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  • Philippians And Stress 1: Making The Best Of Stress Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Mar 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Make stress a learning experience. Make stress a growing experience. Make stress a fruitful experience. Introduction to the book of Philippians and the series

    PHILIPPIANS AND STRESS: MAKING THE BEST OF IT--Philippians 1:1-11 ***We are beginning today a series on stress. Before we begin, I want to give you a stress test, developed by the American Institute of Stress. On the screen, we are going to project a picture of two dolphins jumping out of the more

  • The Feel Of Balance: Coping With Stress Series

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Oct 2, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Third in a series on balance based on the sermon titles from [Note: I switched the order of the three sermons from that which was given by and the middle sermon on the peace of God (Phil. 4:1-7) was given by a guest preacher.]

    The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 2, 2005 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. Philippians 4:8-13 “The Feel of Balance: Coping with Stress” A while back, a Tahoma, Washington newspaper carried a story about Tattoo, a basset hound. Tattoo didn’t intend to go more

  • How To Handle Stress

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Mar 13, 2024

    We live in a world full of so many stressor. God has given us the tools to handle these stressors.

    Welcome and good morning everyone! So blessed to see everyone here today! An atheist was walking through the woods. He heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look and saw a huge 7 foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his more

  • Fellowship: Not An Institution

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 26, 2018

    Our tendency to institutionalize everything has crept into the church as well. With this the idea of limited liability has also crept into the Church. But Jesus' message is not of limited liability.

    We are meditating on the topic of Fellowship this month. All of you know that we are called the Bangalore Bible Fellowship. How many of us know what we stand for, what BBF stands for? What is our purpose? I want to start with that today. The Purpose Statement of Bangalore Bible Fellowship reads more

  • Are You Stressed? Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Many today in our society are chasing after the wind and ending up overwhelmed and stressed in their lives. The result of this state is that many are robbed of their joy in life.

    Are You Stressed! On the lighter side: Two video clips from commercials to stress - stress Question: How do you manage your stress? Thesis: Many today in our society are chasing after the wind and ending up overwhelmed and stressed in their lives. The result of this state is that many are more

  • Surviving Job Stress Series

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    In order to survive job stress, we must put God first; we must sometimes say "no" to other things in order to say "yes" to God.

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the demands of your job, as if no matter how hard you work, you just get farther and farther behind? You go into the office early so you can get some work done before the phone starts ringing, you work through lunch answering e-mail, you stay late trying to get the more

  • 02 Near To The Heart Of God Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Sep 30, 2014

    How do we deal with stress? Stress! - Impedes our joy - Invades our peace - Intensifies our difficulties

    1 Sa 30 Dr. Cleland Boyd McAfee (1899-1944) was serving as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Chicago, Dr. McAfee was stunned to hear the shocking news that his two beloved nieces had just died within 24 hours of each other from diphtheria. Turning to God and the Scriptures, McAfee soon more

  • The Institution Of Marriage Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 12, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    exposition on matt ch19v1-15

    The Institution of Marriage Matthew 19 v. 1 - 15 v3 "Is it lawful for a man to put away hie wife for every cause?" 1. The source of this question v. 3 "the pharisees" 2. The subtlety of this question v. 3 "is it lawful?" to contrast Christ with the law 3. The solution to this question v. 4 - more

  • The Institution Of Marriage

    Contributed by David Smith on Jan 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    ’Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like horse and carriage’. So we’re told, but not in my book they don’t, and by ’my book’ I mean the Bible.

    ’Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like horse and carriage’. So we’re told, but not in my book they don’t, and by ’my book’ I mean the Bible. That’s a warm and inviting way to start a sermon, isn’t it? But the tone is set for us today by our reading from the Old Testament - the more

  • The Passover Is Instituted Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 21, 2022

    Passover, also called Pesach is a major Jewish holiday that celebrates the Israelite's Exodus from slavery in Egypt, which occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, the first month of Aviv, or spring.

    THE PASSOVER IS INSTITUTED Exodus 12:1-20 (KJV) 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month shall be the beginning of months: the year's first month. 3 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take more

  • Freedom To Stress-Less Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    #5 of a 6 part summer series from the Book of Philippians on how we are free in Christ

    FREEDOM TO STRESS-LESS Freedom! Series #5 PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9 INTRODUCTION: (Video: Running Just to Catch Myself = 4:18 - And then it starts all over again. And no matter what your name.. Ross or otherwise - you can probably relate. We are worn-out, burnt-out and stressed-out. more

  • Stressed Out By Stress

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Aug 27, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    One of the greatest truths of Christianity is God's promise to always be with the Born-Again Christian in every situation and circumstance of life. This is one truth that is known, yet somehow is hard to truly believe!

    "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." (Isa 12:2 NIV) In a Harris Poll taken for the American Psychiatric Association (Stress in America Survey 1/2012), it was discovered that 81% of more

  • Stress (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Jan 12, 2022

    Statistics show over 70 percent of Americans regularly experience stress. This sermon shows some signs of stress and the factors that cause it.

    Opening: A woman took her husband to the doctor's office. After his checkup, the doctor said, "Your husband is suffering from a very serious infection brought on by stress." The husband, who had a hearing problem, asked her, "What did he say?" His wife answered, "He more

  • God Cares Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 28, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    Why would God bother to tell us to cast all our anxieties upon Him? Why is that so important

    There was a guy named Bob Redrow who was on his first business trip to Japan. He and his colleagues were picked up by a van to be taken to their meeting, and during the ride Bob became anxious and upset by the driver. The van was zipping through the narrow streets… and all the while the driver was more

  • Institution Of The Lord's Supper Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 20, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In our lesson today we learn that the central focus of the Lord's Supper is the remembrance and proclamation of Christ's saving work.

    Scripture We continue our study in The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians in a series I am calling Challenges Christians Face. One of the challenges that Christians face is the issue of proper Christian worship. Let’s learn about that in a message I am calling, “Institution of more

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