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  • Christians And Problems

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 6, 2021

    We need to realize that just because we have been chosen by God, called into the family of God, joint heirs with Christ, we are not immune to everyday problems.

    Chosen by God! We need to realize that just because we have been chosen by God, called into the family of God, joint heirs with Christ, we are not immune to everyday problems. Problems like anger, depression, inferiority, and resentment. Christians are not different because we are free of problems, more

  • How To Get More Out Of Church

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 6, 2021

    We are living in an age and time in which this seems to be the theme; how to get more out of……

    They're showing how to get more oil out of an old well. They also advertise how to get more out of our water supply by using certain things. The same is true about our homes and cars always get more use out of what we have. Why should we as Christians not want to get more out of our churches more

  • Overcomers

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 11, 2021

    This world has a lot of obstacles in place to defeat us as Christians. Three thoughts one how to be an overcomer.

    Followers of Jesus have been given different names over the centuries. 1. First, they were described as followers of the way. 2. At Antioch, they were called Christians which means Christ ones. Acts 14:26 3. Perhaps the most common word for those committed to Jesus, is disciple. Disciple means more

  • Trouble In The Life Of A Christian

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Sep 11, 2021

    One of the hardest questions to find answers to is why do Christians have trouble in their life?

    1. One of the hardest questions to find answers to is why do Christians have trouble in their life? 2. A word of caution, judge not. John 9:1-3 a. Who sinned? b. Why the birth defects? 3. We can take all the verses on suffering, add them all together and divide them into three areas. 4. Three men more

  • Should There Be A Difference

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    It seems in this generation we are living in, there is an air of permissiveness. “If it feels good, do it.”

    It seems in this generation we are living in, there is an air of permissiveness. “If it feels good, do it.” Everyone else is doing it, saying it, what is wrong if I do? What I want to talk to you about today is being different, taking a stand for the Lord Jesus. 1. There should be a difference more

  • Introduction To Ruth Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    The book of Ruth reminds us that God never leaves Himself without a witness. Moses was His witness in Egypt. Elijah was His witness in Israel. John the Baptist was Christ’s forerunner.

    The book of Ruth reminds us that God never leaves Himself without a witness. Moses was His witness in Egypt. Elijah was His witness in Israel. John the Baptist was Christ’s forerunner. I. Facts About the Book of Ruth 1. There are four chapters, 85 verses, more than 2500 words. 2. The time period more

  • The Dilemma In The Land Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    A famine forces Elimelech and his family to move to Moab. God turns something that was bad and turned it into good.

    I. The Famine in the Land 1. A famine of food. 1 of thirteen in the bible. 2. The period of the famine. a. In the days when the judges ruled. b. Was a space of 450 years. c. 13 judges ruled in all. d. It was a very evil time. e. It was a time of moral and theological degradation. 3. The famine more

  • The Tale Of The Unexpected Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest. Naomi came back bitter, but Ruth turned the negative into positive with trusting in the God of Naomi.

    I. The Return to Bethlehem Ruth 1:6-9 1. Naomi has had good news from back home. a. The Lord had visited His people in giving them bread. 2. Three elements are revealed in the initial moments of the return. a. Naomi tells the girls to go back to Moab and return to their Moabites families. b. The more

  • Gleaning In The Right Field Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    As impoverished women in that ancient culture, Naomi and Ruth had few options for earning a living. Naomi desires for her to glean in the relative, Boaz's field.

    I. The Cousin of Naomi 1. Ruth 2:1 2. Naomi has a kinsman of the family of Elimelech whose name was Boaz. 3. He was a mighty man of wealth. 4. Boaz was mighty in fortune, fame and in fight. 5. Boaz was not a weakling. II. The Consent for Gleaning 1. Ruth 2:2 2. The first change is seen in the more

  • The Summons For The Skirt Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    Ruth goes to Boaz at night and proposes marriage.

    I. The Submission of Ruth 1. Ruth 3:6-7 2. Ruth obeys Naomi by faith, trusting the counsel of Naomi and Boaz. a. Ruth was sincere in the promise she made to Naomi. Ruth 1:16-18 b. We need to be persons of our words. c. Sincerity in promises is integrity of character. You cannot have character more

  • The Reward For Ruth Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 21, 2022

    Boaz accepted the right to marry Ruth and God blessed them with a son. The women of the town named him Obed, since God had redeemed Naomi.

    I. The Preparation of Boaz 1. He recognizes the priority of the kinsman. a. 4:1 b. In the fact there is a kinsman ahead of Boaz who could redeem Ruth, so Boaz goes looking for him. c. The most likely place to find Him. The city gates. 1) People would congregate, watching for those returning and more

  • Contrast Between The Saved And Lost

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 30, 2023

    What is the difference between the saved and lost? Is there a contrast? Should there be?

    On the day that man sinned and fell, God promised a Redeemer. Just before God penned the last Amen in the Bible, He gave another invitation to sinners to accept that Redeemer. In verses 7-8, is shown the sharp contrast between the saved and the lost. The one thing that brings about that contrast more

  • What I Believe

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Mar 30, 2023

    In a world that says, everyone's truth is subjective. Today is the day to stand up for what we believe. My belief is grounded in God's word.

    I want to speak to you today on what we believe. There is no question about in whom we believe. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone once said to me, “Just exactly what does your church believe? What do you believe? No one could reach on all we believe in one service, but I want us to more

  • The Greatest Love Story Ever Told Series

    Contributed by Andian Adams on Apr 6, 2023

    For Jesus was sent into the world, died on the cross and prepared the way for mankind to be forgiven by God. And how did it all start? It started with a love story. Perhaps the greatest love story ever told.

    Good Friday Based on Matthew 21:14-15 After reading of the events that unfolded during the crucifixion of Jesus, there are a lot of emotions that tore through my soul. Even after hearing the story of the crucifixion many times in the past there is still sadness caused by the events that transpired more

  • Our Change Of Masters

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 15, 2023

    Man was made to rule. When God created man, he gave him priority over all things. Yet it is equally true that man was made to serve.

    In the beginning, man was placed in the garden to keep it and to address it. He was to serve his maker. We find within man a war, two great forces seeking the mastery of his life. Galatians 5:17. Evil and good, sin and righteousness. If evil seeks to rule man, so also the good spirit. That spirit more

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