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  • He's Waiting At The Well

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Like the woman at the well, we are thirsty for salvation, and Jesus waits for us with living water at the well.

    Introduction: Our reading today is so completely rich with meaning that I am going to go through it verse by verse. I hope in this way to open the text that it might address us where we are, for Christ always comes to us no matter where we are. Prayer: Lord God, we come thirsty. We live in a more

  • Open Our Eyes

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Mar 3, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus never walks by us, and when He stops our faith will grow if we retell the stories of His touch.

    Introduction: Jesus has traveled to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Booths, which was one of the three festivals when faithful Jews would travel to Jerusalem. The other two are Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost). During the Feast of Booths which is seven days between late October and late November, more

  • You Want Me To Follow You Where?

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to follow Him to the places where we need to grow. It won’t be easy, but the reward is great.

    You Want Me to Follow You Where? Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; John 1:43-51 The Reverend Anne Benefield Geneva Presbyterian Church, January 18, 2009 Introduction: Our scripture lesson today is found in the end of the first chapter of the gospel of John. You may remember that John’s Gospel begins with more

  • You Carry The Gospel!

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on May 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    If we truly believe then we will want to share the Gospel in actions as well as words.

    Introduction: The passage that we study today is called the “Great Commission.” The disciples have gone to Galilee to meet with the Risen Christ. These are the last words of Jesus to His disciples and in them He does three things: 1. He assures them of His power. 2. He gives them a more

  • Spirit Of The Living God, Fall Afresh On Me

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on May 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Your life can sparkle with the Spirit if you will let the Spirit live within you.

    Introduction: Today is the birthday of the church. We find the account of what happened in Acts of the Apostles, which perhaps should be called “Acts of the Spirit.” Newsweek magazine features a short column in which famous authors tell what the five most important books to them were. Garrison more

  • Called To Worship; Equipped To Serve

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Jan 29, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The work of a believer begins with worship of God. Although we benefit from worship, worship is for God.

    Called to Worship, Equipped to Serve Psalm 62:5-12; Mark 1:14-20 The Reverend Anne Benefield Geneva Presbyterian Church, January 25, 2009 Introduction: Mark’s gospel begins abruptly. In the first thirteen verses, we learn that John the Baptist proclaimed the coming of the Messiah, and that John more

  • Who's The Authority?

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Feb 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We live in a culture where vacuous celebrities are given amazing amount of authority. We need to look to the real authority, Jesus, who will lead us to right decisions.

    Who’s the Authority? Deuteronomy 18:15-18; Mark 1:21-28 The Reverend Anne Benefield Geneva Presbyterian Church, February 1, 2009 Introduction: Before I read the story, I’d like to explain a few things that will make the passage clearer. We’re still in the first chapter of Mark and we will stay more

  • Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Apr 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    There’s plenty of room for us so let us follow Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life.

    Introduction: This passage is near the beginning of Jesus’ farewell address to the disciples. As scholar William Barclay writes: “In a very short time life for the disciples was going to fall in. Their world was going to collapse in chaos around them. At such a time there was only one thing to more

  • The Last Lecture

    Contributed by Anne Benefield on Apr 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In the farewell discourse Jesus is giving His "Last Lecture" that brings together the most important messages He has for us.

    Introduction: This is the third in a series of sermons on Jesus’ farewell discourses in the Gospel according to John. These words have special importance because in them Jesus is telling His disciples and us what is critical in faith. John 14:15-21 Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my more

  • Life Is A Continual Adjustment Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 24, 2024

    We have all seen many adjustments take place in our lives. Some fairly easy and some not so easy. If it were not for God and His Word, we would struggle to manage through.

    Think with me of some of the changes and adjustments Ann has seen and experienced in her almost 82 years of life. 1. Household duties: Washing, ironing, heating, cooking, and bathing. 2. Transportation 3. Communication: mail, phones, computers 4. Ann has experienced her final adjustment. We, this more

  • What A Mighty God We Serve! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 21, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    1. He can drive out every disease (vs. 8-12). 2. He can expose His enemies (vs. 13-16). 3. He can transform everyone who turns to Jesus (vs. 16-20).

    What a Mighty God We Serve! The Book of Acts - Part 68 Acts 19:8-20 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Revised July 21, 2018 BACKGROUND: *Remember that here in Acts 19, Paul was on his third missionary journey. His team was reaching many people in the city of Ephesus. They saw the more

  • A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Survive

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Jan 20, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    This morning, I was reading Mark 3:24-25, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I did not remember the context in which he said it. I found it in a Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. I thought about Lincoln’s realization. It seems to me that we are again a divided nation.

    Title: A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Survive Scripture: Exodus 20:16, Mark 3:24-25, Ephesians 4:29 Summary: This morning, I was reading Mark 3:24-25, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I did not remember the context in which he said it. I found it in a Collected Works of more

  • A Bright Light For My Dark Night Series

    Contributed by E. Venn on Nov 23, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Have you wondered about the spiritual gift of prophecy? Would God leave Christians to wandering about in darkness in these last days? Or has He provided a bright light for our dark night in the spiritual gift of prophecy? Who is the source of this brig

    Pastor E. Douglas Venn Preached at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Moscow, ID on October 8, 2005 God always lights our way in the darkness of these last days  He always shares His plans with us ahead of time through prophets with the spiritual gift of more

  • Is Narnia Christian?

    Contributed by Andrew Corbett on Dec 29, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    Exploring both the debate within the Christian community about the value of The Chronicles of Narnia and the debate within the secular community about its allegorical meaning.

    CS Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia are now acclaimed by many as the standard for what is considered ’classic’ in Children’s fantasy literature, yet they have provoked heated responses from Christians who reject their use of mythology, and even derision from some aspects of the secular media for its more

  • Jesus Is The Way Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 6, 2022

    Although we should be concerned about how we live in this life, the most important concern is the way to God and thus heaven; Jesus is that way.

    Jesus is the Way (John 14:1-11) 1. Misunderstandings happen all the time. Here are some: My toddler was about to hit her head on a bar at the playground, so I told her to duck. She quacked at me and then hit her head. A guy ran into a service station and said he needed some 710. They had no more

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