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  • Remind The People. . .

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Sep 6, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    I’m concerned about the future, for it seems that our nation is now establishing, through many of its leaders, courts & judges, a distinctively anti-Christian agenda. The values we cherish are under assault.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Romans 13:3-4,7; Titus 3:1-2; ILL. The owners of a company employing several hundred workers were more

  • How Can Anyone Call Good Evil And Evil Good?

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 20, 2022

    Perhaps we can better understand how it might be that a Catholic politician would be so saturated with a dominant secular opinion, supported by millions of dollars of donations, that even the gravest anti-human evil could be good.

    Thirty-First Sunday in Course 2022 Good morning, fellow sinners. If we forget that sobering fact, the Liturgy reminds us every time we come to Mass of our moral insufficiencies. And we get to say “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault” and even strike our breasts every more

  • Heroes Of The Bible: Samson Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Feb 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible is full of heroes! They don't wear spandex or fly around in capes and cowls, but God empowered these heroes and heroines to accomplish some pretty amazing feats that can inspire us to become heroes of God ourselves. Our next hero is Samson. (Alliterated Outline, PowerPoint)

    Heroes of the Bible: Samson Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 8/8/2021 NOTE: This sermon was adapted from my book, Holy Heroes of the Bible. If it's a blessing to you, please consider buying the book which includes chapters/sermons on 17 additional Bible heroes: more

  • The Power Of A Tower

    Contributed by Dana Visneskie on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This message gives life lessons found in the story of the tower of babel. I show how the power of pride, unity and communication where in a group of people and how it shaped history. It was also the introcution to my message on the Anti Christ.

    Title: The Power Of A Tower Text: Gen 11:1-9 Pray!!! Read Text!!! Introduction: Anyone who travels to Edinburgh, Scotland will find Edinburgh castle a tower of seemingly insurmountable strength. But the truth is that the castle was once actually captured. The fortress had an obvious weak spot more

  • Disciplined Living Sermon Vii: Celebrate Victory By Sharing Good News Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jun 3, 2020

    In times when anti-Christian sentiment runs high in our society, mature Christians keep on keeping on and never lose sight of the victory already won by Christ our Lord and the victory promised to His faithful followers.

    MATURE CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE VICTORY IN JESUS BY SHARING THE GOOD NEWS A recent visit to the Waffle House found me sitting at the high counter next to a gentleman of Nordic descent whose Viking ancestors no doubt fought many a battle against my Anglo-Saxon ancestors. more

  • God With Us Sermon Iii: Blessed Be God's Choice Of The Virgin Mary Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Sep 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In times of trouble fomented by anti-Christian and anarchist rulers of darkness, mature Christians live in peace as we remember that the Lord our God intervened in human history to bring His light and His hope to a lost world.

    BLESSED BE GOD OUR FATHER’S CHOICE OF THE VIRGIN MARY TO GIVE BIRTH TO THE SON OF GOD One night long ago a prominent Jewish ruler came to Jesus in search of the answer to life’s most pressing question - asked in various ways . . . for example, “What must I do to inherit eternal more

  • Lets Not Be Confused

    Contributed by James Trusty on Feb 24, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    An exposition of Matt. 24-25

    Matthew 24-25 Next to Ezek. 38-39, these two chapters must be truly understood if we want all the questions concerning the rapture and the second advent to be cleared up. Most of the fallacies of men regarding these two subjects come from a wrong understanding of prophecy, and because we do not more

  • God’s Big Stick Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    God likes taking things that are broken or divided and then puts them back together to breathe life back into them. He loves take two and make them one, he desires to have us all serve Him as the true king, He loves to cleanse and set people free and as H

    Series: Restoration Series Story: Our search for God and peace! Father John Powell, professor at Loyola University in Chicago, writes about a student in his Theology of Faith class named Tommy; Some twelve years ago, I stood watching my university students file into the classroom for our first more

  • Esther 2:1-18 When You're In A Contest You Didn't Choose To Be In

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 17, 2024

    Esther finds herself in a beauty contest she didn't sign up for. In life we find ourselves in competitions that seem unfair. Discover how God guided Esther through this situation.

    We've been in Esther for the past two weeks, we've been in chapter 1, and what we found out is there is King Ahasuerus, but most of us know him as Xerxes, his Greek name. He's been throwing just one big party for six months; he's just been having a great time, living it up. He more

  • If The Foundations Are Destroyed...

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jun 10, 2021

    In tumultuous times, how shall the righteous live? The Psalmist has given us godly counsel that must be applied to our lives.

    “In the LORD I take refuge; how can you say to my soul, ‘Flee like a bird to your mountain, for behold, the wicked bend the bow; they have fitted their arrow to the string to shoot in the dark at the upright in heart; if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? “The LORD is more

  • The Beast

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 30, 2014

    In this message we will examine the beast & the anti-Christ. Understanding the mission of Satan is mandatory for the Christian to evangelize today because people will never know how much you care about their eternity until you invest in them now.

    The Beast Revelation, Part 18, Revelation 13:1-10 Introduction - On Wednesday night (plug for Wed) we saw a great application for us: -- WE KNOW THE ENEMIES BATTLE PLAN! - Today, WE have access to God in prayer -- Because of what Jesus did on the cross we have a direct line to more

  • Trusting In Ravens Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 8, 2011
    based on 154 ratings

    Why would God use Ravens to feed Elijah. They’re disgusting, unclean, anti-social and cruel birds. Why didn’t God use a simpler and more pleasing way of meeting Elijah’s needs?

    OPEN: Years ago I read the story of a man by the name of Wally who owned a farm in Connecticut. He had a remarkable talent he had with birds. Chickadees specifically. It seems that every morning these little birds would flutter down and land on his hands. And it wasn’t just for food; He’d talk more

  • Is Now A Right Time To Come To God?

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Apr 10, 2008

    Jesus is the means by which we can escape the time when the Anti-Christ rules through violence and demonic power. It will be a time like no other upon the earth. It is a time that is promised to come and we may be very near its start.

    Is now a right time to come to God? I recently talked about the Bride of Christ and how we the church will be swooped up and whisked away to a wedding day with Jesus. This event is called the Rapture and we examined it and our place in biblical history and came to realize we are living in a more

  • Part 4 - Matthew 12:1-14 - Ancient Clues Uncover The Mystery! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Sep 24, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    Talk about SUSPENSE AND INTRIGUE! Subatomic anti-matter threatens the existence of Vatican city in Rome. Key Cardinals from the Roman Catholic church vanish. And it all points to the ILLUMINATI, a secret society that has re-emerged from history.

    Part 4 - Matthew 12:1-14 - ANCIENT CLUES UNCOVER THE MYSTERY! Talk about SUSPENSE AND INTRIGUE! Subatomic anti-matter threatens the existence of Vatican city in Rome. Key Cardinals from the Roman Catholic church vanish. And it all points to the ILLUMINATI, a secret society that has re-emerged from more

  • Do You Have Salt?

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 27, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The world poses a threat; anti-Christian elements don't understand us; the media often stereotypes us as ignorant or hypocritical. Our response? To withdrawal into our Christian subculture. Jesus said that's NOT the way. We're to be Salt!

    DO YOU HAVE SALT? Matt. 5:13 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: GRANDMA’S NICK-NAME 1. We all leave a legacy behind us – a reputation. One girl identified her grandmother's reputation. 2. While eating dessert, nine year old Karen claimed, "Grandma makes the best apple pie in the whole more

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