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Sermons on Exodus 21:17:

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    Preach confidently from Exodus 21:17

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  • Part 1: Affirmations For Life Series

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on May 31, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    Part 1 of "What does the Bible really say about the death penalty" series - To understand the Bible’s teaching on capital punishment we must understand God’s heart and affirmation regarding life.

    What does the Bible really say about the death penalty? PART 1 Affirmations for LIFE from God by Andrew Chan, Senior Pastor, PBC, Vancouver, BC TEXT: Exodus: 21:12-17 (NLT) 12 “Anyone who hits a person hard enough to cause death must be put to death. 13 But if it is an accident and God allows it more

  • Part 2 Law Of Death, Spirit Of Life Series

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Jun 3, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Part 2 in series on "What does the Bible really say about the death penalty?" In Part 1 we affirm life.

    What does the Bible really say about the death penalty? PART 2 Law of Death, Spirit of Life. by Andrew Chan, PBC, Vancouver, BC Exodus: 21:12-17 (NLT) 12 “Anyone who hits a person hard enough to cause death must be put to death. 13 But if it is an accident and God allows it to happen, I will more

  • Personal Rights Under The Law Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Dec 14, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    God gives his judges guidance in pertinent matters of Personal Rights. These rights were in regards to servants, maidservants, and criminal actions against other members of the community. Let us examine these laws to see what we may glean for the perfec

    Personal Rights under the Law In Relation to servants In Relation to daughters In Relation to crime against others DBF Sunday Sermon, Exodus 21:1-32, 12/15/02 We hear so much about personal rights today that they seem to be the overshadowing interest of our time. Many will go to large extremes more

  • Exodus 21 - An Eye For An Eye! I Want My Revenge! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    God speaks to me of recompense not vengeance, punishment but not cruelty, deterring crime and not accepting bad behaviour. As I love and serve Him I take on His character and I can be just and fair.

    Exodus 21 - An Eye for an Eye Exodus 21 is where Israel is given instructions regarding slaves, violence and restitution. You won’t believe some of the things that are covered here, from buying slaves to an ox falling accidently in a ditch. Rules and regulations. This is where we come across those more

  • Detailed Rules For Canaan Bound Hebrews Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 27, 2018

    God gives details and consequences for breaking God's rules.

    Let us continue to worship God by learning from the Book of Exodus. Exodus is the story of God’s chosen People called out of Egypt to get instructions from God before entering the Promised Land of Canaan. Remember the background? • God chose a people to reveal Himself starting with Abraham and more

  • In Harmony Or Not? | A Godly Family Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Oct 1, 2020

    A little girl was punished for some act of disobedience. Her mom and dad decide that her punishment will be for her to

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: In Harmony or not? | A Godly Family by Rev. Shine.P Thomas How does a Godly more

  • How To Respond To Violence, Part 1 (Exodus 21:12-19) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Sep 24, 2022

    How should God's people live toward each other? The OT assumes that we will fight, and badly hurt each other. In the NT, God calls us to live in peace (and gives us his Spirit so we can).

    We live in a time, and a place, when violent people do violent things all the time. The world as a whole feels unsafe, and it feels like it's getting worse. Every day, we get updates about some new terrible act of violence, and we go through life just sort of constantly thinking about it. more

  • Honoring Parents

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Feb 8, 2022

    Do you really honor your parents or only pay lip service.

    Continuing Pastor Mike’s series on God’s Top Ten tonight we will be looking at the fifth commandment. Some people seem to think that honoring their parents is merely getting them gifts or a visit on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. God has a much deeper take on the subject. Exodus 20:12 more

  • Breaking Free From Parental Curses. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Parental curses are negative words or actions spoken or taken by parents against their children, often out of anger, frustration, or disappointment.

    Parental curses are negative words or actions spoken or taken by parents against their children, often out of anger, frustration, or disappointment. These curses can have a profound impact on a child's life, affecting their self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. In this sermon, we more

  • Laws PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 20, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores Exodus 21:1-6, seeking understanding of God's commandments, the consequences of actions, and the significance of His covenant laws. Key

    Good morning, beloved family of God. It's a joy to gather together, united in spirit and purpose, to delve into the richness of God’s Word. Today, we are setting our sights on a passage that, at first glance, may seem complex, even daunting. But fear not, for we are not alone in this endeavor. We more