Summary: Jonah did not perceive God’s heart and thereby failed to rejoice when God’s purposes were accomplished in Nineveh. We as a church must have our hearts beat as one with that of God’s and fulfill His purposes to reach the lost and bring them into God’s Kingdom.

We read in Jonah 4:5, “Jonah went out east of the city and sat down. He made a shelter for himself and sat in its shade, waiting to see what would happen to Nineveh.” (GNB)

In this series we are studying the life of Jonah and comparing it with the church of today, thereby trying to learn some important lessons as we do so. As we read in the above mentioned verse, Jonah went outside the city of Nineveh, made himself a shelter and waited eagerly to see what would transpire to the people in that city.

God had chosen Jonah, given him the word, and sent him to preach against the city of Nineveh. The people of Nineveh who heard the preaching of Jonah, repented, fasted, put on sackcloth and ashes, and turned to the Lord in penitence.

When God observed this transformation in the people of Nineveh this was His response as recorded in Jonah 3:10, “God saw what they did; he saw that they had given up their wicked behavior. So he changed his mind and did not punish them as he had said he would.” (GNB)

The people of Nineveh did not face the judgment that God had predicted through the prophet Jonah, as God relented from His anger when the people repented. This made Jonah sad and angry with God, and that was the reason he waited outside that city, expectantly hoping God would change His mind and destroy them. It was God who called Jonah and commissioned him to go to Nineveh, but somehow the heart of Jonah became alien to God’s heart.

We are going to see the dangers of such a life that begins well with God, but over a period of time isolates itself from the heart of God, thereby causing a rift in the relationship with God. It is the will of God and His heart that not one human being should perish or that their souls should end up in hell. This is God’s will in general, and everyone needs to understand this. This is the precise reason why God has called and chosen some people, so that they would in turn be His instruments to lead those who are going in the path of destruction, and turn them towards Him. Sadly, over a period of time many who are called by God have failed to understand the heart of God, and the very purpose for which God called them. This causes a breach in their relationship with God, and they become unaware of God’s will, thereby becoming strangers to God’s way of thinking.

The sons of Samuel

Let me explain this with some examples from the bible. In 1 Samuel chapter 8 we read about the two sons of Samuel, Joel and Abijah who were appointed to be judges. They were appointed to a town to be judges, and to mete out justice to the people who approached them.

It is important that whatever the Lord entrusts to us, we should do the same with integrity and be faithful if we desire to have His blessings and be a blessing to others.

However, the testimony of these two young men is described in the verse below.

We read in 1 Samuel 8:3,“But they did not follow their father's example; they were interested only in making money, so they accepted bribes and did not decide cases honestly.” (GNB)

When we read about Samuel, he was a prophet and judge over all of Israel. Sadly, the sons of Samuel did not walk in the ways of their father. There was a chasm that developed between their hearts, and the heart of God because their hearts were set on money, and they were making dishonest gain that God did not approve. These men were therefore perverting justice, and were using their God-ordained positions for their personal gain. Love for money became the cause for the rift in this relationship between these men and God.

Let us compare this with the church of today. The church is purchased by the precious blood of Jesus, and the reason God has established the church is that those who believe in Him whoever they are should come together to worship, fellowship, be transformed by the word of God and be filled with love for one another. Wistfully, the very purpose of God has been forgotten, and the church has become an organization or a kingdom, and the church as a whole is divided. We therefore realize that the purpose of the church has somehow been missed by the majority.

Even today money is the reason why so many have diverted from the purposes of God. In order to gain more money God’s plans have been replaced by man-made schemes and projects. This has also hurt the hearts of many and kept them away from church.

The demand for a king

The people of Israel at this point came to Samuel the prophet and demanded that he appoint a king over them just like all other nations around them. Though Samuel was in anguish over their request, this is how the Lord responded to Samuel.

