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Sermons on Psalm 5:9:

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  • Run The Race!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Dec 20, 2000
    based on 1,524 ratings

    Finishing the race is critically important to all of us who would be followers of Jesus. And Hebrews 12:1-3 contains at least 3 pieces of advice that will help each of us faithfully run the race that is before us.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (Revised: 2011) ILL. The 1992 Summer Olympics featured two tremendously heart-rending moments. American sprinter Gail Devers, the clear leader in the 100 meter hurdles, tripped over the last barrier. She agonizingly pulled herself to her knees more

  • Those Who Seek God's Favor Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 59 ratings


    BIG IDEA: THOSE WHO SEEK GOD’S FAVOR IN THE MORNING REJOICE IN GOD’S PROTECTION AGAINST ALL ENEMIES I. (:1-3) MORNING DEVOTIONS ARE CRITICAL: CRY FOR HELP IN THE MORNING A. Attempt to Gain a Hearing "Give ear to my words" "Consider my groaning" "Heed the sound of my cry for help" B. Address Your more

  • What Has The Lord Heard From Us Lately?

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Nov 27, 2000
    based on 100 ratings


    WHAT HAS THE LORD HEARD FROM US LATELY? 1.CONCERNING OUR SPEECH. (give ear to my words) a. prayers...unto thee will i on him-gen. 4:26...seth and enos...cry unto him-rom. 8:26...come unto him-heb. 4_let us therefore come... b. praises..."my king and my God...heb. more

  • A Morning Prayer Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    This is the 5th study in the study "The Hebrew Hymnal".

    Series: The Hebrew Hymnal (Psalms) [#5] HYMN #5: A MORNING PRAYER Psalm 5 Each one of us has had restless nights due to the stress and worry of the upcoming day. As studied in Psalm 3, David had been running from Absalom and there at Manaheim his men were sent out to stop the Israelite more

  • The Best Remedy Series

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 17, 2003
    based on 65 ratings

    The Best Remedy when people lie and verbally abuse you is to: pray and worship!

    May 18, 2003 Psalms for Psummer Psunday Nights Title: Psalm 5: The Best Remedy Text: Psalm 5:1-12 Introduction Psalms is a powerful book of the Bible containing spiritual songs. The word "psalms", taken from the Greek word "psalmoi" means "songs" or "sacred songs" The Hebrew word is more

  • David's Insight Into Daily Devotions

    Contributed by Lee Black on Sep 21, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    Psalm 5 gives us some great insight about devotion.

    Ps. 5 David’s Insights into Daily Devotions Intro:David in this psalms tells about his daily devotional schedule. In order to live a victorious life, all Christians need a habit of going to Christ on a daily bases. Let’s take a look at some of these insights. more

  • Expect

    Contributed by David Butcher on Oct 21, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Expecting from God and being confident in God that He will provide just what He has promised.

    Psalms 5:1-10 NLT For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by the flute. (Written after 1 Samuel 18 when Saul tries to kill David.) O LORD, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. 2 Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I will never pray to anyone but you. more

  • Praying With Purpose

    Contributed by Dr. Jeremy Simpson on Mar 11, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    The Lesson to be learned here is that prayer which begins with sighing generally ends in singing. We need to pray with purpose. We need to spend each day in prayer to God.

    PRAYING WITH PURPOSE-- PSALMS 5:1-12 Introduction: Those who believe in and practice set forms of prayer can find no justification for such in the Book of Psalms. There is a complete disregard for mechanical praying throughout the book. When you have a burning concern, praying come from the more

  • Where Is God When I'm Sighing With Despair

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A look at David and the sighing that he lifts up because of his difficult circumstance.

    WORST WEEK EVER: When is God when I’m sighing with despair? - Psalm 5:1. - Most of us have faced times when problems and difficulties and struggles leave us with little more than a heart-heavy sigh. - It’s almost like the latest blow knocks the wind out of us yet again as we exhale a sigh of more

  • Approaching Prayer

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Sep 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to consider the right attitudes God is looking for that are essential to Him responding to and guiding us.

    Approaching Prayer Prairie Baptist Church – 9/20/09 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 5 Key verse: Psalms 5:1 - Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Premise: We need to consider the right attitudes God is looking for that are essential to Him responding to and guiding us. The more

  • David Wants To Be Heard

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 4, 2015


    Psalm 5 DAVID WANTS TO BE HEARD - vs.1-3 His Resignation - v.1 more

  • How Much Do You Love Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 21, 2013

    A study of Psalm 5 verses 1 through 10

    Psalm 5: 1 – 10 How Much Do You Love Jesus? 1 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. 2 Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for to You I will pray. My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; In the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up. For more

  • The Joy Of Faith

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Jul 27, 2013

    People who look on Bible religion as gloomy and joyless would do well to study Psalms 5

    THE JOY OF FAITH People who look on Bible religion as gloomy and joyless would do well to study the Book of Psalms. It is worth note that in this one book of Scripture the words "joy," "joyful," "glad," "gladness," "rejoice," occur more than ninety times. The Faithful sees the rainbow in the more

  • Give Ear To My Words, O Lord Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 28, 2012
    based on 231 ratings

    How to plead with God to hear your prayers. 1- Ask early 2- Hate evil 3- Seek mercy 4- Live righteously 5- Find refuge

    INTRO.- ILL.- One Sunday in a Midwest city a little boy was "acting up" during the morning worship. His parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally the father picked the little boy up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out. Just more

  • Personal Worship Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Dec 12, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Exposition of Psalm 5 about David spending some time in the morning in worship of God

    Text: Psalm 5:1-12, Title: Personal Worship, Date/Place: NRBC, 12/14/08, AM A. Opening illustration: Tell about Lew’s comments about Jesus only making disciples of those who want to be discipled, A man walked up to a vending machine, put in a coin, pressed the buttons labeled, “coffee, double more