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  • All These Things

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Jun 5, 2018

    Things that will busy your life, but cause you to miss heaven.

    ALL THESE THINGS Scripture: Matthew 4:1 -11 I. THE TEMPTATION (to accept all these things). A. Christ was tempted. B. You and I are tempted . Satan offers everyone a version of "all these things." C. Reaction to the temptation? II. THE TASTE (for all these things). A. Christ sought more

  • Giving It All Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Nov 4, 2017

    Jesus celebrates the sacrifice of the giver, not the size of the gift.

    Beth and I had the joy of serving at the Fall Festival of Fun on Tuesday night. I’m thankful to Sheila Kuriscak and her team for creating this family-friendly outreach. Our job was to greet people as they came in and give kids bags for all their candy. I would estimate that more than 70% of more

  • God For All

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Jan 1, 2018

    Jesus was born into a Jewish family as God's chosen Messiah for the Jews. The feast of the Epiphany when we celebrate to revealing of Jesus to the gentiles clearly shows that Jesus was born for everyone and is reaching out to YOU.

    God for ALL Matt 2:1-12 Today we have the readings for the feast of the Epiphany and from the early days of the Church, this feast has been considered in some ways more important than Christmas. Epiphany recalls the arrival of the magi to Bethlehem in search of the King of the Jews and 'epiphany' more

  • Three For All Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Jul 25, 2012

    Presents the work of the Trinity in bringing salvation

    Introduction What I will first note is that we are reading an epistle. An epistle is not, as one young student guessed, the wife of an apostle! It is a letter. This letter, as with most of the letters or epistles, starts off with the standard form of address. We begin with “Dear… more

  • Leaving It All

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jan 21, 2015

    Our role as disciples of Christ requires that we leave everything behind and put Christ first in our lives. It is easy for us to practice Christian discipleship when it is convenient for us, but Christ calls us to much more.

    I want us to get a sense of the experience of these fishermen on the day Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee and summoned them to follow him. So we are going to take a minute and use our imaginations. So, however you use your imagination best, prepare yourself to do that now; whether it’s more

  • Lord Of All Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 12, 2015

    Is Jesus our Lord?

    Lord of All Colossians 1:13-20 Hudson Taylor was a man who made Jesus his Lord. The son of a preacher, saved at the age of 15 Hudson Taylor as a youth fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. His pastor father had prayed for years that his son would go to China as a missionary and as a more

  • For All The Saints

    Contributed by Ryan Ferwerda on Jan 15, 2021

    A look into a lost faith tradition of reflecting on the life and work of the saints, especially Saint Hilary of Poitiers, feast day January 13

    This past week my First-Grade son, who goes to the local Catholic School, along with all of this first grade classmates, helped lead the Wednesday mass. This was the second time this school year that he and his class has done this, and thus it was the second time that I went in order to see him and more

  • The Call Is For All Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    We are all called to be saints, and that just means that we are called to be all we can be for the kingdom of God. We are to be willing to expose ourselves to the Word of God and be growing in the knowledge of God and His will.

    Dr. Paul Brand was called by God to become an expert in treating the deformed hands of lepers. This Christian doctor has done more for restoring the hands of lepers then anyone in history. It all began in 1947 in a leprosy sanitarium not far from Madras, India. He was being shown around more

  • Judge Of All Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 10, 2021

    We are in the very first week after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will be thinking more about the purpose and aftereffects of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique in nature. Read to know the purpose.

    Theme: Judge of All Text: John 5:16-30 Introduction: We are in the very first week after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will be thinking more about the purpose and aftereffects of the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique in nature. All were dead and gone. No one was more

  • All Prepared

    Contributed by Paul Davidson on Jan 26, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus warns us to assess the genuineness of our faith and be prepared for His return. Do we look like the Church, but are devoid of the Holy Spirit? Instead of lives transformed by the power of Christ, are our lives more like performance art? Jesus is coming at any moment! Are you prepared?

    INTRODUCTION Do you agree that in God’s master plan, there is no such thing as “coincidence”? A few weeks ago, your pastor asked if I would be willing to preach today. Not only did I tell him “Yes!” on the spot, but I also told him that I knew exactly what I wanted to preach. You see, God had more

  • Not All Is Lost

    Contributed by Lucy Paynter on Mar 25, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    I was invited to minister at a conference this weekend. The Theme is, "NOT ALL IS LOST." I wondered why they phrased it that way, and why not "All is Not Lost,"

    But when I continued to meditate on this I understood that this is what the Holyspirit wanted us to focus on. NOT ALL IS LOST! Do not rephrase or rearrange the sentence but pause, reflect and let it sink in NOT ALL IS LOST! Loss is one of the most devastating issues with no rules or plans. It more

  • Is This All There Is To Life?

    Contributed by Russell Metcalfe on Mar 18, 2021

    Abraham discovered that real LIFE is about walking with God! Getting to know God! And in the text Paul tells us that God still wants people to walk with Him by faith.

    March 7, 1993 Romans 4:1 "What shall we say that Abraham ... has found?" The question of our text, "What has Abraham discovered?" comes between two Bible stories in our lesson for today; one from the Old Testament, one from the New. Both of these stories touch on the profound more

  • All For The Good

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Dec 4, 2021

    Tree of Life Messianic Congregation 4 Dec 2021 - Parsha Miketz - Continuation of the saga of Joseph in Egypt and how all the things that happened to him were ordained by God and for the good of Israel.

    20211204 Parsha Miketz – All For The Good Torah Portion   Gen 41:1-7 Haftarah         Zech 4:1-7            Brit Chadashah       1 Thess 5:12-18      The tenth reading more

  • All In For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Feb 14, 2022

    If I am not “all in” for Jesus then Jesus is not in me at all

    ENGAGE After Mary and I got married, I had enough credits so that I could finish up my degree at the University of Arizona in just one semester – that is as long as I could complete 21 units of classwork. Since I was also working three different part-time jobs at the time, I knew that was going to more

  • All Sinned Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 12, 2022

    Paul refers to the rejection of the Jews because they had rejected Christ and the way of salvation available through Christ. Paul proves their guilt through their own scriptural references.

    Romans 3:1-20 All Sinned and Fall short This passage teaches that humanity has completely failed to reach God. Paul introduces a dialogue between himself and a Jew, but in fact, it’s a monologue presentation. Paul refers to the rejection of the Jews because they had rejected Christ and the way more

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