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Sermons on Matthew 10:37:

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  • God's Missionary Heart

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Aug 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God has always been on a mission. From Creation to Consumation God has been on a mission. From making us in His image to restoring us to that image, God works with missionary zeal. Matthew reveals how Jesus forms that missionary heart into the disciple

    We have been studying the gospel of Matthew. Let me get a running start on today’s lesson in chapter 10 by reviewing briefly the message of Matthew thus far: What is in the first chapter? The genealogy of Jesus and Joseph’s story. Verse 21 is the key verse: “You shall call more

  • Are You In Or Out Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Feb 20, 2013

    A study of the Gospel of Matthew 10: 32-42

    Matthew 10: 32-42 Are You In Or Out 32 “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. 33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. 34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on more

  • I Have Come To Bring A Sword Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Apr 2, 2014

    Jesus said that He did not come to earth to bring peace but a sword! If that's true, how can He be the Prince of Peace we celebrate at Christmas time? Does He really intend to divide families or bring reconciliation?

    Review of what we’ve covered so far this Lenten season: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God Jesus came to bring life Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets Today we'll be taking a look at another of the statements Jesus made about why He came to earth. Matthew more

  • Basic Principles Of The Little Commission

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 26, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    In the immediate context of this first mission of the disciples, Jesus laid out some basic principles.

    BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE LITTLE COMMISSION. Matthew 10:24-39. This is part of the Missionary Discourse of Jesus (Matthew 9:35-10:42) - the sending of the twelve disciples to seek out none other than ‘the lost sheep of the house of Israel’ (Matthew 10:6). Since the ‘Great Commission’ (Matthew more

  • Un Verdadero Cristiano Series

    Contributed by Pastor: Jose Luis Dejoy on Jun 29, 2013

    El mandato de Jesucristo a sus discípulos no fue que hicieran cristianos, el mandato era el de ir y hacer discípulos. Mateo 28: 19-20 El concepto de cristiano nace mucho tiempo después en Antioquia, hechos 11: 26

    El mandato de Jesucristo a sus discípulos no fue que hicieran cristianos, el mandato era el de ir y hacer discípulos. Mateo 28: 19-20 El concepto de cristiano nace mucho tiempo después en Antioquia, hechos 11: 26. “Y se congregaron allí todo un año con la iglesia, y enseñaron a mucha gente; more

  • Fear Not

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jun 20, 2014

    “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matt. 10:29-31)

    Theme: Fear not Text: Gen. 21:8-21; Rom. 6:1-11; Matt. 10:24-39 The technological age has given us easy access to information that was impossible a few years ago. The click of a computer tab can scan a document for specific words, list them and count them. The words “Fear not” occur more

  • Battle Your Heart To Keep Jesus First

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Aug 16, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The battles in life make us long for peace, but peace at what price? Jesus prepares us for life’s battles with his promises. So battle on, dear Christian. Parts: A. Though bombarded by conflict and loss. B. Braced with God’s gracious promises.

    Text: Matthew 10:34-42 Theme: Battle Your Heart to Keep Jesus First A. Though bombarded by conflict and loss B. Braced with God’s gracious promises Season: Pentecost 6a Date: August 16, 2009 Web page: more

  • Real Life Evangelism Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 29, 2009

    Ever think that you could never be a missionary? Think again. Just as Jesus sent out His 12, He sends you out as an undercover operative in hostile territory to spread His love. Find out how and how to be prepared for your mission!

    5 – 6 The Field of Operation: we have a specific field of operation and Jesus doesn’t send us out on the big stuff until training us on the small. 7 The Message: we are to say what Jesus said: the kingdom of God is at hand. The message is as different as each individual but the content is the more

  • Designed For Discipleship Series

    Contributed by James E. Parks on Oct 4, 2010

    This message outlines our discipleship process and encourages people to commit to discipleship.

    This past Wednesday I got to experience something I never have before. The kids were out of school, so I made arrangements for Jamison and I to grab some lunch to-go from the grocery store. We drove out towards Wellman and pulled into a field. We ate lunch there with a few others and then more

  • Loyalty (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Oct 13, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Being a follower of Jesus can give people a strong sense of their own identity. Indeed you could even say that to belong to Christ, to be "in Christ", to be a member of his body, is the only identity we need.

    Opening illustration: Any person working in the US Marine Corps lives with a motto “Always Faithful.” He is to remain faithful to the US Army – even unto death for the cause of his country. What he doesn’t have to do? • Take orders from enemy leadership • Never quit partway through the military more

  • Part 16 - Matthew 10:21-42 - Got To Get A Message To You. Hold On, Hold On! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on May 22, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    Matthew 10:23 says "I tell you the truth, the Son of Man will return before you have reached all the towns of Israel." Reminds me of that song by the Bee Gees in 1968 "I've Gotta Get a Message to You. Hold on! Hold on!"

    Part 16 - Matthew 10:21-42 - GOT TO GET A MESSAGE TO YOU. HOLD ON, HOLD ON! I recently read of a teenager in Florida in America who fled for her life from her Muslim family after she converted to Christianity. Fathima Rifqa Bary says her family will murder her in what is known as an "HONOUR more

  • Part 17 - Matthew 10:34-42 - Give Me More Than A Blow-Up Sword! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on May 25, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    The nimble adroitness needed for sword fighting seemed severely limited by the floppy handles and fat blades filled with air, but at least they were safe. High adventure with ABSOLUTELY NO DANGER.

    Part 17 - Matthew 10:34-42 - GIVE ME MORE THAN A BLOW-UP SWORD! My youngest grandson had a birthday party not too long back. It was a pirate party so all his mates came dressed in pirate gear - eye-patches, head scarves, etc. At the door we presented every pirate with a plastic blow-up sword, more

  • Part 18 - Matthew 10:37-42 - My Family Is Acting Like They Belong To A Cult Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on May 27, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    For some Christians in the world today, the choice concerning family is a different one, especially in some parts of the Muslim world. Battle lines are drawn and it becomes a CHOICE BETWEEN FAMILY AND CHRIST. Becoming a Christian means certain OSTRACISM b

    Part 18 - Matthew 10:37-42 - MY FAMILY IS ACTING LIKE THEY BELONG TO A CULT! We came to Sydney to live from the beautiful Whitsundays. Why would anyone leave the Whitsundays and come to the big city? We were Pastors of a great Church of people we had come to love. We had been there for 10 more

  • The Confrontational Gospel

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on May 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We try so hard to make the gospel easy to accept, but the way Jesus presented it was bound to be confrontational in a sinful world.

    Passage: Matthew 10:34-42 Intro: Sometimes the words of Jesus are so different from the image we constructed that it shocks us. 1. and often we try to soften them, reinterpret them, make them less offensive and more acceptable. 2. but these statements this morning are really clear. 3. and in more

  • A Test Of Your Love

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Jan 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you allowed anything to hinder you from loving the Lord Jesus as you ought? Are you allowing family and relatives to come between you and the Lord? Has your selfish love for yourself hindered you from loving the Lord as you ought? Is your love for li

    Intro: Many today think of the Hollywood-type “Jesus” as a very soft, sissified man who always allows any and all to run over Him! The lost sees Jesus as the type of man that just accepts what people give Him because He has to. This, however, is NEVER the Jesus of the Bible! The Jesus of the more