
Summary: We, as humans, think we understand things. The starting point for becoming truly wise is to recognize that there is a power greater than us. That power is God Almighty. No true understanding exists apart from the knowledge of the one who is all knowing.

We only have a limited knowledge, a surface awareness at best. We must know our Creator — the Lord God Almighty — if we are to ever have true understanding and function correctly.

1. IT'S ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW - God has made Himself known through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. In knowing Him, we begin to understand what life is all about. Then, and only then, can we truly live life. That is why you must know God! So, let’s get to know Him!

2. THE NECESSITY OF KNOWING GOD - According to the Bible, “the knowledge of the Holy is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10). It doesn’t say the knowledge “about” the Holy. It says, “the knowledge of the Holy.” There is a vast difference between having information and having true understanding. We live in an information age. There is a knowledge explosion. Everything is geared to the philosophy that “the more we know, the better we are.”

3. INFORMATION IS NOT ENOUGH - But that is not the case! The reality is that it is not enough just to have information. We must have true, personal intimate knowledge of God. A true spiritual transformation must occur in our lives. Therefore, the knowledge of God is absolutely essential. Oh, the wonder of it all! Just think, He actually desires to give us the guided tour through life.

4. EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE IS ESSENTIAL - According to the Apostle Paul, his burning passion was “that I may know Him” (Phil. 3:10). Yet he, of all men, knew Him! Paul knew the Lord in great depth and intimacy. If it was essential for Paul to know him more fully, then how much more do we need to know Him?

5. TESTIMONY OF KNOWING GOD - Philippians was the first book that really came alive to me. When I read Philippians 3:10 I said, “That is my desire, my prayer. Yes, I want to know you, Lord!”

Is it your prayer? May your passion be, “Oh, that I may know Him!” Once I began to know Him, my desire became two-fold. “Lord, I want not only to know You myself, but I also want to help others get to know You.”

A few years later I came across a phrase by Dawson Trottman, founder of The Navigators. He said our objective should be “To know Him and to make Him known.” What an excellent summation of the Christian life!

6. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO KNOW GOD - The focus must remain on knowing God. So what does it mean to know Him? It is not learning about Him. Knowing God involves having a vibrant relationship with Him. This should be ongoing, ever growing, and maturing.

Once we begin to know Him, we have the privilege of making Him known. We can tell others about how Christ has radically transformed our lives. That is making Him known.

CHALLENGE - Do you know Him like this? Are you making Him known?

Copyright©2000 Dr. Lewis Gregory

You are encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way. Please give credit to the author in any printed publications.

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