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  • Making Necessary Adjustments For The New Year

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 6, 2007
    based on 21 ratings

    There are some adjustments we can make in order to have a more productive New Year. Are we willing to discipline ourselves in order to see it happen?

    January, 2007 “Making Necessary Adjustments for the New Year” Matthew 2:13-23 INTRODUCTION: STORY: A supermarket in the Midwest could not understand why at a certain time every winter there sales plummeted. They studied their product line and interviewed customers. They did everything more

  • Ministry Is A Stretch! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Serving is about what is, not what should be. It involves giving and receiving, blooming where you are planted, and seeing both the individual trees and the forest. Ministry is a stretch!

    Ministry is A Stretch! (Jeremiah 37-45) 1. Life has a way of socking us between the eyes. I remember my teen and young adult years and the feelings of broken relationships, disappointment, uncertainty about future direction, and all the stresses of that stage of life. 2. As I aged, I found out more

  • Confronting Suffering

    Contributed by Clarence Clough on Jun 15, 2008

    Maturely coming to grips with suffering requires moving from the "Why" level to a level of understanding the realities of suffering.

    CONFRONTING SUFFERING Text: 2 Cor. 12:7-10, And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of more

  • Rough Beginnings Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Sep 11, 2023

    In this sermon, we consider the back story of the letters to the Thessalonians - the founding of the church. It's tumultuous beginning helps us to understand a bit of the environment into which the new church was planted and some of the ongoing struggles they faces.

    Pre-quals Every story has a back story. We may not always gain insight into the back story, but there are things impact characters and cultures. When George Lucas wrote the original Star Wars series, he had in his mind some of the events leading up to the movie that many of us were first more

  • You May Need And Attitude Adjustment

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Aug 12, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Life is to short for us to have a bad attitude all the time.

    YOU MAY NEED AND ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT Matt. 5:3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after more

  • Do You Need An Attitude Adjustment?

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 11, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    How often do you struggle with having a bad attitude? How often do you spend your time moping around or angry at the world? Do we go around, thinking everything around us stinks when in fact it’s not everything around us, but our attitude that stinks? Som

    DO YOU NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT? INTRODUCTION: Anyone ever say that to you? “You need an attitude adjustment!” How often do you struggle with having a bad attitude? How often do you more

  • Jacob, The Man Who Learned To Adjust Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Each of us is different, and each of us has a long way to go.

    Jacob, The Man Who Learned to Adjust (Genesis 25:19-34) 1. John went to visit his old grandfather in a secluded area of Georgia. After chatting all night John’s grandfather made a breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast. However, John noticed a film on his plate, and questioned his grandfather, "Are more

  • You Might Need An Awe Adjustment Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jul 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Make no mistake about it, God is gracious and will give me as many do-overs as I need, but I want to limit them because I know every time I drift away from God, it hurts Him, and it hurts me, I suffer consequences too. So, I want to keep the course. I want to keep the faith.

    Introduction Last week, I told you that as a Christian, I love God and because I do love God I do not want to take advantage of do-overs in my life because I drifted away from God. Make no mistake about it, God is gracious and will give me as many do-overs as I need, but I want to limit them more

  • Covid-19 Adjusting To A New Normal Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We are living in a way we would have never imagined

    Adjusting to a new normal We are living in a way we would have never imagined a couple of weeks ago. COVID-19 reminds us of our frailty and vulnerability. This is a time of great concern for everyone, it will involve suffering and many will experience the sadness of bereavement. To stop the spread more

  • Concentrated Conversions And Pushing The Envelope Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes God opens our hearts and minds to His will in increments.

    Concentrated Conversions and Pushing the Envelope (Acts 9:32-43) 1. It seems that Philip had planted several churches around Joppa, and Peter was traveling to them to strengthen them and teach them. He came to an area near modern Tel Aviv, where our story takes place. Lydda is now know as Lud more

  • A Set Up

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Mar 12, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    We can adjust to the change God brings.

    A SET UP Acts 6.8-15 S: New Covenant C: Adapting to Change Th: A People with Purpose Pr: WE CAN ADJUST TO THE CHANGE GOD BRINGS. Type: Narrative PA: How is the change to be observed? • Be a person of faith, like Stephen – a man of character and courage. • Adjust yourself, adjust your more

  • Leave, Cleave And Weave

    Contributed by David Ibeleme on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Helping Married folks adjust to and enjoy their marriage

    LEAVE, CLEAVE & WEAVE “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Gen. 2:24 The marriage union is likened to the relationship between Jesus and the Church – Eph. 5:31. It is therefore the greatest level of relationship more

  • Repentance: Breaking Free From Past Failures Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 23, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Repentance is key to the adjustments we make daily to stay on course.

    IS THERE A H.E.R.O. IN THE HOUSE? SERIES Repentance: Breaking Free From Past Failures 3 OF 4 Exodus 20.5-6 February 15, 2009 Chester FBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A The last few weeks we have seen our share of airplanes in the news. 1 First it more

  • Advent - The Realization Series

    Contributed by Jerald Scott on Nov 19, 2024

    Adjusting our expectations to meet God's desires

    Advent - The Realization Christmas is the happiest time of year, right? During the coming week, most of us will join with family and friends in celebration. We will have time off from school and work. But, experts tell us that December is when there is the highest incidence of depression. One more

  • “in Times Of Change” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on May 22, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    God calls to us to guide us through times of change.

    Our day is certainly a day of tumultuous change. We could describe the changing times we face today the same way Russian empress, Catherine the Great, described the changing times of the eighteenth century, said, “A great wind is blowing and that gives you either imagination or a more