Go, Make Disciples Series
Contributed by Michael Monica on Dec 26, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Understanding Sanctification
Sanctification | Go! Make Disciples | Matthew 28:16-20
“A Disciple is someone who has moved from being a recipient of the church’s mission to being responsible for the church’s mission.” Unknown
- Sanctification is God’s continued work in our lives.
- Sanctification is disciples of Jesus living out their new identity in Christ.
- Disciples of Jesus are converted to Jesus, His People and His Mission.
Verse 18: I have been given authority
• Philippians 2:6-8 – Jesus was given authority because he submitted to the will of His Father and was obedient to the point of death. Because he submitted to God’s purpose and because he humbled himself, God gave him authority.
• The Work of Salvation is accomplished by Christ; the witness of salvation is accomplished by his people.
• We are commissioned then under Christ’s authority. We make disciples within the parameters of his authority.
Verse 19: Therefore, Go! Make disciples of all nations.
• The imperative here is not go but rather to make (disciples)
• The way this should read is “as you go or as you are going, make disciples…”
• What this means is wherever it is you go, whatever job you take, whatever city or town you reside in…wherever you are, that is the place where you can make disciples.
• If we obey the “go” we will “make disciples”
Verse 19b: baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• Baptism
o Baptism is the New covenant sign (OT – circumcision). Baptism is a sign that that we identify with the life, burial and resurrection of Jesus.)
o Identify with God as your Father (new creation).
o Identify with the death and resurrection of Christ.
o Identify with the Spirit of God enabling you to live out God’s commandments.
o Identify with Christian community. (Christianity isn’t a solo sport).
• Iron sharpens iron. We tend to think that I need to work on me when in reality, I need to work on “we.” Its difficult to love other people we don’t agree with but God has put us together and we all have parts to play in advancing the kingdom of God.
Verse 20a: Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…
• Teach them to obey = a follower of Christ is obedient to the commands of Christ. (Observe means to practice, implement, demonstrate).
• Our obedience to Jesus reveals his Lordship in our lives.
• God’s commandments towards us should be seen in this light: as children of God.
• Commandments are about expectations, guidance and character development.
Verse 20b: I am with you always, to the end of the age.
• He has authority to be present (with us) = your daughter had a hard time sleeping when we were not next to her. When she awoke, she yelled out for me and I was on the opposite side. (1st Christmas story.)
• Jesus’ call is this = as you go you WILL make disciples.
Matthew 16:13-18
Point: Jesus calls us to Be (Identity)
• Jesus is redefining the Mission – he would typically send out the disciples on Q + A missions (who do you they say I am) Apostle = One who is sent with a commission. (Apostles were personal representatives/ambassadors of the king and had the authority of the king on their side). ** These disciples had special power and authority because they were physical witnesses to his Incarnation and Resurrection. These apostles laid the foundation of the local church. Are miracles for today?
• Jesus is realigning the mission ((my front tire had misalignment years ago)…He realigns Peter’s identity from Simon ((way who sways back and forth)) to Peter (petros) a smaller rock that is part of the bigger Rock. Our identity is tied to Jesus’ identity. Who told me who I am now let me tell you who you are.
o We discover our true identity when we allow Christ to be Lord + Savior of our lives.
o We discover our true purpose when we follow God’s call on our lives.
o Example: The speaker who was told, just be my son.
Mark 1:16-18
Point: Jesus calls us to Do (Action)
Isaiah 6:1-8
• We live the mission because we are forgiven.(Gratitude)
Acts 1:8
• We live the mission because we are empowered (Acts 1:8) = (Remote Control)
Philippians 3:20
• We live the mission because we are citizens. Philippi was an outpost for Rome – it wasn’t really part of the main-land but as an outpost it mirrored the laws, culture and values of Rome.