
Living Longer: A Biblical Perspective

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Many believe that our lifespan is predetermined and unchangeable. However, the Bible suggests that our actions and beliefs can influence the length of our lives. This sermon explores this concept, offering a biblical perspective on how we can potentially extend our lives through faith and righteous living.


Many people believe that they cannot die until their time comes. But what does the Bible say about this? The Bible teaches us that the length of our lives can be influenced by our actions and beliefs. Therefore, it is important to understand that any enemy who is not afraid of dying is a formidable adversary. Our faith and the way we live are crucial factors in determining the length of our lives.

Scripture Passage: Proverbs 10:27 (NIV)

"The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short."

King Asa's Untimely Death

Let us examine the story of King Asa, who died before his time according to the Bible. In 2 Chronicles 16:12, we read that Asa became severely ill in his feet, but instead of seeking the Lord's help, he turned to physicians. This passage does not condemn seeking medical assistance, but it highlights Asa's failure to seek God's intervention. As a result, he died prematurely.

The Power of Belief

Our belief system plays a significant role in our lives. Ecclesiastes 8:13 states that the wicked will not prolong their days because they do not fear God. Conversely, Proverbs 10:27 tells us that the fear of the Lord adds length to our lives. King Asa's reliance solely on doctors and neglecting to seek God's guidance led to his untimely death.

The Influence of Doctors and Medical Science

While doctors and medical science have their place, it is essential to recognize their limitations. There are instances where medical professionals encounter mysterious cases or acknowledge that certain conditions are beyond their expertise. For example, some doctors may advise patients to seek prayer when faced with unexplainable ailments. It is crucial to understand that no medical device can detect the effects of witchcraft or spiritual attacks.

Jesus' Power Over Death

Jesus demonstrated His power over death by raising people from the dead. This indicates that premature deaths do occur. The enemy has the ability to shorten lives and bring about untimely deaths. Lazarus, the son of the widow of Nain, and the daughter of Jairus were all young individuals who had not lived out their days before Jesus intervened and restored their lives.

The Dangers of Sexual Immorality

Sexual immorality is a significant terminator of lives. Engaging in sexual immorality not only puts one's physical health at risk but also invites spiritual consequences. It is crucial to avoid sexual immorality and maintain purity to protect our lives from destruction.

The Influence of Oppression

Oppression, whether experienced in dreams or physically, can be a silent killer. It is important to address and pray against any form of oppression before it becomes a threat to our lives.

The Power of Faith and Obedience

To prolong our lives, we must repent of our sins, accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, and seek deliverance through prayer. Obedience to God's commands and guidance is also crucial in prolonging our lives.

The Importance of Divine Insurance

Divine insurance is obtained through faith and trust in God's protection. Memorizing and confessing Psalm 91 daily can serve as a powerful prayer for divine protection against premature death.


God desires for us to live long and blessed lives. However, there are powers and forces that seek to terminate our lives prematurely. By repenting of our sins, seeking deliverance, and placing our faith in God, we can overcome these threats and enjoy the fullness of life that God has intended for us. Let us trust in His guidance, obey His commands, and walk in His protection as we journey through life.

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