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Sermons on John 6:16-21:

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  • The Food Sign Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 20, 2017
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus did many miracles but only 2 are told about in all four Gospels. One is the miracle of Jesus' resurrection... and the other is the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. The question is "Why are these 2 the only miracles listed that in all 4?"

    (Note: I put a large piece of Matzah bread on the communion table for a physical illustration later in the sermon) OPEN: (We put a “McDonald’s sign” – without the word McDonalds – up on the screen) Does anybody recognize this? That’s right, it’s the symbol for McDonalds. The first McDonalds more

  • The Sign Of Fear Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 26, 2017
    based on 11 ratings

    The disciples weren't afraid of the storm. And they weren't really afraid of Jesus. What was it that they were afraid of that day? And what did Jesus do to deal with their fear?

    I once read the story of a man who was hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. It was late at night and no cars were passing. The storm was fierce and the winds strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead. Suddenly, he saw a car coming towards him and stop. Without further more

  • "Fifth Sign" Jesus Walking On The Water Series

    Contributed by Dr. Rich Denning on Apr 26, 2017

    This is part of a series on the Gospel of John.

    INTRODUCTION: After feeding the 5,000 Jesus withdrew by Himself because He perceived the crowd would force Him to be king. He did not give any specific instructions to His disciples. However, they went to down to the sea and began a nighttime voyage across the sea to Capernaum. The disciples of more

  • I Can Get There Quicker By Walking Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on May 5, 2017

    A study of the Gospel of John 6: 15 – 21

    John 6: 15 – 21 I Can Get There Quicker By Walking “15 Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone. 16 Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, 17 got into the boat, and more

  • The Sweet Path Of Obedience

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 18, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon focuses on the topic of OBEDIENCE - I. Obedience - A Present Experience II. Obedience - Empowered through Our Daily Walk With God III. Obedience - Transformational

    Title: The Sweet Path of Obedience Scripture: John 6:1 - 21; Genesis 2:16; Revelation 22:14 Theme: Obedience This sermon focuses on the topic of OBEDIENCE - I. Obedience - A Present Experience II. Obedience is Empowered through Our Daily Walk With God III. Obedience is more

  • Power And Peace In The Storm Series

    Contributed by Curtis E. Nester on May 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    How the presence of Jesus in your life changes everything.

    SERIES: Miracles with a Message #5 TITLE Power and Peace in the Storm TEXT: John 6:14-21 INTRO: Since he was a little boy, Bob had heard that his Father, Grandfather and Great-grandfather had all walked on water on their 21st birthdays. So, on his 21st birth-day, Bob his good friend Brian headed more

  • Trusting God For Provision And Safety Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jun 28, 2016

    What you focus on when the issue is impossible is very telling of where your trust is. Our responsibility in life is to trust Jesus, to desire more of Him. We are to learn from the lessons being played out before us, and still lean on Him always.

    Trusting God for Provision and Safety John 6:1-21 Introduction - The gospel of John screams of the faith that we should have in Christ -- It is the clearest example of living life FOR the one who redeemed you and I - When it comes to matters of faith, sometimes seeing is believing -- But more

  • ‘keep Calm Jesus Is In Control!’

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 11, 2017

    ‘Keep Calm Jesus is in Control!’ - John chapter 6 verses 16-21 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). God Has A Plan For Me And Its Good (vs 16) (2). God Sees Everything I am Going Through (vs 15) (3). God’s Help Is Always On Time (vs 18b-19) (4). God’s Purpose Is Always For Our Growth (vs 20-21) (5). God’s Word Never Fails (vs 20). SERMON BODY: Ill: • “Keep Calm and Carry more

  • I Didn't Know That I Was Starving Until I Tasted You Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Jun 18, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    A sermon for a mixed congregation (adults and children) trying to get across why it matters that Jesus became flesh and why it matters that he still makes himself present to us now in bread and wine.

    ............................. “ Beloved, I received from the Lord what I also hand on to you” (1 Cor 11:23) - where to begin? Perhaps with meeting someone famous…. Have you ever met anyone famous? ............. [take answers from congregation] ............ Once when I was 20 I met a famous person. more

  • Jesus As The Whiz Of God Series

    Contributed by Dr. Michael Eaton on Jul 29, 2017

    This is Chapter 4 of John On the Run: A Survey of the Bible New Testament Book of John. Pick up a copy of this book at .

    Introduction At the time of this writing, I serve God at what would be considered a small church in a small town. The members have heard me say a time or two, “I do not serve at a mega church but I do serve a mega God!” I have seen God do many, many, tremendous things for me and my family right more

  • Bread For Life Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Jan 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    John doesn’t use the language of miracles, or wonders, because he wants us to understand that these things point beyond themselves. They’re signs of God’s kingdom. It’s just as important that we pay attention to them, and that we understand them.

    Sermon by Rev George Hemmings I want to start this morning with a quick quiz. What do these signs mean? The first is easy. What about this one? Easy again. The great thing about signs is that they’re universal. No matter where you are you know what this sign is telling you. Signs are more

  • The Power To Meet Needs

    Contributed by Leonard Davis on Mar 4, 2016

    People may genuinely want to help others and because God is left out, they set out to do it in their own strength. It doesn’t take long when dealing with material wealth and/or material resources that limitations are soon reached.

    THE POWER TO MEET NEEDS John 6:5-11, 26-31, 47-51 You’ve heard of having too much month at the end of the money. Our resources can run out before all the needs are met. For a lot of people this is an ongoing experience. They are like the person described in the song Sixteen Tons – more

  • Children Of Promise Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 5, 2016

    We must understand that in every age, whatever the climate, God has intervened to raise up His people.

    Third Sunday of Lent 2016 Our extraordinary form of the Mass is truly extraordinary in the more popular sense on this fourth Sunday of Lent. The songs of the Church, both in words and chant, leap off the page with joy and exultation. The vocabulary is a Latin thesaurus of excitement: Laetare, more

  • That Ain't No Ghost, Buster! Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 10, 2016

    We find our Savior/Disciples once again in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. We’re going to learn today three assurances that this story gives us concerning storms.

    10 Amazing Miracles From Scripture Series (3 of 10) “That Ain’t No Ghost, Buster!” John 6.15-21 10/18/15 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A John 6:15-21 (NASB) 15 So Jesus, perceiving that they were intending to come and take Him by force to make more

  • 2 + 5 = 5000

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jul 26, 2018

    The main point of this sermon is that miracles can take place when we do our part and depend on God to direct the ministry.

    2 + 5 = 5,000 John 6: 1 – 21 Intro: Children can ask some really difficult questions regarding religion such as: “Who made all the planets?” or “How come God doesn’t do miracles any more?” I Perhaps God performed these miracles to demonstrate to humanity their inadequacy. A VS 7 “It would more