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Sermons on 1 Juan 2:14:

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  • Obeying God's Commands Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 21, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    For all those who reject God, they must know that the day will come when they will have to stand before God and face His holiness and justice. They will have to face His judgment. So we must know God. But how can we tell if we really know God?

    How do we know if we really know God? We live in a day when many people are not even interested in knowing God. They want to live like they want. To know God is the furthest thing from their minds. This is a very important spiritual issue because if God really exists, then those who reject Him more

  • Going To The Next Level Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Sep 25, 2011
    based on 15 ratings

    When we grow with God we'll avoid embracing the world.

    Going to the Next Level 1 John 2:12-17 Rev. Brian Bill 9/25/11 Years ago, a “Dear Abby” column ran a story by a retired schoolteacher. One day she had her students take out some paper and list the names of the other students in the room. Then she told them to think of the nicest thing more

  • Little Children, Fathers, Young Men Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on Feb 13, 2011

    The 6th message in this series. John describes three levels of Spiritual Maturity and makes note that his letter is for everyone!

    TEXT: 1st John 2:12-14 TITLE: Little Children, Young Men, Fathers SERIES: Letters from John TOPIC: Spiritual growth OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, Jan 15, 2011 PROP.: John describes three levels of Spiritual maturity and makes note that his letter is for everyone! INTRODUCTION: Good more

  • "Do Not Love The World"

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 25, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    LENT 2 - Do not love the world. This is God's message. This is man's downfall.

    “DO NOT LOVE THE WORLD” (Outline) March 20, 2011 - Lent 2 - 1 JOHN 2:12-17 INTRO: Our Lenten journey includes a closer look at the suffering of our Savior Jesus. Last week the emphasis included the importance of the cross of Christ. Today’s emphasis is on the word of more

  • The New Family

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on May 21, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    The key characteristic of a growing and strong spiritual “young person” in God is that they have overcome the evil one. Notice that the word is overcome – not defeat. The idea is that you get past him – not that you crush him – that is up to God in the

    Growing Up is Part of Life And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52 I was a little child when I grew up in the small town of Kalkaska. It’s about 17 miles due east of Traverse City in northern Michigan and when I lived there it had about 2000 people – total. more

  • The Demas Dilemma Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Jul 17, 2013

    John has given his readers a great deal of corrective instruction in the opening chapters of this book - now he speaks words of encouragement and exhortation for them (and for us!) to take to heart and to put into practice in our own lives.

    The Demas Dilemma - 1 John 2:12-17 - July 14, 2013 Series: That We May Know – Life With Jesus - #7 As a parent I’ve learned something about myself over the years and it’s something I’ve seen in others as well. This is what I’ve learned … I’ve more

  • The Christian Walk Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 13, 2013

    We who claim to be Christians must be sure they are on the true path.

    The Christian Walk 1 John 2:7-14 Introduction Last week we learned that sin is not normal in the Christian. The Christian’s sin does not affect just that person, but the entire body of Christ. We saw from the plural "we have an advocate" that there has to at least be a sense in which the more

  • What Motivates? Walk As Jesus Walked! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Sep 16, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What motivates your Christian walk? John tells his readers two things old things but also a new thing...Walk as Jesus walked!

    1 John 2:1-14 What motivates? Last week when I started this series I finished on verse 2 of chapter 2 of 1st John. But hey I’m doing the Sermon overlap thing here as we can all do with a reminder of our sins being forgiven. John’s purpose for writing was so the people he was writing to would more

  • The Love God Hates

    Contributed by Joel Sumagaysay on Sep 17, 2012

    A seven year old boy asked me a question when he saw the caption in our bulletin, " Does God hate love Pastor? What does this mean?" I just told him to listen to my sermon so that his question will be answered.

    The Love God Hates 1 John 2:12-17 Just before I preached one Friday morning a seven year old boy asked me a question when he saw the caption in our bulletin, " Does God hate love Pastor? What does this mean?" I just told him to listen to my sermon so that his question will be answered. Actually, more

  • Spiritual Stages Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Nov 11, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    Three groups of persons within the family of faith are addressed. What is said of each group doesn’t appear to be age related. These groups may represent different levels of Christian maturity within the community. We could call them three stages of spir

    1 JOHN 2: 12-14 [LIFE, LIGHT & LOVE SERIES] SPIRITUAL STAGES [Ephesians 6:10-20] In the introduction or prologue John indicated that the general purpose of his letter was to help believers mature into Christ-likeness. Having laid down the more

  • Reflection

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Mar 13, 2012

    Jesus' cleansing of the temple graphically proclaims that the temple was no only needed. Jesus is the the temple and with the Holy Spirit in us, we become a temple. God is among his people, bringing in his kingdom.

    John 2:13-22 “Reflection” INTRODUCTION I have always found the scene of Jesus cleansing the temple puzzling, if not troubling. It seems so out of character for Jesus. Certainly, he has shown anger before at the hardheartedness and judgmentalism of some people, but he has never more

  • Maturity Levels Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 22, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There are four maturity levels in the Christian life. John explores each level, the strengths and weaknesses of each in this delightful passage.

    Levels of Maturity 1 John 2:12-14 Ill. The work of Japanese painter Hokusai spanned many years before his death in 1849 at age 89. But toward the end of his life, the artist dismissed as nothing all the work he had done before age 50. It was only after he reached 70 that he felt he was turning out more

  • The Lust Of The Eyes Series

    Contributed by Wendon Pettey on Jul 3, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In sermon 2 of this series, we address the "lust of the eyes", or the sins of the inner man. Again, we identify them, recognize how they enter into our lives, and what the Bible says about dealing with them. Everyone, from the sinner on the street to the

    KEY SCRIPTURE: 1 John 2:15-17 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the more

  • The Three Stages Of Spiritual Growth

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 12, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Three stages of spiritual development are given: "children," "young men" or teenagers and "fathers" or adults. These stages have no relation to the physical age or gender of a person. A Christian who is 70 years old in the flesh may still be a spiritual b

    Intro: Three stages of spiritual development are given: "children," "young men" or teenagers and "fathers" or adults. These stages have no relation to the physical age or gender of a person. A Christian who is 70 years old in the flesh may still be a spiritual baby. A Christian lady of 30 years old more

  • Spectrum Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Jan 14, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon looks at how God’s light needs to change our perspective.

    Spectrum Series: Turn on the light Sunday Sermon / November 18th 2007 Intro: Have you noticed yet that different people see the world differently? Sometimes these differences cause serious clashes and even wars. Democrats and Republicans, white collar and blue collar, one race from another, one more

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