William's church

Grace Church Planting Ministries, Inc.
Pensacola, Florida 32514

About William
  • Education: B.S. in Business Administration (majored in Marketing) from Mississippi State University; Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA.
  • Experience: I have invested 18 years as a bivocational church planter in Nebraska, Central Michigan, and Florida. Ten years ago I was commissioned as a missionary with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, assigned as a "Regional Church Planting Strategist" with the Florida Baptist Convention. My region consisted of 18 counties, from Pensacola to Madison, Florida, and I was blessed to assist in the establishment of nearly 40 new churches over a six year period.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: My first expository sermon series through Paul’s Letter to the Romans: what a radical change that brought in my own understanding of theology and soteriology. It took nearly three years, with lots of personal agony. God demolished many of the cherished ideas that I thought were "truth" and replaced them with rock-solid convictions from the inspired pen of the great apostle Paul. What a life-changing, ministry revolution that was and continues to be.
  • Family: My wife (Sheri) and I live in the beautiful country of Wales, which is part of the United Kingdom, with one of our four children (daughter, 19); our second daughter is married and lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, with her husband and two-year-old boy. Our oldest daughter lives in Pensacola. And our son is married and lives in Sheffield, England, where he serves as a ministry intern in a house church network.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: There are several maxims I recall: To let the Bible speak for itself. To let Scripture illustrate Scripture. To provide a model of digging out the truths of a passage that will show every listener how to do it for himself. To be sure that the sermon comes from the chosen text, rather then using a verse simply to hang my own words upon. To remember that the pastor’s primary calling is the Word of God and prayer (Acts 6). Anything else is diaconal ministry.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Pleasures of God by John Piper. The Sovereignty of God by A. W. Pink. An All Round Ministry by Charles H. Spurgeon. Dining with the Devil by Os Guinness. The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur.
  • Hobbies: There are a couple of passions in my life: technology and theology.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: We were a brand new church that met in someone’s living room. Since we had no children’s ministry, as such, our children would lay on the floor with their coloring books and quietly busy themselves during the preaching time. One Sunday, I asked a rhetorical question of my fledgling congregation and a little boy, no more than 5 years old, answered question without even looking up from his crayons. It proved to everyone that children can listen and learn even when you least expect it.
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  • God's Unique Design In Suffering: A Portrait

    Contributed on Feb 11, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Is there a "design" in suffering? Ask the sisters of Lazarus.

    God’s Unique Design in Suffering: A Portrait in the Lives of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (Part 1) John 11:1-16 This morning we come to examine the last of seven miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John. Each miracle reminds us that Jesus is God, sovereign in power, and more

  • Power And Peace In The Storm

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    The storms of life can come up quickly and unexpectedly, but our greatest comfort is knowing that the Lord Jesus not only sees our struggles, but He has the power to bring peace in the midst of the storm.

    Power and Peace in the Storm John 6:15-21 I. The Problem with Misplaced Enthusiasm (vs. 15) a. It will dull your spiritual sensitivities with carnal pleasures (see Mark 6:52;Ecclesiastes 5:1; Proverbs 28:26) b. It will quickly put your will at odds with the Father’s will (Proverbs more

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