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  • Our Life Verse

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 6, 2024

    John Newton called John 3:16 his life verse.

    John 3:14-21 “Our Life Verse” 1. John 3:16 Martin Luther said, “If there’s one Scripture that can heal my ailments, it is John 3:16.” • John Newton, the great author of “Amazing Grace,” cherished John 3:16 and called it his “life verse”. • Tyler Hunkabee said, from the book of Max Lucado ,”I’m an more

  • The Mayan Mystery”

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Aug 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Is 12.21.12 the year that the comic clock ticks for the last time? Newsweek wrote, “The belief that the year 2012 will mark a global transformation is widespread.”

    Powerpoint Slides Available Over the last few decades Americans has been hit hard with a big idea that is summed up in one word – “Change”! From politics to health care, from social security to education, from the economy to morality, “change” is the operative word! more

  • ¿con Qué Frecuencia Utilizas La Palabra De Dios En La Oración?

    Contributed by James Dina on Jun 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    La Palabra de Dios tiene un papel esencial en todos los aspectos de tu vida de oración. Su comunión con Dios se basará e incluirá mucha comunión a través de la Palabra.

    ¿Con qué frecuencia usas la palabra de Dios en la oración? La Palabra de Dios tiene un papel esencial en todos los aspectos de tu vida de oración. Su comunión con Dios se basará e incluirá mucha comunión a través de la Palabra. Tu alabanza more

  • Faith

    Contributed by Todd Stacey on Dec 12, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Faith and what it meas to us a christians

    Faith is a word often used in the church but what does it really mean? Faith has a two fold sense in the Bible. On the one hand it means “trust” “reliance” and on the other hand “fidelity” “trustworthiness”. Romans 3:22 -24 This is righteousness given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who more

  • Le B.a. Ba (2) Series

    Contributed by Patrick Berthalon on Dec 21, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Solides fondements suite...

    Le concept de la croissance L’un des enseignements et objectifs clairs du Nouveau Testament pour les croyants concerne la croissance spirituelle. Quand nous sommes sauvés, peut importe l’âge que nous avons physiquement, nous sommes nés dans la famille de Dieu en tant que bébés (des petits enfants) more

  • To Die Is Gain

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jun 14, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Reasons why to die is gain

    In Philippians 1:21, Paul says, "For me to die is gain." Death to the child of God is our friend. A friend is someone who helps you. for a child of God opens the entrance into eternal bliss with God. is for our benefit. Those who die in Christ gain freedom from pain and more

  • Jesus: The Most High!

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Nov 28, 2015

    People live with too much stress.Jesus offers a way to deal with it. Man's ways fail.

    Jesus: The Most High! Kelly Durant John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 2. When I first started out evangelizing in the 1970’s, there were a lot of drugs, oriental more

  • Aprende, Aplica Y Evalua

    Contributed by Juan Quintero on Apr 6, 2016

    La vida se asemeja a una carrera de velocidad en la que las personas anhelan alcanzar metas... aprende a manejarlas a la manera de Dios...

    La vida se asemeja a una carrera de velocidad en la que las personas anhelan alcanzar metas y logros en la que muchos para llegar lo hacen, por un lado sin medir las consecuencias de sus actos, y por el otro sin disfrutar del recorrido. Quizás para ellos la idea sea solo el alcanzar un determinado more

  • Turning Thorns Into Roses

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jun 3, 2018

    The decided weakness of Paul, which he called his “thorn” was kept vague so everybody could relate to whatever type of aggravating affliction, discomfort, constant temptation, emotional or physical or bouts.

    14B Elif Shafak wrote “be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses”   1). The thorn “thrown”at Our Lord in our Gospel reading today was actually the rude comments by his hometown folks who dismissed him as being “all too more

  • Healing For A Hurting World

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 2, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus offers us the healing that we need in thsi world.

    INTRODUCTION  Clarice Lukenbill, Spencer, Ind. Christian Reader, "Lite Fare." I overheard two older men talking about their health problems at our church. "My new doctor doesn’t just treat the symptoms, he treats both the mind and the body." "Hmm," the second man grunted and thought for more

  • There Is Hope For A Tree That Is Cut Down

    Contributed by Pastor E. Jolly Erhunwmunse on Sep 9, 2010
    based on 21 ratings

    Beginning to thank God that you are still alive today that is why you can still cry about a particular need. Think about it, what about if you’re not alive will you need anything or feel anything, then for you to be alive today and you are passing through

    Today I congratulate every one that I have the opportunity of reading this message from the throne of grace, today many situation that has being questioning the God you serve shall be put to shame. Dear reader I bring to you a message title “THERE IS HOPE FOR A TREE THAT IS CUT DOWN” more

  • 10 Manieres De Pratiquer La Purete

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Mar 30, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Quand tu es amoureux, il est normal de vouloir exprimer ton amour de manière physique. Mais tu sais également Dieu veut que tu restes sexuellement pur - dans tes actions et tes pensées. Parfois c’est un équilibre dur, mais montrer l’amour pour des autres

    10 MANIERES DE PRATIQUER LA PURETE Quand tu es amoureux, il est normal de vouloir exprimer ton amour de manière physique. Mais tu sais également Dieu veut que tu restes sexuellement pur - dans tes actions et tes pensées. Parfois c’est un équilibre dur, mais montrer l’amour pour des autres d’une more

  • El Dolor Del Ayer Series

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 81 ratings

    Esta es una serie de sermones que pueden ser usados para una campaña de tres dias, para alcansar al perdido. El tema de "El Dolor del Ayer" trata de como DIos puede liberarnos y hacer de nosotros una nueva creatura.

    “EXPRIMENTEMOS UNA LEBERACION REAL” Juan 8:32,36 “El Dolor Del Ayer” -- Parte 1 Isaías 4:18-19 Dios en toda su naturaleza nunca a cambiado; El continua siendo el mismo. En poder, amor, misericordia, bondad, sabiduría, soberanía, etc. Y a raíz de todo esto el desea brindarte una verdadera more

  • The Bible & 2012

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Nov 14, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    - People are asking questions - Is the world coming to an end in 2012? - The Bible answers this question

    - Roland Emmerich’s "2012" - Independence Da y (96), Day After Tomorrow (04) - $200 million Movie - Called the “mother of all disaster movies” - Tag line “Mankind’s Earliest Civilizations Warned Us” - What are the odds?”, “I thought we would have more time” - US News & World report - 60% believe more

  • 7 Pasos Para La Victoria Series

    Contributed by Juan Quintero on Feb 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Estamos comenzando una nueva decada 2011 - 2020 y tenemos la experiencia de los primeros años de este siglo para aprender y corregir lo incorrecto para vivir la vida victoriosa que Dios promete en su palabra

    INTRODUCCION Victoria es una palabra que a todos nos gusta escuchar, pero pocos quieren vivir el precio de alcanzarla, esta enseñanza de hoy muestra que la palabra Victoria para alcanzarla necesita de nuestro compromiso personal y de la fe necesaria para verla aunque las circunstancias parecieran more

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