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  • Paul Escorted To Caesarea Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 25, 2017

    If Paul had been a private citizen, attempting to travel from Jerusalem to Caesarea (about sixty-five miles) he would have been an easy target for the conspirators. But God arranged for 470 Roman soldiers to protect him, almost half of the men in the....

    May 14, 2016 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.F.1: Paul Escorted to Caesarea (23:23-35) Acts 23:23-35 (KJV) 23 more

  • An Outline Of Acts 23

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 17, 2024

    This chapter begins with Paul before the Sanhedrin, or Council, and his attempt to make a defense before them. One thing led to another and the chapter closes with Paul in Caesarea, kept in custody, by Felix, the governor.

    Introduction: This chapter has three specific episodes in Paul's time at Jerusalem. First, he's going to address the "council" or Sanhedrin. Then, some enemies of Paul made a plan to eat or drink nothing until they had killed Paul. When Paul's nephew found out about this, he more

  • Conspiracy Against Paul Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Sep 11, 2021

    Two lessons we can learn. Believe the word of God, the promises of God against the threat of men and the circumstances. God would honour his servants.

    Acts 23:12-35 Conspiracy against Paul 23:12-22 Men designed to avenge Paul 22:23-35 Safe Passage of Paul Acts 23:12-22 Men designed to avenge Paul Verses 11 and 12 reveal the plan of God and the plan of evil men. God has purposed to take Paul to Rome, but bad people had gone for fasting prayer more

  • The Sanhedrin's Inquiry

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Feb 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Sanhedrin questions one of their own who has returned.

    I. PRAYER II. Introduction a. In Cambodia during the 1970’s, Hiam and his family were rounded by the Communists for being Christians. "Bad Blood" they were called. They were tied together and made to lie on the ground all night. The next morning, they were told to dig their own grave, which more

  • The Providence And Protection Of God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God in His providence provided the help Paul would need, through his nephew, the centurion and the commander. God protected Paul with 470 soldiers against the 40 men who wanted to kill him. God is in control of our trials.

    LET US PRAY: Grant us the faith to believe you and trust you fully, for all that you’ve revealed to us in your holy Word. May we be enlightened by your Word again and be encouraged today. Bless this time, we pray, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN. --------------- We saw last week how Paul was rescued from more

  • The God Of Circumstances Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Trust in the providence of God when you can't feel the presence of God.

    Recently, someone posted a picture of me and my second-grade classmates. In case you’re wondering, I’m the burly and buff looking guy on the top left (next to the star). I noticed I’m not smiling which goes along with my thug-life, tough-guy image. This picture reminded me of an alarm system my more

  • Lessons In Courage Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Thomas Bartlett on Oct 25, 2019

    COINCIDENCE: The chance happening of events that seem to have some connection Believers see God’s hand working in ways that we cannot fully understand or always recognize but we know it’s Him. We call this, the providence of God. PROVIDENCE: The Hand of God in the glove of human events

    ACTS Lessons in Courage Dr. Tom Bartlett October 13, 2019 Acts 23 OUTLINE Coincidence or Providence? COINCIDENCE: The chance happening of events that seem to have some connection PROVIDENCE: The Hand of God in the glove of human events The Providence of God Means . . . I. God is active and more

  • Drawing Comfort From God's Sovereignty

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    We can find ourselves in precarious positions where we wonder what will become of us. And yet our sovereign God is using even our weakness to accomplish His purposes.

    Passage: Acts 23:12-35 Intro: Our lives are filled with questions. 1. when we were seniors in college and not in a serious relationship, we asked “who?” 2. all of our lives we are asked, “What are you going to be…?” 3. and when we are in trouble, we ask two questions: “When is this going to end, more

  • Divide And Conquer Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Dec 8, 2017

    A study of the book of Acts 22: 30 – 23: 35

    Acts 22: 30 – 23: 35 Divide and Conquer 30 The next day, because he wanted to know for certain why he was accused by the Jews, he released him from his bonds, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to appear, and brought Paul down and set him before them. 23 Then Paul, looking more

  • Facing The Court Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 16, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    The Apostle Paul has put himself in harms way and now stands before a Roman court. Thanks to the Lord working through other people, he is bold to share his faith - a boldness we can have too.

    As we saw in verse 11 of chapter 23, Jesus’ will was for Paul to go to Rome. Paul may have not known just how he was going to get there but here he was in Roman custody, having barely escaped being torn to death twice—first by the Asian Jews in the Temple and second by the Sanhedrin itself. What more

  • Take Courage Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Oct 11, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    How the Lord appears to encourage the Apostle Paul.

    A Study of the Book of Acts Sermon # 38 “Take Courage” Acts 23: 1-35 by Dr. John R. Hamby Let me set the stage the year is 57 A.D. and Paul is at the end of his third missionary journey. He has gone through more

  • Motivation? Part Ii

    Contributed by David Richardson on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    When we have our motivation focused correctly, that is, we are doing something for God, God will honor that dedication and commitment with blessing our lives.

    Title: What’s your Motivation? Part II Scripture: Acts 23 The following is by Paul Anka & Frank Sinatra As performed by Frank Sinatra Hit # 27 on the Top 40 charts in 1969 And now, the end is near, and so I face, the final curtain. My friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my case, of which I’m more

  • He’s Got You Covered Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    No matter how hard our enemy fights against us, God will take care of us if we will trust in Him.

    He’s Got You Covered Acts 23:12-35 Intro: One of the things we start hearing a lot about around election time is health coverage. Some say that the government should guarantee health coverage for every citizen. Others say that every employer should be required to provide health coverage for all more

  • A Big Providence And Avanchle Of Promises Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 9, 2021

    God guides every detail of human history in order to fulfill his promises. It’s not fate or chance or even the strong eating the weak that runs the world, but God guiding every detail of human history.

    Voting Video plays before me. I hope you are planning on voting in the coming weeks because we need to take biblical values into the voting booth. Fall is here and the rain is finally gone! Week of Prayer for Missions is just around the corner. The intrigue & the theatre are high in our story more

  • When You're Between A Rock And A Hard Place Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    How should we respond when we're "between a rock and a hard place", one of those bad situations in life in which there seems to be no escape no matter which way you turn? In this sermon we learn how we can "be of good cheer in such situations.

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place Series: Acts Chuck Sligh February 4, 2018 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to Acts 23 INTRODUCTION Illus.- An old magazine, Mission USSR, used to tell the stories of more

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