Sermon Series
  • 1. The Virgin Birth

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2019

    • When we face the darkness that accompanies life, we place our trust in God’s miraculous power in times of trouble and doubt. God gives us hope for the future (Eternal life through His Son Jesus, He also gives us hope for today, Emmanuel, God with us!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • There have always been reasons to be fearful and to lose hope in the world. • Life can get chaotic and stressful at times. Sometimes those stresses are magnified during the Christmas season. • There is so much stuff swirling around us that, at times, we can lose hope and more

  • 2. The Birth Of Jesus

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2019

    Will we let Christ rule our hearts and be our counsel, peace, and strength during dark times?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Last week we began our Christmas series entitles UNTO US. • Jesus’s birth is a powerful display of God’s faithfulness to bring peace, hope, healing, and life to a lost and dying world. • This four-week series explores the Christmas story by examining the relationship more

  • 3. The Messiah

    Contributed on Dec 13, 2019

    The Messiah has rescued us from being enemies of God, so we can learn to be at peace with all.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Today we continue with week three of our series, Unto Us. This series will lead us to Christmas. • This series has been taking us through the prophecies concerning the Messiah from the book of Isaiah. • Remember, the book of Isaiah was written over 740 years before the more