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Sermons on Matthew 17:3-18:

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  • Miracles Happen Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Et Tapper on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    How to believe and pray for miracles in our lives.

    MIRACLES HAPPEN PT2 INTRODUCTION: MATT 17:14-20 God has a way for getting your need met, your problem solved. That way is rooted in your faith’s becoming a SEED When you plant a seed, God changes the nature of that seed so that it becomes a plant, and the power of life surges in that tender more

  • They Saw The Glory Of Jesus

    Contributed by Bledar Valca on Dec 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How would your life change if you saw the glory of Jesus

    They Saw the Glory of Jesus Matthew 17:1-9 How would your life change if you saw the glory of Jesus? I. They saw the glory of Jesus. A. Who did they see? 1. Moses – the Lawgiver and Elijah – the first of the prophets. 2. They were both dead, and they appeared to be alive. They prove the more

  • The Cross, The Glory, The Deliverance Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    It is faith which sees the glorious light of God even in our darkest night of suffering, which brings transformation to those who are oppressed, depressed and defeated. It is this faith that reveals the glory of God, and castes out demons.

    the Cross the Glory the Deliverance There is the brightness of Jesus’ face, and the cloud, as the expression of the glory of God. “the miracle is not that Jesus glowed. It is that He did not glow all the time”. Chuck Missler Veiled in flesh the godhead see, hail the more

  • Facelift Ii

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Apr 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    With God Nothing is Impossible

    Mat 17:15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore (kakos diseseased misearable) vexed: (patho feeling suffering) for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. Mat 17:16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not cure him. Mat 17:17 Then Jesus more

  • Only One? "Where Are The Others?"

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on May 13, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    Aren’t you glad for the grace God extends to us, even when we don’t deserve it, even when He knows how were going to act after we receive it, He still continually offers it, because He loves us!

    Only one? “"Where Are The Others?" Ill. One day a woman was rushing home from a doctor’s appointment.  The doctor had been somewhat delayed at the hospital, and the lab work took a little longer than usual, so by the time she left the clinic she was running quite a bit behind schedule.  She more

  • Transformation (His And Ours)

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Oct 30, 2012

    Using the account of Jesus' transfiguration there are lessons we can learn about our transformation

    TRANSFORMATION: His and Ours MATTHEW 17: 1-8 Today I want to talk to you about TRANSFORMATION. Most of you don't understand what that means. Many of us think of the caterpillar and the butterfly. But that is not truly transformation. Why? Because what happens to the butterfly is only EXTERNAL! more

  • Decisive Faith

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Feb 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    What is it that ensures faith, that takes a person from knowledge to a substantial faith, that mustard seed that allows God to work through them?

    Does anybody know who this man is? If you do keep it to yourself! Well some of you probably have supported this man’s descendants and shareholders a good part of your lives, you might even take pride in driving a car that he gave his name to or have had one at some stage. Your average petrol more

  • What Happens On The Mountain... Shouldn't Stay On The Mountain

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Feb 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God uses mountain top experiences in our lives and the lives of others to prepare us for living in the real world down in the valley.

    Title: What Happens On the Mountain… Shouldn't Stay On the Mountain Text: Matthew 17:1-9 Thesis: God uses mountain top experiences to prepare us for living in the valley. Transfiguration Sunday is a day we reflect on perhaps the ultimate of mountain top experiences in which we are more

  • Lunatic World We Live In! (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Apr 20, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to be able to transfer what we learn or what we see on Sunday, to what we are doing on Monday!

    Verse 4-let us make here three tabernacles A man was shipped wreaked on a deserted island, by himself and finally after many years he was rescued and the rescue crew looked around and saw three buildings that the man had built and asked him about them. He said, “The first one is my house, the more

  • The Glory Of The Messiah

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 1, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    We sometimes need to step aside from the busyness of life for more intimate communion with God. The will of Jesus is that all those given to Him by the Father should behold His glory.

    THE GLORY OF THE MESSIAH. Matthew 17:1-9. The One who referred to Himself as the ‘Son of man’ had just been acknowledged as the Son of God (Matthew 16:16). Jesus demonstrated the necessity of the Cross, and looked forward to His Second Coming. The Lord also promised a preview of the coming of more

  • Bold Move! Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Feb 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A message about the four kinds of faith and how to have bold mountain moving faith.

    Note: Reference about the 4 Kinds of faith in from the website I used it as an introduction and lead into talk about mountain moving faith. Bold Move! Theme: To get people to understand the importance of faith and stepping out with the Lord. Text: Matthew 17:14-21 Offering: more

  • What Happened To The Power?

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Feb 26, 2014

    God is not short on power, so why is it that we do not have all of it that we should? Let us search for some possible answers.

    What Happened to the Power? Mt. 17:14-21 14 ¶ And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling down to him, and saying, 15 Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatick, and sore vexed: for ofttimes he falleth into the fire, and oft into the water. 16 And I more

  • "On The Mountain And In The Valley"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 27, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday.

    "On the Mountain and In the Valley" Matthew 17:1-9 A friend writes: When my daughter-in-law noticed that her two-year-old daughter was ignoring her food, she said, "Keri, why aren't you eating?" Keri replied, "I can't eat; God told me not to." Her mother chided: "God wouldn't tell you not more

  • Jesus' Coming Exodus: As Told By Moses And Elijah

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 27, 2014

    What is the Kingdom of God going to be like?

    Jesus’ Coming Exodus as Told by Moses and Elijah Luke 9:28-36 Introduction The Transfiguration account occurs in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and here in Luke. In each of these gospels it comes at the end of a sequence of events starting with the feeding of the 5,000, then the trip to Caesarea more

  • Glory And Majesty

    Contributed by John Lowe on Oct 14, 2013

    This afternoon I want us to look at the transfiguration through the eyes of the apostle John, & behold what he beheld. So what did John see? As John stood on that mountain & saw the transfiguration of Jesus, what did he see?

    May 26, 2008 Glory and Majesty Matthew 17:1-8 I want to read a passage of Scripture that I imagine is familiar to most of you. It’s where Matthew tells about the transfiguration of Jesus, & it is found in Matthew 17:1-8. "After six days Jesus took with more