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  • Living Like Christ Or Like Scrooge?

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 26, 2024

    Like last Sunday, today’s pericope looks at statements made by Jesus not long before His arrest and passion, as Christ focuses our attention on the “last days.”

    First Sunday of Advent 2024 One of the most obvious signs that our Western culture was at a crisis point, and sliding or crashing in the wrong direction happened about forty years ago when the Advent season, which begins this Sunday, was turned into a pre-Christmas season. As time passed, it more

  • A Noticable Difference In Our Homes

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 23, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    Having Jesus should make a noticeable difference in our homes. (Jesus is enough - prat 7)

    “Jesus Is Enough” “Therefore There Should Be A ND In Our Homes” “I have been crucified with Christ... And I no longer live, But Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” - Gal 3:20 “Then He said to them more

  • How To Be A Passionate Church Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    A study on the 7 model churches as described by Jesus in the book of Revelation. Learn why the church is so important, and your part in what He’s up to in these last days.

    How to Be a Passionate Church Series: Will the Real Church Please Stand Up? October 22, 2006 This morning I want to give you a little science lesson on thermodynamics! Remember that word from high school science class? In case you don’t, “thermodynamics” is a branch of physics that studies the more

  • Fireproof Your Future - Preparing For Times Of Uncertainty Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Oct 27, 2008
    based on 157 ratings

    What to expect in times of societal change as a person trying to live a godly life and how to prepare yourselves for those times

    Fireproof your Future - Preparing for times of uncertainty A godly life brings opposition A godly life brings hard choices A godly Life requires that we know Who we believe in A godly life brings blessing and peace Slide Intro We are living in very uncertain times. Finances We have a financial more

  • Foundation Five: Conflict Resolution In Marriage Series

    Contributed by Greg Brown on Jul 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A study on conflict resolution in marriage

    Foundation Five: Conflict Resolution in Marriage How should couples resolve conflict in marriage? Conflict is, essentially, part of human nature. After Adam sinned in the Garden, conflict ensued. When God asked him if he had eaten of the forbidden tree, he did not simply say, “Yes.” more

  • The Church Of The Laodiceans Series

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Mar 7, 2024

    This is the seventh and last Bible study in the series.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible more

  • Seven Churches Of Revelations Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Dec 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible more

  • How Should We Avoid Being Conformed To The Pattern Of This World? (Rom. 12:

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    How Should We Avoid Being Conformed to the Pattern of This World? (Rom. 12:2)

    How Should We Avoid Being Conformed to the Pattern of This World? (Rom. 12:2) There is always a danger of giving in to the temptations of the world to just feel like being “normal” in our modern society. Today it is easier to try to fit in, blend in and give in to the popular trends in the more

  • Hearing God When He Speaks

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 17, 2002
    based on 313 ratings

    People tend to listen only to what they want to hear. Why do we do that to God and how can we learn to listen when He speaks?

    People have a tendency to listen only to what they want to listen to… Keith Downing shared a story about his Uncle Dick. Apparently his uncle noticed that every time he ate his favorite food, chitlins, his foot pained him immensely that evening. The family physician confirmed his suspicion of more

  • Five Signs Of Stubbornness Towards God

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Our stubbornness towards God can be terminal in our walk with Him.

    Five Signs of Stubbornness Toward God (adapted from a message preached by Dr. Dave Hartson) June 1, 2003 Chester First Baptist, Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A From Proceedings, the magazine of the Naval Institute, Stephen Covey captured a great truth about more

  • The Fourfold Name In Isaiah 9:6

    Contributed by Warren Bird on Dec 17, 2002
    based on 174 ratings

    The magnificent fourfold name given to the promised child in Isaiah’s prophecy is a great encouragement, at Christmas and all year round.

    Introduction I don’t expect any of you to remember, but I promised at this time last year to preach tonight’s sermon at some time. My pre-Christmas message in 2001 was on the subject of “God’s Unique Sign” and in it I briefly discussed the verse in Isaiah 9:6 where the promised son is to be called more

  • The Man Who Would Not Listen

    Contributed by Larry Elder on Jul 14, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    When God convicts us of our lifestyles, we choose to listen or not. The choice to listen will bring great blessing and rewards into your personal life, your family and your area of influence.

    The Man Who Would Not Listen 2 Kings 14:11…Amaziah, however, would not listen Palm Sunday Jesus Shows Up It was Palm Sunday and Sue’s five year old son had to stay home from church, with a neighbor, because of strep throat. When the family returned home carrying palm branches, he asked what more

  • Winning The Battles Of Life

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Nov 28, 2004
    based on 105 ratings

    Verse one of this Psalm 46 lists three things that we can know about God that will help you relax in spite of the outcome of any battle you face.

    WINNING THE BATTLES OF LIFE Psalms 46 In God’s word, life is often compared to a series of battles. In the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul advises Christians to prepare themselves for the day- to-day combat of life by putting on "..... the full armor of God" As he faced his own death he more

  • Christian Be In Submission Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on May 25, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Christian are you easily in submission today to the people and government that God has placed before you? This is an area in which many fail. Let us seek direction from God’s word today.

    Christian be in Submission Christians…to be in Submission Government ordained of God (v.1-2). Government ordained to promote good and restrain evil (v.3-5). Government ordained to provide benefits through taxes (v.6-7). In U.S. Navel Institute Proceedings… Two battleships assigned to the training more

  • Living In A Lions Den Without Being Eaten

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Oct 17, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    We find helpful foundational teachings in Daniel 5 and 6 to help us survive attacks of our enemy. Who is our primary enemy: The Bible says, Satan goes about like a roaring lion."

    Living in the Lions Den Without Being Eaten Daniel 5:1-6:28 Has there been a time in your life you felt you were under attack? One of the times in my life and family that I experienced attacks from evil happened when I was pastor of the FMC in Taylor, Michigan. (Myrtle Hannah) We find helpful more

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