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Sermons on 1 Cronicas 21:30: showing 1-7 of 7

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  • The Sin Of The Census

    Contributed by Jonathan Russell on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Examining David’s sin of the census

    1. David’s SIN (v. 1-6) A. Know the enemy (cf. Eph. 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8) B. Know the time of the attack: right after a great victory C. Know the nature of the sin: David’s sin was that he trusted in man instead of in God (cf. Ps. 118:8-9) 2. David’s SUFFERING (v. 7-15) A. Famine (we might experience more

  • The Sin Of Numbering Israel

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on Jan 18, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    Here is an Old Testament text with a right now application on the sins of pride and self-sufficiency. How do you measure success?

    The Sin of Numbering Israel November 9, 2008 Dr. Russell K. Tardo The text is found in 1 Chronicles, chapter 21, an Old Testament text with a New Testament application. This is the account of King David’s numbering of more

  • The Census Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jul 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon #6 in the Untold Stories of the Old Testament series comes from 1 Chronicles 21 and relates the account of David's Census which led to the deaths of 70 thousand of his troops.

    Series: Untold Stories of the Old Testament #6 Date: CHCC: July 1, 2012 Title: The Census Text: I Chronicles 21 INTRODUCTION: Today’s “untold story” is about King David. I Chronicles 21:21 says this: Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of more

  • War In The Mind Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Sep 4, 2012

    We need to be alert to satan’s subtle, shrewd, astute maneuver to attack you when you least expect it. He comes unannounced!

    War in the mind! 1 Chronicles 21:1”Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.” Today I have a very important message to share with you and that is how satan will attack your mind! War in the mind! We need to be alert to satan’s subtle, shrewd, astute more

  • I Will Not Give To God Anything That Costs Me Nothing Series

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Oct 2, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    David said: "I won’t make an offering to God that doesn’t cost me something." What a great passage on demonstration of faith in God. Listen! To give without sacrifice is not to give at all. Ornan and David sacrificed but I believe Ornan sacrificed more.

    DAVID SERIES: A MAN AFTER GOD'S OWN HEART - PART 18: I WILL NOT GIVE TO GOD ANYTHING THAT COSTS ME NOTHING! 2 Samuel 24:1-25 / 1 Chronicles 21: 13 David said to Gad, “I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into human more

  • One Bad Accounting

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Jul 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We all make mistakes, even David. Jesus paid the price for our mistakes but still demands a sacrifice of us, our lives must be living sacrifice. And a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if it costs you nothing.

    ONE BAD ACCOUNTING 1 Chronicles 21 Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:40-49 INTRODUCTION 1. David is one of the good guys of Bible history for the most part a. God calls him a "man after God's own heart" b. He was, all in all, a good egg 2. But he was not without chinks in his armor a. One of his more

  • The Census Plague

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jun 8, 2020

    David appears to have been both directed by God and enticed by Satan to conduct a census. A census was begun, David was smitten in his conscience, and the nation was severely punished. What's our take-away from this story?

    Note: I developed a simple set of homemade PowerPoint slides that I used in presenting this sermon. If you're interested in having the PowerPoint file I will send it by Email. Just send an Email message to me at with the word "slides" in the title and "The more