We read in 1 Samuel 8:7“and the LORD said, "Listen to everything the people say to you. You are not the one they have rejected; I am the one they have rejected as their king.” (GNB)

Samuel realized that the people of Israel were unlike those who lived around them. They were a special people who were chosen by God to be His own, and God was ruling and guiding them all along. However, the people did not realize their entitlement, and shunned the rule of God over them. God told Samuel not to worry about their request, for God perceived that the Israelites had not rejected Samuel, but had in reality rejected the Lord Himself.

Isn’t this so like so many who reject the rule of the kingdom of God over their lives, and make themselves believe that they are under God’s authority when they are in reality running their own lives? The signs all around remind us that we are in the last days, and the time is drawing near when the Lord who is the bridegroom is coming for the church, who is His bride. Only those who are standing firm in the Kingdom of God will be taken up with the Lord when He comes in His glory. It is important for us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the Kingdom under the Lordship of Christ or are we caught up in the comforts that men have invented for us.

The demerits of having a king

Read through 1 Samuel 8:10-18 and you will comprehend all that the people of Israel were bringing on themselves by asking for a king to rule over them. If we were to compare all that is mentioned there with our present times, we will have a deep understanding of several issues that we are facing.

Our hearts must be one with the Lord, and we must seek God to remain in the Kingdom of God as there are numerous opportunities for us to depart from it. Though Samuel was grieved, he did not rebel against the Lord, but decided to do as the Lord commanded. This was so unlike the prophet Balaam or of Samson both of whom hardened their hearts and did not heed God’s word. We need prophets like Samuel these days, there are a few but they remain concealed to the world.

God grants the request

We read in 1 Samuel 8:22, “The LORD answered, "Do what they want and give them a king." Then Samuel told all the men of Israel to go back home.” (GNB)

As all the people of Israel insisted on having a king rule over them in spite of Samuel describing their condition under a king’s rule, the Lord decided to give them what they wanted, and Samuel obeyed the Lord.

In 1 Samuel 9:17, we read, “When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the LORD said to him, "This is the man I told you about. He will rule my people."” (GNB)

When the people were stubborn, the Lord went ahead and showed Saul to Samuel, whom God said would be king over Israel. Saul was hesitant to take on this responsibility as he felt he was weak and insignificant. The beginning of Saul’s life was humble, but God chose him to be ruler of His people. God bestowed on Saul honor, wealth and authority to reign over the Israelites. However, as days went by, Saul’s intentions and motives went far from what God had ordained for him.

Our beginnings may be modest, but as God raises us up, it is important that we continue to be faithful till the end. It is also vital that the humility and dependence that we had on God when we began this journey with Him, and should continue on until the very end of our lives. We must think about the purpose for which God called us, and ask for His strength to remain rooted in it no matter what comes our way.

God regretted

We read in 1 Samuel 15:10-11, “The LORD said to Samuel, "I am sorry that I made Saul king; he has turned away from me and disobeyed my commands." Samuel was angry, and all night long he pleaded with the LORD.” (GNB)

The Lord felt sorry for having made Saul king over Israel because Saul disobeyed God, and walked in his own ways. Somewhere along the way, Saul forgot that he was the ruler of God’s people, and began to think that this was his kingdom. Saul forgot God’s will, and began to fulfill His own plans. God was indeed regretful for making Saul, king over Israel. When Samuel heard this from God, he pleaded with God all night on behalf of Saul.

The heart of Samuel was in total contrast to that of Saul. Samuel’s heart was so in tune with God, and was obedient to do all that God commanded him to do. When God told Samuel to execute the plan to make Saul, king over Israel, Samuel agreed. Later when God was grieved, Samuel too was heart-broken, and appealed to God all through the night.

I believe that even today the Lord is heart-broken for having created many people, who have forgotten the purposes of God, whose priorities have changed, wherein each one is seeking to build their own kingdom, and want to make a name for them. Think about all the many topics there are in the bible and yet there are those who choose to preach on all that will cause disagreements, confusion and disunity in the church. This is because their goal is to make them popular at any cost.

