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  • Getting Your Hands Around God’s Love Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jul 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Maybe the reason we love our sin more than we love our God is that we don’t really understand how much our God loves us! Paul describes God's love as wide, long, high, and deep. Each of these words will help us grasp more of God's love for us.

    Getting Your Hands Around God’s Love Ephesians 3:14-21 Ever wonder why it’s so hard to live the way you know God wants you to? You have that one little temptation that keeps getting you, no matter how hard you try? You feel like you could have written Romans 7, where Paul says, “I don’t do what I more

  • God Sees All Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 29 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THE WAY OF THE WICKED IS NOT HIDDEN FROM THE EYES OF THE LORD KEY VERSES: 1) :11 The wicked deny that God sees 2) :14 The righteous testify that God sees I. (:1-2) THE RIGHTEOUS WRESTLE WITH THE DELAY IN GOD’S DELIVERANCE AND JUDGMENT A. (:1) The Why Question “Why dost Thou stand afar more

  • Seeing As God Sees Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on May 29, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    When God has a work for us to do He knows where to find us and transform our lives for that work.

    May, 2007 Seeing As God Sees I Samuel 16:1-13 INTRODUCTION: In this scripture Samuel has been instructed to go and anoint a new king. The Lord reproved him for mourning about Saul. God said, “I have rejected him and all of your tears and mourning won’t change things. Now get over it and go more

  • An All-Seeing Eye

    Contributed by Alan Smith on Aug 16, 2002
    based on 225 ratings

    God knows all that we are doing, but that can be comforting as well as frightening.

    Introduction: One of the key thoughts in all the Old Testament is the idea of knowing God. God said through Jeremiah, "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, that he more

  • Blessed To See God.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 1, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    We willingly accept the blessings, but must also embrace the responsibilities.

    BLESSED TO SEE GOD. Matthew 5:1-12. The Sermon on the Mount is directed towards those who are already disciples of Jesus (Matthew 5:1). This is important. It counters both those religious hopefuls who find the Beatitudes impossible to keep, and those religious moralists who glibly announce, “I more

  • See From God’s Heart

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Feb 27, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The greatest commandments are to love God with all our heart, and all our mind, and all our soul, and all our strength and to love others as ourselves. There are no commandments greater than these.

    See From God’s Heart 03/30/08 AM Reading: Mark 12:28-34 Introduction There is no other commandment greater than these - Matthew reports Jesus as saying that all the rest of the law and the prophets hinges on these two laws. (Matthew 7:12) This is the teaching of the laws of Moses in a nutshell. The more

  • All-Loving Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 109 ratings

    Many words describe God’s nature and character; one word encompasses them all -- love.

    THE PASTOR’S POINTS sermon ministry of CEDAR LODGE BAPTIST CHURCH Thomasville, NC a fellowship of faith, family and friendships ---------------------------------------------- April 13, 2003 16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not more

  • The All-Seeing Eyes Of God

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Jan 1, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon reminds us that God sees all. It's both: delightful and dreadful. He sees our good and bad immediately.

    Introduction: Have you ever thought about the all-seeing eyes of God? The traveler in our our text emphasizes the tiredlessness of God. He neither sleeps nor slumbers. Imagine that; His eyes are eternally opened. Although, we do not think of God in physical sense except through Christ; we try to more

  • Love All Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Dec 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the fourth and final AC sermon...

    **This is an abbreviated message due to the mornings activities... Over the past few weeks we’ve been talking through the themes from our Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All. The idea of the campaign is pretty simple and its built on a belief that we are all more

  • All Mankind Shall See The Glory Of The Lord

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jan 14, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Manifesting the glory of God

    Lk. 3:15-22 Theme: All mankind shall see the glory of the Lord Text: Is. 40:1-5, 9-11; Titus 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Lk. 3:15-16, 21-22 Read Isaiah 40:5 “The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” One important lesson we more

  • Seeing Me As God Sees Me

    Contributed by Jim Kane on May 1, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The Resurrection of Christ gives us the power to live for and with God, as we believe the truth - I Am Significant in Christ - behind the Resurrection. (Part 3)

    In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey tells the following story as he rode the NY subway one Sunday morning: “People were sitting quietly- some reading newspapers, some lost in thought, some resting with their eyes close. It was a calm, peaceful scene,” wrote more

  • Seeing God In All God's Glory Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Feb 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Catching a glimpse of God’s glory empowers God’s people for mission and ministry

    Luke 9:28-36 “Seeing God in All God’s Glory” INTRODUCTION Mountain tops have always fascinated us. We love their beauty and the panorama we have from these lofty sites. Not only do we marvel at their beauty, but we have always had a sense that they allow us to come closer to God. Because of more

  • All Means All

    Contributed by John Beehler on Dec 29, 2003
    based on 81 ratings

    The 2 greatest commandments

    All Means All Jesus has made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He has cursed the fig tree, cleared the temple, and had his authority questioned. It is now Tuesday of his last week and he is teaching in the Temple. It had been a day of intense debate, a war of wits and words more

  • Love All Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Dec 20, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    Talks about the way God loves us and how we should love others

    Love All Advent Conspiracy Series Final Week (3) 12/20/2009 Introduction Slide Love. Love is a word we use a lot to describe our affection for things and in America, we love a lot of things. We love our kids We love our spouses We love our freedom We love our sports teams We love chocolate We more

  • All That She Could

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Mar 22, 2006
    based on 134 ratings

    We see this Mary three times, all of which she is at the feet of Jesus. And she did all that she could. And Jesus said she will remembered.

    Next month, we celebrate Easter Sunday. Today, I will talk about one thing that happened right before the cross, so that we can begin to return our focus on Jesus, His death, and His glorious resurrection. The one thing I think most about when I think about Jesus dying and then coming back is more

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