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Sermons on 1 Peter 2:21-25:

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  • Healing - Check It Out Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Michael Raisbeck on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    I believe you may be healed by standing on God? s Word; check it out for yourself starting by analysing Isaiah 53 and 1 Peter 2: 24.

    A very important scripture in healing has to be Isaiah 53. These words were prophesied about 2,700 years ago. Verse 1 " Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? " According to a person I know who reads Hebrew and understands the same, he says Isaiah 53: 1 sets the more

  • Submission To The Boss

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 83 ratings

    SUBMISSION TO THE BOSS IS : THE ONLY WAY TO GLORIFY GOD THE ONLY ANSWER TO UNFAIR TREATMENT THE ONLY WAY TO FULFILL OUR CALLING TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST Theme verse for this section: 2:12 - Commendable Conduct will be further defined as submission in the various realms in which we liv

    SUBMISSION TO THE BOSS IS : THE ONLY WAY TO GLORIFY GOD THE ONLY ANSWER TO UNFAIR TREATMENT THE ONLY WAY TO FULFILL OUR CALLING TO FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST Theme verse for this section: 2:12 - Commendable Conduct will be further defined as submission in the various realms in which we live - more

  • Our Heroic Saviour 

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 60 ratings

    " He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.

    " He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray but now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls" 1st Peter: 24-25 Introduction: It is more

  • The Cross Of Christ

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Jan 22, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Christ suffered for our sins.

    The Cross of Christ Matt 16: 24 “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me.” Consider the cross of Christ- The instrument on which he was killed. (Discuss his death) I Peter 2: 19-24 Isiah 53 “dumb as sheep” His death on the cross was more

  • The Example Of Christ's Suffering

    Contributed by Larry Wood on May 9, 2002
    based on 95 ratings

    Alliterated Outline of I Peter 2:21b-25

    I. It Was An Undeserved Suffering (21b-22) A. He Was Sinless In His Life (21b-22a) 1. His Suffering Was A Substitutionary One For Us (21b) “...because Christ also suffered for us,...” 2. His Suffering Was A Sample One For Us (21c-21d) a. more

  • "Christ's Example Can Empower All Of Us To Endure Injustice.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Apr 18, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    April 21, 2002 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 1 Peter 2:19-25 Title: “Christ’s example can empower all of us to endure injustice.”

    April 21, 2002 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 1 Peter 2:19-25 Title: “Christ’s example can empower all of us to endure injustice.” Although the author is speaking specifically to Christian slaves in this section, what he says applies to all Christians. More correctly, what applies to all Christians, more

  • Follow His Steps Series

    Contributed by William Nowak on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Following in the steps of Christ means committing ourselves to the One who judges righteously.

    I Peter 2:18-25 “Follow His Steps” Intro—Today is the day we call Palm Sunday—This is the day that commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem one week before His death on the cross, His burial and His resurrection. In Mark Chapter 11, beginning in verse 7, the Bible tells us that “they more

  • You Are Holy Series

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Jun 24, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Through our adoption into God’s family, the Church, by the blood of Jesus Christ, we are set apart as Holy. We have been chosen for His service.

    HOLINESS YOU ARE HOLY, YOU ARE GOD’S PEOPLE I Peter 1:13-21 "Preaching is different from making a speech. It both proclaims the good news and challenges people to live it." Today , we have a wonderful opportunity to explore what God is asking of us. Most of us don’t consider more

  • The Answer To America's Problems Series

    Contributed by Michael Demastus on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the America Series...

    “The Answers To America’s Problem” Introduction: *A preacher went to call on one of the ladies in his congregation. When he arrived at her house, her front door was open with the screen door closed. Windows were open and the TV was on. He walked up to the door and knocked. “Sister Jones. Sister more

  • "Follow Thou Me"

    Contributed by William Young on Aug 25, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    The Master’s Instruction carry with it specific Implications that we must follow

    “FOLLOW THOU ME” John 21:18-22 Introduction: 1. This command was meant primarily to call Peter to another locality. 2. As evidence of this, John followed the two. 3. In later life, Peter gave it spiritual significance a. 1 Peter 2:21-24 4. It is in THAT LIGHT, that we shall consider the more

  • Aliens And Strangers Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Dec 15, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Peter explains how we should live as aliens and strangers in this world

    Aliens and Strangers Text: 1 Peter 2:11-25 Introduction As a member of the US Army serving in Germany, I’m an alien and a transient here, I take my identity and my mission from another place Proposition: As citizens of heaven we are aliens and transients here on earth we also take our identity more

  • Living In The World Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 8, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    This is the 5th study in the study "Hope In The Darkness". This study looks at how we should live our lives before the world so they may find Christ.

    LIVING IN THE WORLD 1 Peter 2:11-25 1 Peter 2:11-12 It should be no surprise to Christians that we are one of the main reasons lost people have no interest in Jesus Christ and the fact that He can save them. Why is this true? It is because of the way we live our lives in front of the world. more

  • Liderazgo Al Estilo Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Mynor Vargas on Apr 24, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    Introducción: Los cristianos tenemos a Jesucristo no sólo como nuestro Salvador, sino como nuestro modelo en todas las áreas de la vida. Como líderes cristianos debemos tomar el ejemplo de Jesus y conocer los secretos de su liderazgo para incorporarlos al

    “Liderazgo al Estilo de Jesús” (Jesús Modelo Perfecto de Liderzgo Intachable) Dr. Mynor Vargas 1 Pedro 2:21-24 21Para esto fuisteis llamados, porque también Cristo padeció por nosotros, dejándonos ejemplo (MODELO PERFECTO – Hupogrammos, griego) (metodo de enseñar) para que sigáis sus pisadas. more

  • Liderazgo Al Estilo Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Mynor Vargas on Apr 24, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Introducción: Los cristianos tenemos a Jesucristo no sólo como nuestro Salvador, sino como nuestro modelo en todas las áreas de la vida. Como líderes cristianos debemos tomar el ejemplo de Jesus y conocer los secretos de su liderazgo para incorporarlos al

    “Liderazgo al Estilo de Jesús” (Jesús Modelo Perfecto de Liderzgo Intachable) Dr. Mynor Vargas 1 Pedro 2:21-24 21Para esto fuisteis llamados, porque también Cristo padeció por nosotros, dejándonos ejemplo (MODELO PERFECTO – Hupogrammos, griego) (metodo de enseñar) para que sigáis sus pisadas. more

  • Liderazgo Al Estilo Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Mynor Vargas on Apr 24, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    Introducción: Los cristianos tenemos a Jesucristo no sólo como nuestro Salvador, sino como nuestro modelo en todas las áreas de la vida. Como líderes cristianos debemos tomar el ejemplo de Jesus y conocer los secretos de su liderazgo para incorporarlos al

    “Liderazgo al Estilo de Jesús” (Jesús Modelo Perfecto de Liderzgo Intachable) Dr. Mynor Vargas 1 Pedro 2:21-24 21Para esto fuisteis llamados, porque también Cristo padeció por nosotros, dejándonos ejemplo (MODELO PERFECTO – Hupogrammos, griego) (metodo de enseñar) para que sigáis sus pisadas. more