
Summary: Satan wants to rain on your parade

Clearing out roadblock, to see more of God

Don’t be fooled into thinking God isn’t good- He’ll give you hearts desire

The Spirit of Bondage

Do you act like yourself- Do you fake it

Are you afraid to cut loose-

It can happen at church- Happen in Personal life too

Taking a leap, forgetting the opinions of people

Afraid to give your husband everything

Afraid to love your wife, like you know you should (If it ain’t Broke)

John 17:11-12—Protected by the Father---have some guts- break a habit

Don’t be stupid- But be brave

The Spirit of Division

2 Cor. 11:11

Satan has a plan and it’s to divide

The Kingdom of God is in a wheel chair –


People around town, Proud of sign out front,

Praying for our collapse 1 Cor. 1:10

Division of our Families- Breakdown of Godly Design

The Church must unite- we must open our arms

Quit judging people by what they look like on the


Separating ourselves over clothes, Titles, Color, Income,

The Spirit of Discouragement- Jeremiah 21:11-13 <14-17>

Matter of moments went from confident- to despair

From praising God to cursing the day he was born

Usually shows up a little while after a Breakthrough

Satan wants you to believe things are worse than they are

Ever just dreaded something---ends up being nothing

Sometimes there a fight--- Don’t have to get discouraged

Satan wants you to believe you’re in it all by yourself

We won’t question ourselves---Question everything around us

The Spirit of Deception

Garden of Eden- Satan was a deceiver

Eve’s info was 2nd hand- God told Adam, Adam told Eve

If all you ever have, 2nd hand info- in deception already

Satan has to lie, So he sounds good

He’s not good enough, just by himself

Visual of drugs is repulsive, 2nd hand info, not that bad

Gen 3: 1-7

Satan will twist the word-

Adam knew God wasn’t lying- He ate cuz- Going down together

Eve Believed Satan

Perfect enviro, Not abused by husband, frustrated by kids

Mistreated by the church, yelled at by her boss

Satan wants to deceive you, and he’s good at it- cuz we listen

The Spirit of Pride- Satan wants you to depend on yourself

You can handle it, broad shoulder, 4 county fairs And a goat ropin’

Ps. 25: 9

“God guides the humble in what is right”

2 Chron. 7: 14

“If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seed my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and will forve their sin and heal their land”

1st things 1st – Humble yourself

You cannot do it alone, you need the help of God

Don’t think God needs you to do something

You need God to do everything

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