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Sermons on John 17:6-20:

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  • May They Be One As We Are One.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on May 20, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    Year C Seventh Sunday of Easter May 27, 2001 John 17: 20-26

    Year C Seventh Sunday of Easter May 27, 2001 John 17: 20-26 Title: “May they be one as we are one.” At the Last Supper Jesus prays for the future of the Church. Chapter seventeen constitutes the longest recorded prayer of Jesus in the Gospels. It more

  • One Plus One Plus One Equals One

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on May 24, 2001
    based on 90 ratings

    A sermon for the 7th Sunday of Easter

    7th Sunday of Easter John 17: 20-26 One Plus One Plus One = One   We have a wonderful mystery to contemplate this morning, and it is summarized in a strange formula. It’s not really all that complicated, but it is worthy of reflection for it has implications for our lives together. Here is the more

  • Remembrance And Glory

    Contributed by Joe Harding on May 29, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, ...”

    Remembrance and Glory John 17:20-26/Revelation 22:12-21 Call Ps. 97:1-6/May 24,1998 Introduction: Memorial Day Poem by Dick Gayan Transition thought: Holidays are tough for me. They are tough because they are Holidays, and not Holy Days. Should they be Holy days? I believe so. But, In a more

  • Why Jesus Knew That No One Could Ruin God's Plan

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 25 ratings

    How to find certainty in God’s will for your life

    Terrible discouragement can be avoided if people realize nothing can ruin God’s plan for their life. God told Jeremiah, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer. 29:11) Illustration:J. Dennis Miller, president of more

  • Jesus Prays For Our Unity

    Contributed by Bobby Gilstrap on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 979 ratings

    Jesus prays for the unity of his disciples and the church.

    “JESUS PRAYS FOR OUR UNITY” JOHN 17:20-26 (NASB) The billboard shows a little girl sitting on her daddy’s shoulders waving an American flag … and the caption says ... WHAT MAKES US GREAT … “Unity, pass it on!” Since 9/11 - “United We Stand” has been the theme – we want to project a united more

  • How To Evangelise Series

    Contributed by David Browne on Dec 9, 2000
    based on 121 ratings

    The world looks at us Christians and says, "do they have anything I want"

    How To Evangelise (3.12.00) “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As you sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. and for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they may be sanctified by the truth.” John 17:17-19. (NKJ) Introduction: The young salesman was more

  • For Their Sakes Series

    Contributed by David Browne on Dec 12, 2000
    based on 77 ratings

    The Gospel in three words

    For Their Sakes 12/12/2000. “For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.” John 17:19.(NKJ) Introduction: I read about a small boy who was consistently late coming home from school. His parents warned him one day that more

  • Peace On Earth, And In The Church

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 80 ratings

    The Angels Proclaimed that there would be peace on earth, Jesus prayed for peace in the church!

    Morning Message Central Church of Christ December 10, 2000 John Dobbs PEACE ON EARTH, AND IN THE CHURCH, PART ONE Introduction: Luke 2:1-15. It was the mission of Jesus to save lost humanity, build a family of believers, and and those believers into the world to spread the greatest message ever more

  • A Call For Prayer

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Dec 15, 2000
    based on 30 ratings

    There is a need for the church to turn back to prayer to advance the Kingdom of God

    As we begin 1997, there is an important call, not only in the Assemblies of God, but in churches throughout the world to return to the alter, to return to prayer as a vital part of our Christian life. Throughout the month of January in the evening services I am going to be spending time more

  • Jesus Prayer For The Church

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Dec 16, 2000
    based on 160 ratings

    What is it that makes a church great? Prayer

    Jesus Prayer for the Church Turn this morning to John 17:13-23 (READ) This morning I want to speak to you concerning what makes a great church. By looking at Scripture, what is it that makes a church great? This morning, you may be wondering, is Ballard Assembly a great church. I have more

  • Gossip, Backbiting, Slander, Evil Speaking, And Malice

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 29, 2000
    based on 176 ratings

    Christian unity is not based upon agreeing with one another or having the same doctrinal beliefs. Nor is it compromising your beliefs for the sake of unity.

    Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior made us a member of His family, the Body of Christ, and we also became His bride. We were grafted into the vine, the bloodline of Jesus. This made us into an instant blood relative to every Christian throughout time, co-equal with every believer as a brother more

  • Why Are You Here?

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Feb 19, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Worship God To be here for any other reason is in vain!

    Why are you here? You are not here today to be seen and heard. We have not come here to show off a new dress or anything like that. We are not here to visit friends and family. You did not come here to hear an elite speaker or be entertained. Worship God To be here for any other reason is in more

  • Can The World See The Difference Series

    Contributed by Luciano Lombardi on Feb 27, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    Objective: As Jesus looks to the future, his desire is for the church to primarily be the place where the world finds God.

    Can the World See the Difference? Subject: The Community of Believers Theme: Being the Place where the world finds God Time: Sunday Morning July 30, 2000 Question: Can the World see the Difference? Introduction: How do we define “being different?” - in the past this has been shaped by what more

  • Passing On The Torch Series

    Contributed by Luciano Lombardi on Feb 27, 2001
    based on 95 ratings

    Objective: As the people of God, a torch has been passed to us giving us the purpose to be to the world what Jesus was to Israel.

    PASSING ON THE TORCH Subject: Christians in the World Theme: Our Purpose in the World Time: Sunday Morning July 16, 2000 Question: What is passed on to us? Introduction: This summer we will witness one of the most reknowned traditions in the world - The Summer Olympics - dating back to the more

  • Unity In The Church

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on Jul 3, 2002
    based on 498 ratings

    Demonstrates how unity and fulfilling the purposes of the church go hand in hand. Gives practical characeristics to exhibit in order to achieve unity.

    Unity in the Church Philippians 2:1-11 Here Paul is instructing the church how they are to act one to another. He’s leading them to unity. And it’s unity for a purpose. Vs. 2 says "working together with one heart and purpose." It’s when we follow these instructions of Paul and we, the Church, are more