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Sermons on Joshua 2:9-6:25:

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  • Conditoned For The Conquest Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 18, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    After crossing over Jordan, was Jericho imediatly on the mind of God? No first they needed to be ’conditioned for the conquest’.

    Conditioned for the Conquest Part 1 Joshua 4&5; Today we are going to cover only chapter 4; After they cross we would expect Jerico to be conquered in short order. We think that Jerico is immediately on God’s mind. Not so, they spent some 10 days here at Gilgal and some 6 days before they saw more

  • Conditioned For The Conquest: Our Part, Part Two Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 18, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    God parted the Jordan, God brought them up out of the river bed, God brought them out of the wilderness, but what was their part in the conditioning?

    Conditioned for the Conquest: Part 2; Joshua 5; Preached at Midway Community Church March 5, 2000. Last time we saw in chapter 4; conditioned for the conquest, God’s Part. The Crossing that was finished & the Coming up that freed them. We saw how God did everything necessary so they EXCHANGE the more

  • Joshua: The Posture Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Aug 27, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    Part 3 Joshua’s place in history is greater that the battle of Jericho

    JOSHUA THE POSTURE OF PRAYER “WHAT DO YOU WANY, LORD” Date: March 10, 2002 PM Service Place: Allendale Baptist Text: Joshua 5:13-15 Introduction When we think of the name & the man Joshua, our mind may go back to the song “Joshua fit the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling’ down”. more

  • The Spirit Of Pride

    Contributed by Chad Prather on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    The Old Testament nation of the Amorites represent the spirit of pride, and represent a major obstacle to your spiritual destiny.

    The Amorites - The Spirit of Pride Joshua 3:10 Amorite - Heb. -“Proud, Boastful, Bitter rebels, Mountaineers. They lived in the thin air of the mountains; lived in lofty places. I Peter 5:5-6 Intro: If you ever doubt that the spirit of pride and self-exaltation is dangerous, remember more

  • The Spirit Of Deception

    Contributed by Chad Prather on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 89 ratings

    The Old Testament nation of the Hivites represent the spirit of deception and present a major obstacle to our destiny as the people of God.

    The Spirit of Deception (Hivites) Josh 3:10; Genesis 3:1-5 Hivite: To live a lie openly shown; a serpent. Deception: To mislead by giving a distorted impression or false sense of reality. To trick; to cheat; to beguile. The ancient Greeks used the word to describe the pleasure that comes more

  • El Error De No Saber Discernir

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Oct 2, 2002
    based on 239 ratings

    Saber que debemos entender como distinguir en el Pueblo de Dios de no hacer grupos y las consecuencias de ello.

    EL ERROR DE NO SABER DISCERNIR (Josue 5:13-15) "Estando Josué cerca de Jericó, alzó sus ojos y vio un varón que estaba delante de él, el cual tenía una espada desenvainada en su mano. Y Josué, yendo hacia él, le dijo: ¿Eres de los nuestros, o de nuestros enemigos? 14El respondió: No; mas como more

  • God's Battle Plan

    Contributed by James May on Feb 22, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    God told Joshua that he was standing on Holy Ground and would have to take off his shoes as a sign that he had surrendered his will to God’s will. That’s how we are going to be over comers too.

    GOD’S BATTLE PLAN Joshua 5:13-15 During World War II the United States and Great Britain achieved a great deal of success in cryptography. The German army and the Luftwaffe were wreaking havoc on allied forces and nations in Europe while the Japanese were doing the same thing in the Pacific. more

  • God Can Use You Series

    Contributed by Aaron Burgess on Mar 24, 2004
    based on 64 ratings

    Many of us have some preconceived ideas about who God can use but Rahab tells us that God can use anyone, even me.

    God Wants To Use You! Joshua 2:1-13 Elmer Towns tells about a member of a motorcycle gang who was converted to Jesus Christ dramatically and the first Sunday he did the only thing he knew he should do and so he went to church. Nobody in the church knew him and he walked down to the second aisle more

  • The Loving And Forgiving Father

    Contributed by William Baeta on Mar 27, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    “The father said to his servants, ‘bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was

    Theme: The loving and forgiving Father Text: Josh. 5:1-9; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Lk. 15:11-32 Many people today think that the most important thing in life is to believe in God. This has led to the situation where many people claim they believe in God but have no idea what kind of God they believe in. more

  • Who Will Roll Away The Stone

    Contributed by John Carnett on Apr 10, 2004
    based on 63 ratings

    Man’s delimma since the garden was to get back to that place where he experienced communion with God. These two Mary’s were wondering who would roll the stone away at the tomb. But all men have been wondering that for millennia. Who will break down the

    Who Will Roll Away The Stone? Main Text: Mark 16:1-7 INTRO: • In man’s path of happiness there lies a huge rock, which completely blocks up the road… • Who among men can remove the barrier? • Generation to generation…men have buried their dead…the sepulcher (grave), becoming their prison of no more

  • 4 Steps

    Contributed by Millie Pisano on Apr 14, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    As Christians we need to show God’s power and how we are set apart” Do you show yourself as a child of God? Do you walk in His full anointing when you are outside of the church building?

    1. The Request Main Scripture Reference 2. The Promise Joshua 5 & 1kings 17:13,15,16 3. The Obedience 4. The Blessing Starting with Joshua 5 verse 1 we read....... So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites who were on the more

  • Beyond The Obvious: Faith's Secrets

    Contributed by Wann Fanwar on Apr 21, 2003
    based on 148 ratings

    This sermon is an appraisal of faith from a unique perspective, the story of Rahab. The sermon suggests four main components of the faith exhibited by Rahab

    BEYOND THE OBVIOUS: FAITH’S SECRETS Hebrews 11:1-16 At the beginning of each year, the Queen of the United Kingdom bestows certain New Year’s honours on people who have made special contributions to their respective fields. Some receive the MBE, others the OBE. In doing so, these individuals are more

  • Steps Of Faith

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 22, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    A lesson on walking in faith.

    This morning I would like to speak to you about taking steps of faith. One of the more difficult aspects of the Christian life can be those times of taking steps of faith. It is important to note, however, that many of God’s greatest blessings accompany great steps of faith. Today we are more

  • God's Amazing Works

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 44 ratings


    Title: God’s Amazing Works! Text: Joshua 3 Introduction: We have never been this way before ‒ One thing that we know is certain is that things change. (20 Year Reunion) ‒ Look at yourself in the mirror. ‒ Listen to the music on the radio. ‒ Watch a little TV. more

  • A Fresh Anointing

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on May 5, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    God has always required His people to advance, generally it is easier to retreat! God is calling Neighborhood Church to advance!

    A FRESH ANOINTING God has always required His people to advance, generally it is easier to retreat! God is calling Neighborhood Church to advance! i.e. Remember the children of Israel at the Red Sea, the Egyptians were breathing down their backs, mountains on both sides and the sea before more