michael Grant on Oct 7, 2016

    A Study in Christian Apologetics

    Apologetics? An Outline What is Christian apologetics? First what it is not!  It is not the art of learning how to apologize for your faith! It is not arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The English word, “apologetics,” comes from the Greek word, apologia, more

  • Foundations For Apologetics Series

    Contributed by Dr. Joel Perttula on Aug 13, 2020

    The word apologetics can be intimidating, but it doesn't need to be. This series will remove the anxiety you may have when it comes to giving a defense for your faith.

    WELCOME Good Morning. Welcome to church! Whether you are listening online or you’re here in person; we’re glad you’ve connected with us! SERIES INTRODUCTION The word apologetics can be intimidating, but it doesn't need to be. This series will remove the anxiety you may have when it comes to more

  • Messiah On Trial Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Mar 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Once we have honestly and objectively examined the truth about Jesus we can only come to one conclusion: He is who He said He was, the Son of God.

    Messiah On Trial Text: Matt. 26:57-68 Introduction 1. Illustration: When C.S. Lewis came to Oxford University he was an atheist. He had lost his mother at nine and the rest of his life was spent in boarding schools. But had no use or belief in God. But while at Oxford he met a man who became his more

  • The Messiah And His Descendants Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 21, 2014

    We are the prize that Jesus bought through his death and resurrection.

    The Messiah’s Descendants (Isaiah 53:7-12) 1. A billboard posted by an atheist group in Wisconsin this season advertised, “Nobody died for your sins.” 2. Dr. George Sweeting tells of an incident in the early 1920s when Communist leader Nikolai Bukharin was sent from Moscow to Kiev to address an more

  • Identifying Emmanual Series

    Contributed by Rick Bartosik on Jan 10, 2014

    How can we know for sure that Jesus really is EMMANUEL – GOD WITH US – the One the Father sent to be the Savior of the world? One of the major evidences to support Christ’s claim to be the Messiah, are the great Messianic pophecies of the Old Testament.

    INDENTIFYING EMMANUEL Christmas Eve 2012 Mililani Community Church Pastor Rick Bartosik A new movie will be released on Christmas Day 2012; it is entitled Les Miserables, a French term meaning: the miserable ones or the wretched ones. The movie is based on a French novel by Victor Hugo which is more

  • The Purpose & Scope Of Apologetics

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Dec 7, 2015

    The Purpose & Scope Of Apologetics

    Apologetics exists as a field of Christian study to aide the believer in understanding his beliefs, why critics refuse to ascent to these eternal truths, and how these beliefs apply to broader intellectual concerns. Upon hearing of these applications of the discipline, those unfamiliar with such more

  • Whose Son Is The Messiah? Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Aug 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    As the Messiah, Jesus is the incarnate Son of the Living God.

    Whose Son Is the Messiah? Text: Matt. 22:41-46 Introduction 1. Many people have attempted to come to grips with the question who was Jesus? a. "I am of course a skeptic about the divinity of Christ and a scorner of the notion that there is a God who cares how we are or what we do" - Kurt Vonnegut more

  • The Messiah Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Dec 13, 2019

    The Messiah has rescued us from being enemies of God, so we can learn to be at peace with all.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Today we continue with week three of our series, Unto Us. This series will lead us to Christmas. • This series has been taking us through the prophecies concerning the Messiah from the book of Isaiah. • Remember, the book of Isaiah was written over 740 years before the more

  • The Messiah

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Dec 14, 2013

    Who is the messiah many do not no who he is.

    THE MESSIAH King of kings Lord of lords Prince of peace Redeemer Master Morning Star Word Corner Stone True Vine Anointed One 1.Born in Bethlehem Micah 5: 2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out more

  • Messiah

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 29, 2024

    The resurrection gives power to the claims of Christ.

    Messiah Jeffery Anselmi / General Core 52 / God's Power / Psalm 110:1 Psalm 110:1 shows us how great Jesus is! INTRODUCTION • We want to welcome you to FCC today! • Today is a special day because we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. • Jesus would have been another case of false hope and more

  • Lesson 48: Preach Apologetics Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 7, 2018

    Basic elements of preaching to defend the Christian faith

    Lesson Goal Introduce some basic elements of preaching apologetically. Lesson Intro In Philippians 1:7, 17 Paul defended the Christian faith. Defending the Christian faith has a long history. Those who have a particular gift in this area have served the church well throughout Christian history. more

  • The Rise And Revelvancy Of Christian Apologetics

    Contributed by Alex Mcfarland on Jun 28, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    “We already know that we’re not supposed to take drugs, have sex, or drop out of school. Sometimes adults think we’re just a bunch of goofballs, only interested in pizza and concerts. But kids in our youth group really do want to learn all about Chris

    The September morning air felt cold as I walked from my car toward the flagpole. Across the school property in front of me, I was encouraged by the large gathering of students that I could see in front of the building. “Wow… a pretty impressive group at this hour,” I thought as I glanced at my more

  • Lessons In Apologetics #6: Pantheism

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Mar 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    As a worldview, Pantheism has plagued the religious thought of both the East and West from ancient times on up through our contemporary day.

    If Deism is the belief that God is so transcendent from the cosmos He created that He no longer participates directly in it, Pantheism must be the worldview at the other end of the continuum believing that a higher power exists as Pantheism holds that God is so immanent with the universe that God more

  • Lessons In Apologetics #5: Deism

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Oct 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons In Apologetics #5: Deism

    The tests or methodologies of epistemology are just the first step into the realm of Apologetics. These, in turn are applied to the assorted worldviews. The first worldview examined will be Deism. As with Christianity, Deism believes that God created the universe and set it up to operate in more