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  • Being On God's Side Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jun 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    It’s more important for me to be on God’s side than it is for God to be on my side

    ENGAGE How many of you here this morning would like for God to be on your side? I think that most of us would answer that question yes – at least at first. But this morning, I’m going to ask all of us to consider that question more carefully and perhaps as we do that, by the time we finish this more

  • Not Giving Up On God's Agenda

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Feb 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon that looks at the temptation of Jesus and encourages people to see the importance of God’s agenda in their lives.

    Someone once said Have you ever wondered why opportunity knocks once – yet temptation bangs on the door constantly? Do you find this true? Supermarkets are aware that we are easily tempted. Why do you think they place lollies, soft drinks and magazines at near the cash registers where we have to more

  • "Choosing To Live By God's Agenda" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 17, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Where do we stand in the crowd on Palm Sunday? Are we a part of the fickle majority, the convinced minority, the 12 disciples, the critical Pharisees or other people who opposed him?

    Iliff and Saltillo UM Churches Palm Sunday March 20, 2005 “Choosing to Live By God’s Agenda” John 12:12-19 INTRODUCTION: Are you aware that year after year we hear or read this story and miss what God is saying to us about our personal life? Within this story is the truth about why many of us more

  • Getting On Gods Time Agenda

    Contributed by Brian Menear on Mar 26, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    When you waste time, it has no resurrection! Use it wisely for the Kingdom.

    Getting On Gods Time Agenda The key to successful Christianity begins when you get on Gods agenda for time and off of your own. Time is all we have-what we do with it is up to us. We must make the right decisions with our time. A wise Christian refuses to allow lifes demands to control their more

  • Kingdom Agenda For Kingdom Men Series

    Contributed by Phillip M Davis on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    When men know and understand the Kingdom of God they become a mighty and powerful force in the world - they become The Father Force!

    THEME: “KINGDOM PEOPLE LIVING BY THE BOOK” TEXT: Malachi 4:5-6; Acts 6:5 – 8 TITLE: “A KINGDOM AGENDA FOR A KINGDOM MAN” Introduction: 1. God has called and is calling fathers and men from the church, into the community and into our homes! However, before we can become the kind of man that God more

  • Not Part Of Jesus' Agenda

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jun 27, 2022

    A sermon for the Sundays after Pentecost, Year C, Lectionary 13

    June 26, 2022 Hope Lutheran Church Luke 9:51-62 Not Part of Jesus’ Agenda Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. In 1845 Sir John Franklin set off with two ships from England. They were in search of the Northwest Passage across the more

  • The Devil's Agenda Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Mar 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    As Christians, we are in a spiritual battle against a cunning, crafty, and powerful enemy - the devil.

    We must acknowledge that our enemy, the devil, has a specific agenda. He wants to deceive and blind us, leading us away from the truth and into darkness. But as children of light, we must be aware of his tactics and stand firm in the truth. The devil wants to blind us with lies and shroud us in more

  • Moving Forward On God's Agenda PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 5, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores our calling as Christians to spread the Gospel, empowered by Christ's authority and reassured by His constant presence.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. Isn't it a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord, to share in fellowship, to lift our voices in worship, and to sit at the feet of our Savior as we seek to learn from His infinite wisdom? Today, we find ourselves standing on the precipice of a profound more

  • What Good Is It? Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 29, 2012

    What is Jesus’ agenda for you today?

    Mark 8:31-9:1 What Good Is It? 5/27/01 D. Marion Clark Introduction In the movie The Matrix, Keanu Reeves must make a quick, but irrevocable decision – whether to swallow a pill that will let him live a normal life in a world of illusion or to swallow another pill that will make him able more

  • Staying On God's Agenda (Acts - Part 18) Series

    Contributed by Jeff Christopherson on Jan 15, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    steps to staying on God’s agenda for your life...

    Staying on God’s Agenda Acts 10:34-11:18 Acts Series: “Completely Irreligious, Yet Radically Christian” Part 18 May 18, 2003 GETTING THE CONTEXT… Peter fairly exploded with his good news: “It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you more

  • The Blessing Of Good Grief Series

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Jul 28, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God extends delight to the one who mourning over the reality of their spiritual bankruptcy

    We have often described this one thing as affliction, anguish and agony. Some have considered it the successor of trouble while others consider it the predecessor of moral collapse, failure, disintegration and decay. To be sure, some have overcome insurmountable odds and have come out triumphant more

  • Who Were You Expecting?

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Apr 12, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ Longs to make a "Triumphal Entry" into our hearts but our expectations of who Christ is “supposed” to be can keep us from receiving Christ as He actually is.

    WHO WERE YOU EXPECTING? “Misunderstanding Christ at the Triumphal Entry.” Mt. 21:1-17 Fr. Christopher M. Nerreau Introduction: • Have you ever listened to someone on the radio and then seen them in person? They are never what you expect. Or have you ever read a book and then watched the movie, more

  • Lordship Of Christ

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Oct 7, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Thomas uttered one of the most profound statement of faith when he saw the resurrected Lord. To acknowledge His Lordship, we need to let go of our agenda, choose to have faith and see Jesus as He truly is.

    RECAP last week sermon – Joshua 14:6-15 A look at Caleb, who followed the Lord wholeheartedly - what stands out for such a man? (1) TRUST IN THE UNSEEN GOD - He Does Not Believe Everything He Sees (2) CLING TO THE PROMISE - He Does Not Despair Over Misfortunes (3) CRAVE FOR THE BLESSING more

  • Gods Time

    Contributed by Darren Woods on Jul 15, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Focus:- Divine agenda supersedes human agenda Function:- To encourage listeners to wait on the Lord

    Introduction Weddings are happy and joyful occasions! When we think of weddings we think of bright, happy music, the church and a banquet hall nicely decorated with flowers, streamers, balloons and colour-coordinated linens and so on. We think of family and friends, all dressed in their best more

  • Anatomy Of Destruction - Satans Corporate Agenda

    Contributed by Bob Groves on May 20, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    A look at how satan goes about weakening churches.

    Today – Change gears to a CORPORATE FOCUS A Church Like Ours The Devil Does NOT LIKE YOU/ME...FAM! What would satan do to hamper us? Weaken us? Where would he show up if possible? How would he go about his business? 2 Passages Is. 14:12-15 “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son more