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  • Jesus And His Disciples! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Jan 20, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    On this Inauguration Day of America, 2,000 years ago, our Commander In Chief selected 12 Men to be on his Cabinet.

    "When God sent His Son into all the world He went all in. When Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins, He went all in. When He went to find the very best to follow Him and to learn with Him, to travel with Him and even die with Him, He chose 12 men. to go all out for Him!" (James more

  • A Message Of Comfort To The Disciples

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Aug 10, 2024

    In Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary, comfort means to strengthen the mind when depressed or enfeebled; to console; to give new vigor to the spirits; to cheer, or to relieve for depression, or trouble. Not only do the disciples need comforting, we all do. Find comfort in John 14.

    Verse 1, Jesus Christ the Son, and God the Father are one. Verse 2, Promise of an eternal home. A Prepared place. Verses 3-5, Return and rapture. What Jesus would do had never been done by any great leader. Verse 6-7, Space between guilty sinner and God is spanned. Verses 8-11, The Father, and Son more

  • Jesus And Women Disciples Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Sep 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    A common misconception is that Jesus never chose women as disciples.

    A common misconception is that Jesus never chose women as disciples. However, this assumption is far from the truth. While the Twelve Apostles were men, Jesus' ministry was inclusive, and women played a vital role. Let's explore biblical examples that demonstrate Jesus' heart for more

  • Disciple: Why Me?

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 24, 2024

    The Christian experience of the believers in the first-century church may seem radical to many in the church today, but to those early believers, it was normal Christianity.

    Opening illustration: Video on Discipleship Introduction: While every disciple is a believer, not every believer is necessarily a disciple. Many may think that the term disciple refers only to the early followers of Christ. We know that they were a praying, worshipping, loving, giving, and more

  • Fan Follower Or Disciple?

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 24, 2024

    The cost of being a disciple is very high so are the stakes. If you are so, then for starters are you being Christ’s hands, feet, ears and hands? Are you …?

    Opening illustration: Watch a video clip on Follower or Disciple. Introduction: In Luke 9: 23 it says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.” I think many of you will usher this word, because you are ready to move to a different level of more

  • We Are His Disciples

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Feb 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    How do we become disciples of Jesus?

    John 1:43-51 “Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening.” Give us ears to hear Jesus calling, “Follow me.” Help us find ways to “Come and see.” The calling of disciples is a mystery, something profound, sacred, and beyond complete human comprehension. It usually involves divine intervention in more

  • The Character Of A Disciple: Integrity Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on May 18, 2018

    When a person has "integrity," our words, actions, values, beliefs, principles, character, our hearts are one. As disciples of Jesus, who was the embodiment of integrity, our words and actions, our values are integral, are one, with our Lord.

    “Caveat emptor” … “Buyer beware” … because what you see, well … it’s not what you always get … and that’s been the case, it seems, ever since we’ve been banned from the Garden of Eden. We get our word “integrity” from a very ancient practice that was done to scam the consumers of pottery jugs and more

  • The Character Of A Disciple: Compassion Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jun 13, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    I love Jesus’ parables. Sometimes they’re like exploding birthday cakes. Sometimes they’re like a mirror. Sometimes they’re like an onion. And sometimes, like Jesus’ parable of “The Good Samaritan,” they can be all three.

    I love Jesus’ parables. Sometimes they’re like exploding birthday cakes. Sometimes they’re like a mirror. Sometimes they’re like an onion. And sometimes, like Jesus’ parable of “The Good Samaritan,” they can be all three. [Read Luke 10:25-37] Let’s begin to examine the different layers of more

  • The Character Of A Disciple: Endurance Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Jun 19, 2018

    Endurance. Strength and inner-lasting ... Digging deep down into your guts, your heart, your soul to find that reservoir of strength that keeps us going when we want to lay down and quit. God is that reservoir and Paul is a great example of enduranc

    August, 1974, Fort Dix, New Jersey … That’s where I did my basic training for the U.S. Army. The Vietnam was almost over … but not quite. It would end six months after I joined. So, the Army was still training us as if we were going to the jungles of ‘Nam. All of my drill sergeants were tough more

  • Nit-Picker Or Disciple? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 21, 2021

    It’s a constant battle to make prayer not just external, but an action of listening to God that can change our hearts and behaviors.

    Tuesday of 21st week in Course Today we have one of the great analogies of Biblical literature–only St. Matthew has it–you strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. Jesus says “Oy! You nitpick the little stuff and neglect the critical duties.” The people described by the Hebrew word more

  • The True Disciple Perseveres Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Aug 30, 2021

    Being a disciple of Jesus calls for total commitment. All Scripture References are from the NASB.

    As you have seen over the past few weeks in this current sermon series, being a disciple of Jesus, to follow Jesus, is serious business. We must be committed completely, with no halfway measures. To be totally committed also means we must be totally dependent on Him. We cannot do this in our own more

  • You Are A Beloved Disciple Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Sep 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Valentine's Day: Peter came very close to viewing himself by his failures instead of seeing himself through the eyes of Christ. He finally came to realize that he was a beloved disciple. And Jesus sees you as cherished too!

    This morning I want to address the topic of our identity in Christ, concerning how we are a people covered by grace, and how we are deeply loved and cherished. Many believers walk about feeling defeated. They come down hard on themselves and never accept the forgiveness that God wants to offer more

  • We Are His Disciples Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Jun 15, 2020

    Our desire should be to be like Christ, to follow in His footsteps, to see the world as He sees the world, to conform to His likeness. We have a word for it, we call it being a disciple. We are called to be His disciples.

    Who are we in Christ? We have been looking at this pretty much since Easter. We considered that “in Christ” we are a new creation. All the old has passed away and before God, all has become new! Being in Christ, we represent Him to the world, we have become His ambassadors. We have the more

  • A Message Of Comfort To The Disciples Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 11, 2025

    What could be more comforting knowing that Jesus is preparing a place for us. Not only is He preparing, He is coming back for us.

    Verse 1, Jesus Christ the Son, and God the Father are one. Verse 2, Promise of an eternal home. A Prepared place. Verses 3-5, Return and rapture. What Jesus would do had never been done by any great leader. Verse 6-7, Space between guilty sinner and God is spanned. Verses 8-11, The Father, and Son more

  • Training Young Disciples Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The task of parenting is to train young disciples.

    Training Young Disciples Ephesians 6:1-4 Rev. Brian Bill April 20-21, 2024 I came across some letters children wrote to their pastor. • I know God loves everybody, but He never met my sister. Yours Sincerely, Arnold.” • “Are there any devils on earth? I think there may be one in my class. more

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