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  • A Better Location, A Better Arrangement Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Sep 5, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    We serve a Savior Who is superior to all, and Who relates to us from the inside out.

    A Better Location, A Better Arrangement (Hebrews 8) 1. An Arab was walking through the Sahara desert, desperate for water, when he saw something, far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he walked towards the image, only to find Hymie sitting at a card table with a bunch of ties laid out on more

  • The Promises Of Prayer

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Aug 19, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Let us be encourage to pray because God promise to answer our prayers.

    INTRODUCTION Prayer is one of the reasons people turn away from God. When their prayers are not answered, they would doubt the existence of God. But prayer is also one of the reasons people turn to God. When their prayers are answered their faith in God is strengthened. Let us find more

  • Genuine Love Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jul 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    It's easy to say, "I love," but Paul challenges the Corinthian Christians to live out their love by giving freely and generously to those in need.

    2 Corinthians 8:1-15 “Genuine Love” INTRODUCTION Most of the world knows that Facebook recently went public and that it’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg shortly after the Facebook event was married to Priscilla Chan. At $19 billion, many media personalities speculated about more

  • This Changes Everything Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Mar 8, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    The first message in a 7-Part Series, Shift - A New Way of Thinking. Today's message from Matthew 5:17-20 explores Jesus' connection with the Old Testament.

    This Changes Everything • Matthew 5:17-20 Introduction: As Jesus identifies in the Beatitudes, a Kingdom person should HUNGER and THIRST for righteousness. He is not simply interested in our AGREEMENT but rather our SURRENDER. About this passage: Serve as an intro to the five blocks of more

  • The Study Of “the Two Covenants” Series

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Jul 20, 2015

    The Study Of “The Two Covenants”

    The Study Of “The Two Covenants” 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: INTRODUCTION The Bible is divided into two parts: (1) the Old Testament, and (2) the New more

  • Core 52 Week 35 - Communing With God And One Another Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Sep 1, 2020

    It's dangerous to cut off the blood flow to your extremities. We risk damage when this happens. It's also very dangerous to cut ourselves off spiritually and relationally. Communion helps us to stay healthy and thriving.

    You can listen to the sermon audio here: Core 52 Week 35 - Communion With God and One Another Intro: • Dumb stuff we do as a kid - like wrapping a rubber band tightly around the end of your finger and watching it turn colors. o (You did it, or your best more

  • Thoughts On Submission

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 7, 2024

    A touchy subject, but Scripture is clear.

    There was a discussion about women submitting to their husbands, but submission touches every realm of our lives. 1 Corinthians 16:16  That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth. Ephesians 5:22  Wives, submit yourselves unto your own more

  • Christian Unity

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 3, 2019

    What does Christian unity mean? Does it mean that we agree on everything? Does it mean that we allow the sinful standards of the world to infiltrate? Jesus prayed for our unity. Let’s look at part of the long Lord’s prayer in John 17:20-26 and see what unity truly is.

    What does Christian unity mean? Does it mean that we agree on everything? Does it mean that we allow the sinful standards of the world to infiltrate? Jesus prayed for our unity. Let’s look at part of the long Lord’s prayer in John 17:20-26 and see what unity truly is. Christian Unity Before we more

  • When Sin Entered In-7 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    7 of 7. Genesis chapter 3 precisely documented the original appearance of sin. But what is significant its entrance? 23 considerations regarding the entrance of sin. Sin entered in with ...

    WHEN SIN ENTERED IN-VII—Genesis 3:1-24 Attention: Little 5 yr. old Johnny told everyone he wanted to be a Medical Doctor. His parents always encouraged Him that he could be anything he wanted to be. One day while playing he hurt his eye & ran screaming to his Mommy, “Now I more

  • Say It Loud Say It Clear

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 25, 2018

    A study in the book of Deuteronomy 27: 1 – 26

    Deuteronomy 27: 1 – 26 Say it loud say it clear 27 Now Moses, with the elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying: “Keep all the commandments which I command you today. 2 And it shall be, on the day when you cross over the Jordan to the land which the LORD your God is giving you, that you more

  • A God That Is On Your Side

    Contributed by Terry Owens on Apr 26, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    God’s not working against us, He’s on our side.

    Have you ever felt like nothing good ever happens to you? That somebody else is getting the blessing you need. Have you ever said to yourself, why can’t God bless me? I’ve got a news bulletin for you this morning. The feelings of isolation, loneliness, and abandonment that you have faced are more

  • How's Your Service Plan

    Contributed by Terry Owens on Oct 28, 2001
    based on 71 ratings

    See what God is looking for in service to Him.

    Every moment of every day you’re living out your commitment to Christ. Those around you that knows that you’re a Christian watches you to see if you’re really living the life. I think the world really wants to see a real Christian, but so often they see those who profess Christ, but they don’t more

  • The Faith Of An Overcomer Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 15, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    We can base our faith on the reliable testimony of God.

    INTRODUCTION SLIDE #1 • We talk a lot about faith and how faith in Jesus changes our lives. Our faith in Jesus is the thing that allows us to overcome the world. • Our faith helps us to overcome the sin that is so prevalent in the world. Our faith in Jesus changes everything about us. • I know in more

  • Tithing: One Of The Most Important Responsibilities Of Any True Believer

    Contributed by Gilbert Varela on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    What does it mean to be stewards? Does it means that we are partially owners, and partially stewards or does it means that there is someone else who owns everything we seem to posses? The question is not who owns what you have, but who is in charge? Who i

    Tithing One of the Most important Responsibilities of any true Believer Mat. 23:23-24 23: (Stewardship Day) Una de las mas importantes Responsabilidades del verdadero Creyente Numbers 18:21-32, Malc.3:8-12 Lev. 27:30-33, " ’A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or more

  • Abundant Life With A Capital "L"

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Nov 19, 2007

    God offers us abundant life through our commitment to him. He has committed himself to us. Our job is to commit to him through our prayers, presence, gifts, and service.

    Abundant Life with a Capital “L” Luke 9:18-27 November 18, 2007 Today is Thanksgiving Sunday; a day when we stop and intentionally remember how blessed we have been by God. On this coming Thursday, we will do what our American ancestors have done since before we were even a nation: we will feast more

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