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Sermons on Luke 1:7:

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  • The Gospel According To Luke Series

    Contributed by Keith Warden on Feb 23, 2004
    based on 122 ratings

    How can I move forward when my prayers go unanswered?

    How to Wait on a Miracle Luke 1:5-25 Introduction Have you ever asked God for something, something good and acceptable, something that seemed like a proper request that He could honor if He simply chose to do so, and then found yourself waiting indefinitely? Quite often, it seems like God’s more

  • A Fresh Touch For You Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Apr 21, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    God desires to touch us.

    A FRESH TOUCH FOR YOU Luke 1:5-25 S: Seek a fresh touch from God Th: The Christmas Touch Pr: GOD DESIRES TO TOUCH US ?: Inductive KW: Stages TS: We will find in the story of Luke 1:5-25 five stages that show God’s desire to touch us. The ____ stage is… I. SETTING (5-7) II. SELECTION more

  • "How Can I Be Sure?" Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Nov 26, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Zachariah’s search for certainty.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 1 “How Can I Be Sure?” Luke 1:5-25 The very last words of the Old Testament found in Malachi 4:5-6 read, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and more

  • Promises Of Hope

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Dec 3, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    Jesus coming is heralded by three messengers. We too are called to herald his coming to those we know.

    It’s perhaps appropriate in the week when Harry Potter hit the big screens in Australia that we should be looking at this account of Luke 1. Because here we see the supernatural in far more startling form than anything you’ll ever read in Harry Potter - and this is history! Here we have an angel more

  • Believing To See Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 3, 2001
    based on 117 ratings

    If faith is so critical to God... why did He make and fulfill a promise to a man who doubted the message of an angel?

    OPENING: "The Floating Ball" from "Heno Head’s Simple Science Object Talks." Take a hairdryer and two ping pong balls. (Since we have a video projector and a long worship hall, we focused a camera on the demonstration and ran the image thru the projector onto the wall). Turn on the hairdryer and more

  • The Angel's Message To Zechariah: Hope Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Dec 6, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    We can count on God to breathe hope into the air of impossible situations.

    The Christmas Angels – Part 1 CCCH 12-5-99 INTRODUCTION ILLUS – It’s about this time of year that I think about watching my favorite movie again, It’s a Wonderful Life. And I picture poor George Bailey standing in the snow without a coat on that bridge in Bedford Falls thinking about ending it more

  • Christmas Through The Eyes Of Mary And Joseph

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 568 ratings

    When we get to know Joseph and Mary more personally we will see Christmas from their point of view.

    December 13, 1998 INTRODUCTION (Use an object lesson of our Nativity Scene from home – pull figures out of a box one at a time while talking) One of my favorite parts of Christmas preparation is putting up the Nativity set. Each year, like many people, you may pull yours out of storage, dust it more

  • The Wonder Of His Preparation (Part 1, The Wonder Of Christmas) Series

    Contributed by Marcus Naugler on Dec 12, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    God sent us a prophet in the person of John the Baptist to "prepare the way of the Lord." Take a look at the events surrounding his life and see what God did with the wonder of His preparation.

    The Wonder of His Preparation (Part 1, The Wonder of Christmas) Text: Luke 1:1-80 (pg. 723 in pew Bible) This is the time of year when we find that our houses don’t have adequate lighting and there are not enough green plants in our homes that look like candy, so we go and put these things into more

  • Climbing Into The Manger Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Dec 23, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    We experience the Christmas touch of God as we personally give the gift of ourselves to God and experience both belonging and forgiveness.

    It was a few days before Christmas on the Oregon coast. Two men whose families lived next door opted to go sailing while their wives went Christmas shopping. An unexpected storm surprised the weekend sailors. Before long, the sea became angry, and the two had a difficult time keeping the sailboat more

  • Worship Like The Parents

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 28, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Seeing ourselves in Jesus’ parents, and responding in worship

    Worship Like the Parents December 22/23, 2001 – Steve Simala Grant Intro: From Yancey (The Jesus I Never Knew, p. 43-44), quoting JB Phillips: A senior angel is showing a very young angel around the splendors of the universe. They view whirling galaxies and blazing suns, and then flit across more

  • The Original Dynamic Duo Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Jan 17, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    A look at the births of John and Jesus

    THE ORIGINAL DYNAMIC DUO Luke 1:5-80 INTRODUCTION: A Recap of Luke’s Introduction (1:1-4) A. v. 1 - Many had written about the life of JESUS. B. v. 2 - Eyewitnesses passed one their first hand knowledge of JESUS’ life. C. v. 3- After careful investigation, Luke set out to write an orderly more

  • Mothers Of Great Faith

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Oct 24, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    A study of the great faith of cousins Mary and Elizabeth.

    Mothers of Great Faith (Luke 1) [HTTP formatted copy of this sermon is located at:] The Bible tells us in Luke 8:31-32 how to be true disciples or students of Jesus Christ, by abiding (living, being at home) continually (day by day) in His more

  • How To Receive An Answer From God Series

    Contributed by Jeff Seaman on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    There are four attitudes i believe we need in order to have answered to our prayers

    HOW TO RECEIVE AN ANSWER FROM GOD Power Through Prayer - Part 4 Luke 1:5-23 Pastor Jeff Seaman We’re in a series of messages on "Power Through Prayer". The first week we talked about the four purposes of prayer. The second week we talked about the five conditions of prayer. Last week we more

  • How To Pray For A Miricle Series

    Contributed by Jeff Seaman on Apr 20, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    how to pray whem you need a miricle

    HOW TO PRAY FOR A MIRACLE Power Through Prayer - Part 3 Luke 18:35-43 Jeff Seaman Much of life is beyond our control. There’s just not anything you can do about it. Sometimes your best efforts aren’t good enough. Sometimes the only thing that will work is a miracle. When do you need a more

  • A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Altar Series

    Contributed by Mary Lewis on May 29, 2001
    based on 156 ratings

    Zechariah’s experience in the Temple: Religion can turn us away from God. (Preached during Advent, but not really seasonal)

    Introduction In the musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” Tevye, a man devoted to tradition, finds his thinking challenged when his oldest daughter wants to marry for love, instead of having her marriage arranged by her parents. It had never occurred to him that one would marry for love, and one night he more