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Sermons on 10 Commandments:

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  • The 10 Commandments

    Contributed by Chris Anderson on Jan 14, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    We need God's Word in our lives today!

    The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 Several years ago, there was a lot of news about a two ton monument of a Bible that had on it the ten commandments. Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama allowed it to be placed there only to have a higher court remove it and to remove him as well for not more

  • 10 Commandments

    Contributed by Fran Van Hoven on Nov 13, 2019

    Modern Society Mocks The Truth And Exalts The Lie. We Live In A Time When Right Is Classified As Wrong And Wrong As Right. Many People Believe That There Are No "Moral Absolutes."

    Today, We Begin A Series On The Ten Commandments. Modern Society Mocks The Truth And Exalts The Lie. We Live In A Time When Right Is Classified As Wrong And Wrong As Right. Many People Believe That There Are No "Moral Absolutes." This Is Reflected In Statements Like:"What’s more

  • The 10 Commandments Series

    Contributed by James Dorman on May 2, 2017

    An introduction to a sermon series on the 10 commandments.

    Intro: AG: Ted Turner has declared the Ten Commandments obsolete and stated, "We’re living with outdated rules. The rules we’re living under are the Ten Commandments, and I bet nobody here even pays much attention to them because they’re too old. When Moses went up on the mountain, there were no more

  • Sermon On The Ten Commandments

    Contributed by William Meakin on Feb 28, 2021

    We probably are all aware that the Ten Commandments were originally delineated to the Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai...

    Pope Francis once remarked: “We must not see the Ten Commandments as limitations to liberty. No, they are not this, but we must see them as indications for liberty. They are not limitations but indications for liberty! They teach us to avoid the slavery to which the many idols reduce us that we more

  • The 10 Commandments Of Fellowship

    Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Oct 9, 2001
    based on 744 ratings

    This is a great passage on fellowship. If we’re going to grow warmer through fellowship, we need to follow these 10 commandments.

    “The 10 Commandments of Fellowship” Rom. 12:9-21 Intro. Some kids were asked to write letters to God. Here’s what some of them had to say. Dear GOD, it rained for our whole vacation and is my father mad! He said some things about You that people are not supposed to say, but I hope You will not more

  • Teenager 10 Commandments

    Contributed by Roy Probus on Dec 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We don’t always see things is black and white but God has set a standard before us that we cannot dismiss.

    I John 1:8-10 - 8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. Roman more

  • Defending The 10 Commandments

    Contributed by Dave Kinney on Mar 4, 2005
    based on 55 ratings

    Sadly Christianity has lost ground over the last 40 years! Why? The main reason…the 10 commandments have been aggressively attacked in America and reduced this country to a moronic and miniscule mindset of morals!

    “Defending The 10 Commandments” Exodus 20:1-17 Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. Notices that it says get “wisdom” and not “knowledge”. I believe that the application of knowledge by way of Biblical wisdom is paramount for the believer in today’s world! We live more

  • The 10 Commandments Of Prayer

    Contributed by Dr. Fred W. Penney on Jan 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    10 principles of prayer - Based on the Lord's Prayer.

    The Ten Commandments of Prayer! Text: Matthew 6:5-15 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your more

  • Jesus And The 10 Commandments Introduction Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus and the 10 Commandments

    A. THE COMMANDMENTS/LAWS ARE ME 1. A commandment/law is the extension of My existence and is the power or energy by which I operate/manage all life in the universe. a. I am life and My life gives energy to everything. b. Atoms (protons, neutrons, and electrons). c. Cells, the building block of more

  • The 10 Commandments: Living Successfully!

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 9, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    The 10 Commandments are the "Rules to live successfully in THIS WORLD!"

    The Way of Life=Ten Commandments Ex. 20:1-4 Intro: You may heard about the ad in a paper for a lost dog. Description: Brown, short hair, with bald spots, right leg broken from an auto accident, left hip hurt from another auth accident, rt. Eye missing from a fight with a cat, left ear bitten more

  • The Last 6 Commandments Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 13, 2018

    How are Christians today to handle the last 6 Commandments from Exodus 20?

    We continue our study of the 10 Commandments from God to the Israelites as they were destined for the Promised Land. So far, we have noted the first 4 Commandments and how they apply to us today. We have noted also that the Commandments really are self-explanatory, so, we note right away the more

  • The 10 Commands – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Oct 21, 2020

    Working through the book of Exodus using consecutive expository preaching. Exodus 20:2-8. Teaching Sheet for the bulletin included at end of text.

    Sermon Series “Exodus” Exodus 20:2-8 “The 10 Commands – Part 1” Pastor John Bright Exodus 20 “2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness more

  • The 10 Commands – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Oct 21, 2020

    Working through the book of Exodus using consecutive expository preaching. Exodus 20:12-14. Teaching Sheet for the bulletin included at end of text.

    Sermon Series “Exodus” Exodus 20:12-14 “The 10 Commands – Part 2” Pastor John Bright Exodus 20 “12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. 13 “You shall not murder. 14 “You shall not commit adultery.” Last week we covered more

  • The 10 Commands – Part 3 Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Oct 21, 2020

    Working through the book of Exodus using consecutive expository preaching. Exodus 20:15-17. Teaching Sheet for the bulletin included at end of text.

    Sermon Series “Exodus” Exodus 20:15-17 “The 10 Commands – Part 3” Pastor John Bright Exodus 20 “15 “You shall not steal. 16 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor more

  • A Return To Civility: 9 Do Not Lie Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Aug 24, 2024

    lies, distortion, exaggeration. They are all they same. This message looks at why we lie and the damage those lies can cause to others and to us.

    I think that if we were honest today, we’d all agree that there is a feeling of violation that happens when we feel that we have been deceived. Most relationships can take almost anything except deceit. It was Friedrich Nietzsche who said, “I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset more

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