Sermon # 41 - Forgotten Purpose Series
Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jan 15, 2025 (message contributor)
Summary: Jonah did not perceive God’s heart and thereby failed to rejoice when God’s purposes were accomplished in Nineveh. We as a church must have our hearts beat as one with that of God’s and fulfill His purposes to reach the lost and bring them into God’s Kingdom.
We read in Jonah 4:5, “Jonah went out east of the city and sat down. He made a shelter for himself and sat in its shade, waiting to see what would happen to Nineveh.” (GNB)
In this series we are studying the life of Jonah and comparing it with the church of today, thereby trying to learn some important lessons as we do so. As we read in the above mentioned verse, Jonah went outside the city of Nineveh, made himself a shelter and waited eagerly to see what would transpire to the people in that city.
God had chosen Jonah, given him the word, and sent him to preach against the city of Nineveh. The people of Nineveh who heard the preaching of Jonah, repented, fasted, put on sackcloth and ashes, and turned to the Lord in penitence.
When God observed this transformation in the people of Nineveh this was His response as recorded in Jonah 3:10, “God saw what they did; he saw that they had given up their wicked behavior. So he changed his mind and did not punish them as he had said he would.” (GNB)
The people of Nineveh did not face the judgment that God had predicted through the prophet Jonah, as God relented from His anger when the people repented. This made Jonah sad and angry with God, and that was the reason he waited outside that city, expectantly hoping God would change His mind and destroy them. It was God who called Jonah and commissioned him to go to Nineveh, but somehow the heart of Jonah became alien to God’s heart.
We are going to see the dangers of such a life that begins well with God, but over a period of time isolates itself from the heart of God, thereby causing a rift in the relationship with God. It is the will of God and His heart that not one human being should perish or that their souls should end up in hell. This is God’s will in general, and everyone needs to understand this. This is the precise reason why God has called and chosen some people, so that they would in turn be His instruments to lead those who are going in the path of destruction, and turn them towards Him. Sadly, over a period of time many who are called by God have failed to understand the heart of God, and the very purpose for which God called them. This causes a breach in their relationship with God, and they become unaware of God’s will, thereby becoming strangers to God’s way of thinking.
The sons of Samuel
Let me explain this with some examples from the bible. In 1 Samuel chapter 8 we read about the two sons of Samuel, Joel and Abijah who were appointed to be judges. They were appointed to a town to be judges, and to mete out justice to the people who approached them.
It is important that whatever the Lord entrusts to us, we should do the same with integrity and be faithful if we desire to have His blessings and be a blessing to others.
However, the testimony of these two young men is described in the verse below.
We read in 1 Samuel 8:3,“But they did not follow their father's example; they were interested only in making money, so they accepted bribes and did not decide cases honestly.” (GNB)
When we read about Samuel, he was a prophet and judge over all of Israel. Sadly, the sons of Samuel did not walk in the ways of their father. There was a chasm that developed between their hearts, and the heart of God because their hearts were set on money, and they were making dishonest gain that God did not approve. These men were therefore perverting justice, and were using their God-ordained positions for their personal gain. Love for money became the cause for the rift in this relationship between these men and God.
Let us compare this with the church of today. The church is purchased by the precious blood of Jesus, and the reason God has established the church is that those who believe in Him whoever they are should come together to worship, fellowship, be transformed by the word of God and be filled with love for one another. Wistfully, the very purpose of God has been forgotten, and the church has become an organization or a kingdom, and the church as a whole is divided. We therefore realize that the purpose of the church has somehow been missed by the majority.
Even today money is the reason why so many have diverted from the purposes of God. In order to gain more money God’s plans have been replaced by man-made schemes and projects. This has also hurt the hearts of many and kept them away from church.