God replaced the king

In spite of all the pleading, this was God’s response to Samuel.

We read in 1 Samuel 16:1, “The LORD said to Samuel, "How long will you go on grieving over Saul? I have rejected him as king of Israel. But now get some olive oil and go to Bethlehem, to a man named Jesse, because I have chosen one of his sons to be king." (GNB)

The Lord asked Samuel to not grieve over Saul, but to get prepared to anoint the next king. This verse will teach us that when God chose Saul he was humble and insignificant. God made Saul king over Israel, and gave him position and authority to accomplish His will. Nonetheless, Saul disobeyed, did what was pleasing to him, and the result was that there was a rift in the relationship between Saul and God. The consequence was that Saul was rejected by God and God decided to replace him with another man who pleased Him. When God commanded Samuel to fill his horn with oil and to anoint the next king whom He would show him, Samuel went in total obedience to God’s word.

We need to have prophets like Samuel who will do as God bids, and not try to please people or say things that are appealing to men. If you are observing closely there are many who boldly declare that God said something, and when those prophecies are not fulfilled, they manipulate and try to justify what they said earlier. This is a truly dismal situation that needs to change. We need men and women whose heart must be one with God, saying what He says and doing what He wants us to do. Only those who are firm in this can be established in the Lord and can fulfill His will in their lives.

David was anointed as king by Samuel, but Saul was not willing to let go of his position. When Saul’s heart was separated from God, all that Saul did after that was to spend the rest of his life in pursuit of David. Finally Saul had a tragic death in battle.

If we compare this to the church today, the Lord has called some to serve Him, and has chosen them and placed them in responsible positions. However, when the hearts of these people is torn from the Lord, they forget God’s calling and purposes and pursue after money, position and spend their time disturbing those who are sincerely serving God.

Where do we stand?

As believers in the Lord Jesus we must examine ourselves to see if we are like Jonah who was unhappy with the repentance of the people of Nineveh, and waited for their destruction. Could we be like Samuel’s sons who did not value their position and responsibilities entrusted to them and went after monetary gain, doing what they thought was right in their own eyes? Would it be possible that we have gotten hold of our positions and authority God gave us, and have forgotten the purpose for which God gave them to us?

We saw a great example in the prophet Samuel, and we must ask ourselves if are we like the prophet Samuel, whose heart was one with God, even when people rejected him, and wanted to have a king over them? Again when King Saul was rejected by God, Samuel rose up to obey God and anointed David in his place. Until the very end of his life Samuel was faithful to God, and his heart was in unison with God. Samuel set aside his thoughts, his desires and decided all through his life to do what God called him to do, and to fulfill the will of God in his life.

The disciples as our examples

This is not something that happened only in the Old Testament, but even in the New Testament of the twelve disciples whom Jesus chose, eleven of them fulfilled God’s will and purpose in their lives. One of them however, had his heart set on money, and strayed away from God. The consequence was that from that very day, he became a traitor and one who went away from the Kingdom of God, and thereby was unable to fulfill the purpose for which Jesus called him.

Through all of this the one thing that God is reminding us as His children is that we should be prepared and our hearts must be guarded. If your heart has strayed from God, repent, turn back, and ask God to restore back to you the first love you had for Him. Every thought and desire that distracts you from following the Lord should be brought under God’s control, and let go of everything that does not please God. When you do so, God will transform your lives. Every single day we must remind ourselves that God is with us, and we must be firm to do His will. Those who are not cautious will gradually drift away from the will of God, the Kingdom of God, and the desires of God. This will be replaced by our own will, desires, and the craving to build our own kingdoms. Only when we stand firm till the end like Samuel, we will be able to fulfill God’s purposes, and be established in our faith.

Rev. F. Andrew Dixon

Transcribed by: Sis. Esther Collins