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Sermons on 2 Corinthians 13:1-10:

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  • "Testing, 1,2,3"

    Contributed by Quintin Morrow on Nov 12, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    A message to challenge church-goers to examine the legitimacy of their conversion.

    “Testing 1,2,3” II Corinthians 13:5 November 11, 2001 The Rev’d Quintin Morrow St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Fort Worth, Texas Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in more

  • Examination Time

    Contributed by Jeff Fradenburgh on Nov 14, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    It’s time to take a test to see if you’re putting in to practice and progressing in your faith

    2 Corinthians 13:5 (NLT) 5Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves. If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is among you, it means you have failed the test. The reason Paul calls on them to examine themselves was, Paul was concerned that many of them had been more

  • Discern Between The Righteous & The Wicked

    Contributed by John Waldrip on Dec 11, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    Scripture demands that discernment (not infallibly, however)be made between those truly converted and those unconverted.

    "DISCERN BETWEEN THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED" Malachi 3.18 EXPOSITION: 1. Turn to the last book of the Old Testament, the book of Malachi. I would like for us to begin reading at Malachi 3.13. Please stand, and we will read together Malachi 3.13-18: "Your words have been stout against me, more

  • Don't Guess! Take The Test

    Contributed by Royce Hendry on Dec 6, 2000
    based on 209 ratings

    Examine yourself before the Lord’s Supper.

    I Cor.11:28 & II Cor.13:5 DON’T GUESS, TAKE THE TEST INTRO: The owner of a large warehouse was concerned about his profit margin, and he decided to make an on site inspection. He saw a young man leaning up against a wall apparently not working. The owner said to him, "How much do you make per more

  • Inventory Time

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 386 ratings

    To encourage others to take a spiritual inventory of their lives.

    Inventory Time II Corinthians 13:5-9 Before the service began one Sunday morning, a parishioner said to his pastor, “If you see me fall asleep while you’re preaching, don’t take it personally. Its not that your sermon is boring. Its just that I was taking inventory of all my merchandise last more

  • How To Examine Yourself

    Contributed by Jehu Hernandez on Jan 20, 2001
    based on 181 ratings

    Self-examination is an important part of our relationship with God.

    There are events in our lives that cause us to take a good look at ourselves. The death of a close friend or loved one, especially if death comes in an accident or at a young age, tends to make us stop this whirlwind of activities we call life and look deep inside our souls. Examine yourself. more

  • Nitty Gritty

    Contributed by Eric Olson on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    Death or the coming of Christ could be waiting around the corner. Are you ready to meet your maker?

    “Nitty Gritty” The last couple of weeks we have studied about “The Narrow way” and “Confessing Christ before men” The Lord has really stirred up my spirit concerning your eternal destination. Some of you are walking with God and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Some of you are sitting on more

  • Spiritual Examination Series

    Contributed by Mike Molenaar on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    In the face of a war against evil do we have our lives in order?

    2 Corinthians 13:5-9 I have heard news commentators and writers talk about how recent events have caused them to stop and reflect on life. Many have suggested that they have looked at their priorities to see if they have had them out of order. Many of us probably could admit that our priorities more

  • Identifying Icebergs: Finding And Fixing Areas Of Personal Weakness Series

    Contributed by David Deborde on Oct 17, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Ways to identify and correct areas of spiritual weakness.

    Identifying Icebergs: Finding and Fixing Areas of Spiritual Weakness "Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves. . ." - 2 Corinthians 13.5a (NLT) "Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn again in repentance to the Lord" - Lamentations 3.40 more

  • Christ Living Inn You

    Contributed by Mark Lennon on Dec 20, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    did you know that Christ is accualy in you to live making His home in you

    Christ Living Inn You When you invited the Lord Jesus into your life, He actually and literally came to live in you. Christianity is LIFE -- the life of Christ coming into you at the moment you are born again, and then living through your body each moment of each day. · When I was first saved I more

  • The Love Test

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Aug 1, 2002
    based on 344 ratings

    It’s easy to say that we love God, isn’t it? As long as we don’t probe any deeper than that. But the Bible does probe deeper than that, & it asks more questions than just that one.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK (REVISED - 2018) TEXT: 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 Corinthians 11:26?31 A. I'm not thrilled about taking tests, & I'm glad my years of schooling are behind me. At my age the tests I take now are stress tests & EKGs & hearing more

  • Love Is Patient Series

    Contributed by Jim Mooney on Feb 9, 2001
    based on 118 ratings

    Being patient means to be longsuffering, when you are patient with others you are demonstrating the Love of God to them.

    LOVE IS PATIENCE I CORINTHIANS 13:4 The Bible says, "It is not good for man to be alone." You and I are created to have fellowship with God and each other. It is no accident that solitary confinement is considered to be punishment. Tonight, we are going to look at relationships and their importance more

  • Examine Yourselves

    Contributed by Bart Leger on Mar 8, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    A plea to determine whether a person is in Christ.

    By Bart J. Leger Have any of you had a check up lately? You know, many people go to the doctor only when they’re about ready to die. We had a couple of folks go to the doctor the past two weeks. It’s a wise thing to do because when something serious is found early enough usually more

  • Spiritual Inventory Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jan 9, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    Need to know our assets and our deficits in order to grow

    A SPIRITUAL INVENTORY 2 Cor. 13:5-9 Illustration: Businessman who falls asleep in church. EXAMINE: to give an honest account of where you were, and where you are, and what is important to you. To do this spiritually; measures prayer time, Bible reading, witnessing, scripture memory, life more

  • Examine Yourselves

    Contributed by Benny Horn on Feb 3, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    I believe in the Biblical doctrine of "once saved, always saved", but be absolutely sure that you were "once saved". To know for sure, just answer this question, "Do you know Jesus Christ?"

    Examine Yourselves By Benny D. Horn, February 3, 2002 Introduction: Last Sunday morning, I preached a message on "The Eternal Security of the Believer". I preached on how I believe if you are truly saved that you cannot lose your salvation. Last Sunday night, I preached on God’s chastisement of more