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Sermons on Mark 16:17-18:

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  • Pase Lo Que Pase La Misión De La Iglesia Sigue Igual

    Contributed by Juan N. Bonilla on Jan 31, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Aun en nuestro tiempo las palabras de Jesus llegaran a su cumplimiento, el cual es "ni las puertas del infierno van a tener victoria sobre la Iglesia" pase lo que pase la mision de la iglesia sigue igual.

    El que creyere y fuere bautizado, será salvo; mas el que no creyere, será condenado. Y estas señales seguirán á los que creyeren: En mi nombre echarán fuera demonios; hablaran nuevas lenguas. Marcos 16: 16-17 Por tanto, id, y doctrinad á todos los Gentiles, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y more

  • Tongues Pt. 4 Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Feb 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    In philosophy there is a tool used called “an argument of silence.”Means there is simply no direct evidence that proves anything.When people say that Jesus didn’t have a prayer language it is an argument of silence because there is no clear evidence that

    Dr. Mike Fogerson Tongues 4 August 19, 2012 A In philosophy there is a tool used called “an argument of silence.” 1 Means there is simply no direct evidence that proves anything. a When people say that Jesus didn’t have a prayer language it is an argument of silence because more

  • Hope For The Hopeless Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 15, 2014

    Jesus is risen, so don't be confused; instead, be confident and tell somebody the good news!

    Many years ago, a man climbed up on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge and was about to jump when a policeman grabbed him and drew him back. The man protested, “You don’t understand how miserable I am and how hopeless my life is. Please, let me go.” The officer tried to talk him out more

  • Hard To Believe, But True!

    Contributed by David Owens on Apr 29, 2014

    The resurrection of Jesus is hard to believe, but it is true. And being true, it makes a real difference in our lives.

    A. One day an associate minister was teaching a class of second-graders about the resurrection when one student asked, “What was the first thing that Jesus said right after He came out of the grave?” 1. Well, this was a question of great theological importance, and the associate more

  • Resurrection! Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Dec 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    So, what are we sure about this Easter morning? That Jesus was right all along.

    Introduction We have had three months of somber, tense passages covering the passion of our Lord, and though hopefully I have been able to convey the message that throughout his passion, Jesus was in control of his destiny and was carrying out the mission of redemption that he had come to more

  • Jesus The Sneaky Savior Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 3, 2012

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important even in human history. Coming down from that global perspective, what does the resurrection mean to me? That's the question we'll talk about as we conclude our study in Mark's gospel.

    Don’t you like delivering good news? Like: “you got the job!” or “Yes, I’ll marry you” or “It’s a girl!” Here in Mark 16 we get the best news of all—the best news ever delivered to mankind. Though Jesus our ultimate action hero died, He more

  • Simple Growth - 2010

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    We need to win one in 2010 and then determine to disciple them here at Christian Hills Church.

    Simple Growth - for 2010 Thesis for the New Year at CH: 1. We need to win one in 2010 and then determine to disciple them here at Christian Hills Church. 2. We also need to commit to reach out to 9 other people outside the church. These 9 are outside our church and the focus here is Kingdom more

  • Getting Back On Solid Ground

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Jan 18, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon examining the possibility of restoration in the lives of fallen disciples.

    GETTING BACK ON SOLID GROUND John 21:1-8 Some time ago I was reunited with an old friend that I have not seen in many years. There was a time in his life when he was a faithful servant of the Lord, in fact, he even professed that he had been called to preach. However, somewhere along the way more

  • Is There A Believer In The House?

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Oct 12, 2010
    based on 71 ratings

    Jesus never said: These signs will follow them that agree, but them that BELIEVE

    Heb 11:1-6 Faith =The believers 6th sense. Faith is the believers ability to see what cannot be seen with the natural eye, To hear what cannot be heard with the natural ear, and to taste what cannot be tasted with the natural taste. Faith is this supernatural sense that is more

  • What Real Faith Can Do - The Great Commision Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 23, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Mark's version of the Great Commission tells us that the Good News will be accompanied by sign's. God's Power is being displayed in power in the world today.

    July 24, 2011 Morning Worship Text: Mark 16:15-18 Subject: The Great Commission Title: What Real Faith Can Do – The Great Commission Part 3 Before the age of the GPS, whenever we would take a vacation we always had to rely on the Rand McNally Road Atlas and highway signs to get us to more

  • What God Is Doing (Parts 1 & 2) Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Feb 22, 2011

    All over the World, largely "below radar" God is moving. The Kingdom of God is advancing. Untold millions are coming to faith in Jesusu Christ. Here are some inside looks at what is doing on.

    What God is Doing The Kingdom of God is Advancing Around the World! Pastor Eric J. Hanson About Twelve Years Ago… • I preached on this several times • Acceleration had been ongoing for several decades. • The AD 2000 and beyond movement was in full swing. • Worldwide more

  • Why The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit?

    Contributed by Tom Feola on Mar 21, 2012

    There is Power in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the gift of speaking in tongues.

    Why The Baptism of the Holy Spirit? This is part of the Great Commission. Mark 16:14-20 (NKJV) 14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15 And He said more

  • They Preached The Resurrection

    Contributed by Daniel J. Little on Apr 10, 2012

    The first disciples preached the resurrection of Jesus and Mark 16:20 says Jesus worked with them confirming their message with signs. What would happen if we testified to the resurrection with expectancy, giving Jesus opportunity to work with us?

    THEY PREACHED THE RESURRECTION Pastor Dan Little - The Landmark Church Binghamton, NY 13901 04-08-12 Easter SCRIPTURE READING.... Mark 16:1-15, 19-20 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and more

  • How The Resurrection Can Change Us

    Contributed by David Scudder on Apr 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today I am going to share the message of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What you are about to hear will transform your life. It will either energize you to love and follow Jesus Christ or it will harden your heart and you will leave here worse than whe

    Purpose: To describe how Christ's resurrection changes the followers of Christ. Aim: I want the listener to surrender fully to the resurrected Christ. INTRODUCTION: Today I am going to share the message of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What you are about to hear will transform your life. It more

  • Participating Now In The Glory To Come Series

    Contributed by Daniel J. Little on Apr 21, 2012

    Jesus is what it looks like to be fully human. He is redeeming us from the ruin of sin even now. Already we are being changed from glory to glory. Jesus is what we are going to look like when the redemptive process is donw.

    Participating Now In The Glory To Come - Part 1 Pastor Dan Little The Landmark Church Binghamton, NY 13901 SCRIPTURE READING.... Mark 16:1-15, 19-20 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 2 And very more