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  • The Lesson Of Agitation: Pearl

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 20, 2023

    We have a basic trust that good comes out of bad. Whatever agitates us could bring us to the heart of heart. Are we building on sand or building on the rock?

    AGITATION: WALKING THROUGH THE PEARLY GATES… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. ( YouTube: Wade Hughes) *Agitation: anger, very worried, upset, a state of anxiety, nervous, to stir up, disturbing, restlessness, to argue, quickly frustrated. Severe agitation can be a mark of more

  • What Are You Teaching?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 17, 2015

    Are you agitated? Do you have an anger driven ministry? Does the negative seem to domain? It may take this storm to get you where God desires you to be?

    WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING? HEAR SOME BASIC LESSONS? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I. WHAT AM I REALLY TEACHING? ANGER DRIVEN? MY EXAMPLE AS HOW I HANDLE AGITATION... A. God gives very clear directions... Numbers 20:8 Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and more

  • Why Did Jerusalem Tremble? Series

    Contributed by Bradley Berglund on Dec 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Herod was agitated by Messiah. Why did Jerusalem tremble also? Was not Messiah the answer to their problems? This message explores the inner fears that keep someone from receiving liberty in Jesus Christ.

    Why Was Jerusalem Troubled? Matt 2:1-8 Last week – Herod had no room for another King No one would rule his life No one would rob him of the souls he claimed – (Note the King of Sodom – Gen 14:21 – “Give me the persons” = Give me the souls) Herod was more

  • Stew, The Smell Will Tell

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    STEW, CONTINUAL STATE OF SUPPRESSED AGITATION and WORRY. Many people in our churches are not thankful as they are too busy stewing? A skunk may claim to be a cat, but the smell will tell.

    STEW: THE SMELL WILL TELL. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Matthew 21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered more

  • Stir Up The Gift

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Mar 28, 2024

    What God is looking for is some good old Holy Ghost agitators, someone that is going to help the Spirit of God to move in our life, the life of the church, and the life of God’s people.

    I want to say thank’s be to God, that there is still near the sheep a house of mercy, and grace and a pool that supplies every need, like Grace: which keeping from me what I don’t deserve and Mercy which allows me to get what I do deserve. ??As we look at this passage, we see that there was a more

  • Words: Consider The Source Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 31, 2021

    Seriously, though, there is a difference. God’s Word has power to propel us through life in Godliness, the word of man has some power, and the word of agitators can have a good dose of negative power. When it comes to words, we need to consider the source.

    Words: Consider the Source (Proverbs 29:18, 19, 21, 22) 1. None of us doubt the power of words. This story illustrates it. 2. A group of Frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other Frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, more

  • The Anointing Is The Difference Series

    Contributed by Ricky Nelms on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    This is the seventh message in the series "From The Problem To The Solution". The power of the anointing will help you from the problem to your solution. The outline is 1-The origination, 2-The agitation, and 3-The coronation of the anointing.

    From the Problem to the Solution #7 - THE ANOINTING IS THE DIFFERENCE This morning, we're continuing, right on through to years end, our series of messages entitled FROM THE PROBLEM TO THE SOLUTION And by way of review, we've told you already, that in order to get FROM THE PROBLEM TO THE more

  • Devices Of The Devil: Anger Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 6, 2010

    There are two words translated anger in the New Testament one carries the idea of passion and energy, the other irritation and agitation. Anger is sinful when it leads us to a loveless response. There are symptoms of dangersous anger given along with th

    Intro: Last week in our study we covered Apathy. Apathy is possibly the second most powerful device of the devil. It is a vice that slowly or tightens its grip on us and causes us to be cold and unconcerned with the things of God. If apathy is the vice that slowly pinches off our emotion or more

  • The Gospel Message Is Disturbing! (Turning Worlds Upside Down) Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jun 1, 2023

    The message of the Gospel is a disturbing message. To disturb means to excite from a state of rest or tranquility. It means to awaken, to agitate the mind, or to ruffle. The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a gospel that turns the world upside down.

    Subject: The Gospel Message is Disturbing! Text: Acts 16:16-24 One day as we were going down to the place of prayer, we met a slave girl who had a spirit that enabled her to tell the future. She earned a lot of money for her masters by telling fortunes. 17 She followed Paul and the rest of us, more

  • Shaken Series

    Contributed by Cesar Verdeflor on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    The people surrounding the virgin birth of Jesus were shaken in different fashion—whether they were moved to praise God, or stimulated into humble submission or was agitated or shook up to insecurity, the thing to remember is that around the time of Chris

    The whole earth shook not because of an earthquake; nor a meteor at a high speed hit the earth with a loud explosion. The whole earth shook not because of another volcano that’s been asleep for a long time awoke then suddenly erupted. The whole earth and its inhabitants were shaken when the Son of more

  • Being Transformed Into Glory Is Not Pleasant, But It Is Necessary.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Dec 1, 2016

    We agree that we are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus, but this is not easy, nor is it painless. God therefore will use any means to achieve this, even our own families to agitate and root out an imperfection in us.

    This sermon was delivered to St Oswald’s, Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 15th August 2010; St Oswald’s is a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries. The readings for today are: Jeremiah 23:23-29 Psalm 82 Hebrews 11:29-12:2 Luke 12:49-56 “Please more

  • Look On Us!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 31, 2015

    The word ‘US’ has vanished from our vocabulary! ‘ME’ stands out! If at all the word ‘US’ operates, it is for agitation and not for edification! Hear me out today please!

    Look on us! Acts 3:1”And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.” Many times we focus on the healing of the 40 year old man who sat near the temple, but I would like you to focus on the words of Peter and John here: ’Look on us!” Rarely we hear more

  • A Contrast In Heart Attitudes Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 25, 2018

    Dealing with people means adjusting to a variety of responses. Some are just nasty, bitter, agitators; others more open-minded/gracious. Some are open to the Gospel, others become adversaries, while others do not embrace the Gospel but are not hostile.

    A Contrast in Heart Attitudes (Acts 17:1-15) 1. “On a highway in Indiana, about 20 cars were trailing behind a slow driver in the passing lane who wouldn’t change lanes. When Indiana State Trooper Sgt. Stephen Wheeles noticed the line of traffic, he decided to do something about it. “Wheeles, … in more

  • Why Do Some People Promote Psalm 83 In Our Days As A War? Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Nov 20, 2023

    Because of the current war in Gaza caused by hateful Islamic terrorists, some people are writing on Psalm 83 saying it is a prophetic Psalm that means a war is coming. I am writing to refute that idea. Some people get agitated in pushing a war but Psalm 83 is not prophecy.

    WHY DO SOME PEOPLE PROMOTE PSALM 83 IN OUR DAYS AS A WAR? One of the most uncertain writings in the bible is Psalm 83. I never used to hear anything about this Psalm a few years ago, but now a few people are making reference to it. Some are going as far as to say this is a prophetic event that more

  • Are You Positioned For Revival?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 1, 2020

    The lame man, like many Christians today, didn't get his miracle in the agitated waters, because he didn't position himself close enough to the revival zone. If you want revival, you must get and stay as close as possible to the Holy Spirit.

    ARE YOU POSITIONED FOR REVIVAL? John 5:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A professor gathered the papers after an exam and found a $100 bill attached to one of them with a note saying: "Dear Professor Smith, here’s a $100 bill which you may keep if you give me 100 points - a dollar per more

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