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  • The Man With The Pitcher, Not The Picture, Just The Pitcher Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Oct 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Guidance can be difficult and we may struggle with it. God often send to us the man with a pitcher. We don't have much of a picture of what lies ahead, but the Lord is there. Just take note of the man with a pitcher.

    THE MAN WITH THE PITCHER, NOT THE PICTURE, JUST THE PITCHER [1]. THE MESSAGE FROM PILGRIM’S PROGRESS Who has read Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan? I love that book. Many decades ago, and all through the 1800s etc., nearly everyone read Pilgrim’s Progress, even non-Christians. Sometimes in more

  • Pitchers And Trumpets

    Contributed by James May on Mar 17, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Break the flesh "pitcher" and blow the trumpet through spreading the gospel. That is ever God’s battle plan for victory.

    TRUMPETS & PITCHERS Judges 7:19-21, "So Gideon, and the hundred men that were with him, came unto the outside of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch; and they had but newly set the watch: and they blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers that were in their hands. And the three more

  • A Pitcher Of Water

    Contributed by Gino Cascieri on Apr 3, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    In this message you will see the strong connection with water in the ministry of Christ.

    “A Pitcher of Water” Text: Luke 22:7-18 Intro: I want us to focus on verse 10. What I find interesting is that the man who was to meet Peter and John was to be bearing a picture of water. This man could have been bearing something else or involved in a number of activities. I believe that there more

  • Candles & Pitchers!

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Oct 23, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    For way too long we have bought in on the misconception that bigger is the only way to win the battles as a Church.

    Scripture: Judges 7:1 – Title: “Candles & Pitchers” THE PROBLEM! · God’s people were under persecution of an enemy as a result of “Idol Worship! (Again!) · Israel couldn’t be satisfied with ONLY One God, they wanted to worship other gods ALSO! / “Idol Worship” was a CONSTANT problem! / more

  • Sin And The Pitcher Plant Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Aug 19, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    If you have ever found yourself enticed by sin once then unable to stop once you gave in, then listen to this message as God shows Israel what they need to do in order for God to rescue them.

    The Australian Pitcher plant is beautiful to behold. This is especially true for certain kinds of insects. If you know anything about pitcher plants you know they are what are called carnivorous because they eat meat. Here’s how it works for the Australian Pitcher: The pitchers secret nectar to more

  • Such A Man

    Contributed by James May on Mar 20, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon was preached on Palm Sunday but is very easily adapted to any evangelistic or exhortation sermon. The bearer of the water pot was "such a man" that God was able to use him to bring the Plan of Salvation one step closer to fulfillment.

    SUCH A MAN By Pastor Jim May This is Palm Sunday, the last Sunday before Easter. Today is the day that we remember the Triumphal Entry of Christ into the city of Jerusalem as the crowds gathered to welcome him into the city. They lined the streets on both sides and as Jesus came riding through more

  • How Gideon Formed His Attack On The Enemy Camp Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 10, 2019

    Gideon’s battle plan appears to have been carefully worked out, but whether it was beholden to his spiritual illumination we cannot say. But what we can say is that his methods were a type of psychological warfare.

    Chapter 25 How Gideon Formed His Attack on the Enemy Camp [Judges 7.16-7.20] Scripture 16 And he divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put a trumpet in every man's hand, with empty pitchers, and lamps within the pitchers. 17 And he said unto them, Look on me, and do more

  • A Mans Man Series

    Contributed by Terry Stivers on Jun 25, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    It is sometimes difficult to really describe what a mans man really is. John the Baptist helps us to understand what a man truly is. Series on Mark (Fathers Day Message)

    A MAN’S MAN Mark 1:1-8 INTRO: Men do not know who they are as men. Rather, they define themselves by what they do, who they know, or by what they own. – Alexander Mitserlisch, counselor Who are men today? What comprises manhood? The Average Male Is… • Is 5’ 9” tall and 173 pounds. • Is more

  • A Leading Man, A Man's Man

    Contributed by James Kirkland on Jan 8, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A leading man attracts all kinds of people. A leading man must have a backbone.

    A Leading Man, A Women’s Dream, A Man’s Man, is someone that is adored by the women and respected by the men. Who is this man? A leading man attracts ALL kinds of people to themselves. When looking for a leader, don’t mix-up Meek with week. Meek; mild: showing mildness or quietness of nature, is more

  • This Man

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 45 ratings

    Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; We find many expressions of Jesus in the NT, but today I want to call your attention to one in which He is called “this man”.

    Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; We find many expressions of Jesus in the NT, but today I want to call your attention to one in which He is called “this man”. Two men were walking in a garden when one of the men more

  • Be A Man!

    Contributed by Jim Reynolds on Jun 3, 2003
    based on 124 ratings

    A strong Father’s Day sermon, taken from David’s last words, about what it takes to be a "real man" in God’s eyes.

    BE A MAN! I Kings 2:1-4 BACKGROUND: David is the King of Israel; Israel at the time is the greatest nation on the face of the planet. There is no competition. ILLUS: similar to America after World War II – Our economy and national pride were booming. We had just set off a nuclear bomb and more

  • Will Of Man

    Contributed by Ian Turton on May 24, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    We must learn to use our will as an offensive weapon against satan. We must daily take authority over our will & conform it to God’s will. We must be willing to say, “My will is no longer my own”. Daily you must dedicate your will to doing the will of God

    Luke 11:2 (NKJV) 2So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Jesus taught His disciples & indeed us, what we have termed ‘the Lord’s prayer’. He indicated the importance of the Will of God more

  • Be A Man!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jun 20, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Be A Man! 1) Of the Word 2) For the Word

    “Be a man!” What comes to mind when you hear those words? Do you picture boys egging one another on to do some daredevil stunt like riding a skateboard down a handrail? Do you picture a sergeant berating a soldier for complaining about a tough training exercise? Would you expect to find those words more

  • Be A Man! Series

    Contributed by Alvin Hathaway, Sr. on Mar 21, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    To be a man means that you will observe what the Lord requires, walk in the ways of the Lord, keep the laws of the Lord. Then, you will receive the promise of God.

    Sunday, November 4, 2007 “Be a Man!” Text: 1Kings 2: 1 – 4 The Men of Union have selected as there theme: Union Men: Rebuilding the Wall’s of God’s City. Indeed as in all themes of the past each is founded on the premise that Union Men will be a man. In my opinion over the next two Sundays we more

  • Be A Man

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Men, our families desperately need us to "be a man." What does that mean, exactly? The Bible provides us four descriptions of what it means to "be a man."

    BE A MAN Text: 1 Corinthians 16:13 Introduction: •“Quit you like men” means “Be a man” •What does it mean to be a man? Body: 1. Be a Protector – Mark 3:27 •Protect them physically oCrime: ¼ million child abductions every year 1,700,000 adult more

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