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Sermons on Galatians 4:21-31:

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  • Genesis 3 Made Us "Smart Phones” - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on May 31, 2017

    This is the second message in the series "Auto-correcting God".

    In the first message of this series, looked at Adam and Eve’s rebellion, from the perspective of how it changed their relationship, and ours, from being “dumb phones,” being dependent on God to becoming “smart phones” and acting independently of God. Smart phones have a function that dumb phones more

  • Freedom's Love Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to be an effective lover, demonstrate GRACE in all your relationships; love freely and without conditions.

    It was tax season, and Jane Osinki decided to surprise her husband, Henry, by getting their tax information in to their CPA early. She picked up the tax package their CPA had sent, scanned the forms, and noticed that Henry had already filled in some of the lines. To the question, “Did your more

  • Freedom's Children Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 3, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Know your mother and throw out the other. Stop trying to earn your way, and start enjoying your way to heaven.

    Mary Hickey talks about the time when she was expecting her first baby. Then, a six-year-old neighbor girl was particularly curious. She wanted to see the baby furniture and hear her list of possible names. When she asked where the baby was, Mary was a walking show-and-tell even at four months. more

  • Who Is Your True Mother?

    Contributed by Malcolm Rogers on Apr 14, 2016

    Where are our true origins? We can only be free from death and law and the need to justify ourselves when we realise that our real mother is not from this world, but that we are children of the heavenly Jerusalem, of the promise of God

    Paul writes, ‘The other woman corresponds to the Jerusalem above; she is free and she is our mother’ (Galatians 4.26) It is strange language. Why not ‘home’? It would make more sense But when Paul talks about ‘our mother’, he is speaking of our origins. Our more

  • Christmas & The Middle East Crisis

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 12, 2018

    The real reason for the Middle-East Crisis: THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO HINDER THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST by stopping God’s elect nation from getting reestablished, stopping their having Jerusalem, stopping the building of the Temple and the reinstitution of sacrifices.

    CHRISTMAS & THE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS Gal. 4:21-29 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. I heard about a couple of men fishing off the coast of Wales, England in rough weather. One of the fishermen lost his dentures over the side of the boat. 2. His friend, wanting to pull a prank, bet him $100 that he more

  • A Fresh Start For A New Year Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jan 5, 2019

    In order to make “A Fresh Start for the New Year”, therefore, we need to understand and walk in 1) The Desire for Freedom (Galatians 4:21-23 , 2) The Design for Freedom (Galatians 4:24-27), and celebrate 3) The Delight of Freedom (Galatians 4:28-31).

    Dr. Yoel Abells in his article, Avoiding the failure trap of New Year’s resolutions wrote this: “(A New Year) is an opportunity to reflect on days past and to consider the future”. Typically at this time, we make resolutions or commitments to change something (or multiple things) about ourselves. more

  • The Promise

    Contributed by Hiram Withers on Feb 5, 2019

    There are those in the church who believe themselves to be saved, because of what they have done. Then there are those who believe themselves to be saved because of what God has done.

    Warren Wiersbe once wrote, “We live by God’s promises.” This is an undeniable truth, that is present in all of our lives. As humans we are unique among all creation. In the beginning God gave mankind dominion over the earth and blessed mankind. He continues that blessing to this day as the earth more

  • Who's Your Momma? Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 17, 2020

    When preaching through Galatians, many pastors either just mention this section or skip over it altogether. Why? Because it is a hard section to preach! It’s theologically deep and I’ve had to work hard to be able to explain in a way that we can all understand.

    Dance Lessons: A Passionate Plea from a Pastor Galatians 4:8-20 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 4-19-2020 Redeemed and Adopted Last week, we celebrated Easter in a very different way but the resurrection of Jesus Christ was still celebrated all over the world by billions of more

  • Who's Your Momma? #4 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 3, 2019

    We are all influenced (directed) by the people who raised us physically, mentally and especially spiritually.

    This week we continue in our sermon series entitled, “In Need of a GPS”. We have been walking through the letter Paul wrote to the Galatians in 54 AD. As you know, Paul was writing to the church plants he started over the course of three years of missions work. He was upset because the original more

  • Don’t Settle For Ishmael When You Can Have Isaac

    Contributed by John Gaston on Nov 13, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Abraham failed to contend for a supernatural offspring, opting to settle for less than God's best. Many Christians do likewise. God commands, "Get rid of the slave woman and her son!" i.e - "Stop accepting only natural solutions!"

    DON’T SETTLE FOR ISHMAEL WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ISAAC GENESIS 15:1-16:5 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A college professor was giving a final exam to his students. He distributed the tests to the class and waited for his students to finish. When the students handed in their completed tests, one of the more

  • Abraham, Isaac, And Our Vocation As Other Christs

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 8, 2015

    We are called to be children of the promise, not children of slavery to sin.

    Fourth Sunday in Lent 2015 Extraordinary Form Our Lord Jesus Christ was no politician. If some charismatic leader today advertised himself as a wonder-worker, and down at our convention center or stadium took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed five or ten thousand people, and then promised more

  • The Gospel: Shown By Allegory Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Nov 20, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    Galatians 4:21-31 is unique. It is the only place in the New Testament to use allegory from the Old Testament. These events are recorded in Geneses 15-21. When Abraham was seventy five years old God promised him he would be the father of a great nation.

    One of the most widely read and influential books of all time was written from a jail cell by a Baptist minister. He was in England, in jail for twelve years for preaching without a license when he wrote it. The title of the book is Pilgrims Progress and the author is John Bunyan. There are more

  • An Appeal From Allegory

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 12, 2019

    The Galatian converts defined themselves as children of Abraham; but Paul reminds them that Abraham had two kinds of children, one by a handmaid (Hagar), and one by a freewoman (Sarah).

    November 23, 2013 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians Tom Lowe Chapter III.C.2: An Appeal from Allegory (4:21-31) Galatians 4.21-31 (KJV) The Historical Facts 21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22 For more

  • White Lies And Laughter

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jun 10, 2024

    The Sin of Deception is contagious, and it affects all who are in its path and consumed by it.

    2024.06.09. Sermon Notes. White Lies and Laughter. HIDDEN TRUTH and “He Laughs or Laughter” William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA: THE SIN OF DECEPTION IS CONTAGIOUS, AND IT AFFECTS ALL THOSE WHO ARE IN ITS PATH AND CONSUMED BY IT. Scriptures: Exodus 20:2-17, Matthew 22:36-40, Matthew 5:27-28, more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 4:21–29 - Message 16 – The Argument Of Contrasts: Which Woman Are You Following? Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jun 18, 2024

    Two ways, two sons, two destinies, two mothers but one father – Hagar and Sarah being the two mothers. Paul develops this position of two systems, one under bondage and one according to promise and freedom. Christians can place themselves under bondage.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 4:21–29 - MESSAGE 16 – THE ARGUMENT OF CONTRASTS: WHICH WOMAN ARE YOU FOLLOWING? Part 1 – Galatians 4 verses 21 – 23 We come now to the latter part of chapter 3 and the continuing evidence why Christians are not under Law but walk by grace through the promises more