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Sermons on 1 Kings 19:14-21:

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  • The Journey To The Double Portion Of God.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 13, 2002
    based on 167 ratings

    We walk with Elijah and Elisha from Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the Jordan and illustrate a journey of growth.

    Trail to the Double Portion By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Text: 1 Kings 19:19 ... and Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon Elisha. This mantle of of God will not be a one time experience but a process and a journey of many years. I ponder today a poor attitude: JUST more

  • Has God Lost His Voice? Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    How do we hear from the Lord?

    Has God lost His voice? I called Ruth Rupprecht on Thursday afternoon. “I hear Dave’s heart is OK.” “That’s right,” she replied, “There were no obvious blockages discovered during the angioplasty. God healed him.” You might have thought my immediate thought would have been, “Praise God.” more

  • Test That Tell Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Jul 13, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Would Elisha passed the test to be used of God as a channel of Grace?

    Dark Times: Test that Tell the Life and times of Elisha Elisha came on the scene in a day that was an extension of Elijah’s time. Northern Kingdom living; 1. INDEPENDENT LIVING; As we alluded to last week a time when the God of the Word and the Word of God was held in disrespect. No dependence more

  • "Disappointed With God"

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 77 ratings

    Dealing with despair...moving from fear to faith

    "Disappointed With God" Rev Dr Robert G Leroe We see quite a contrast between chapters 18 & 19! Elijah moves from exhilaration and intense excitement to dejection, discouragement and depression after his miraculous contest against the prophets of Baal. From his mountain top experience he more

  • Two Peas In A Pod?

    Contributed by James Groce on Jul 17, 2002
    based on 47 ratings

    “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours...”

    A. INDENTIFYING WITH BIBLE CHARACTERS 1. What Bible character do you think you identify with more than any other? 2. I hesitate to name any names, because all of the people I would want to resemble were so great in God’s kingdom—like David the “man after God’s own heart”, John the more

  • Elijah: "God's Remedy For Depression” Series

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Jul 22, 2002
    based on 79 ratings

    God had provided us with an answer to every problem we face in this life. In this story of Elijah God gives us His remedy for overcoming depression.

    In our last message, we were forced to leave Elijah in the depths of despair. We last saw the prophet sitting under a juniper tree, asking God to take his life. The mighty prophet of God is discouraged and depressed. He has been used mightily of the Lord and he had expected a great revival to come more

  • The Cost Of Discipleship.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Jun 24, 2001
    based on 67 ratings

    Year C. Fourth Sunday after Pentecost July 1st, 2001, 1 Kings 19: 15-16, 19-21 Title: “The cost of discipleship.”

    Year C. Fourth Sunday after Pentecost July 1st, 2001, 1 Kings 19: 15-16, 19-21 Title: “The cost of discipleship.” In chapter nineteen, Elijah has taken to the hills in flight from the wrath of Jezebel who has put out a contract on his life. She blamed him for killing her prophets of her god, Baal, more

  • To Be Or Not Be

    Contributed by Colin Mcgeer on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 8 ratings

    Rather than Judging stand in the gap as a person of mercy interceding for salvation.

    TO BE OR NOT TO BE! WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? 1 Kings 19 The LORD Speaks to Elijah But the LORD said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 10 Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the LORD God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and more

  • Come Out Of Your Cave!

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Mar 25, 2001
    based on 184 ratings

    Message dealing with some of the "caves" we as Christians hide in to get away from the work God has called us to do.

    Times and seasons of disillusionment come into all of our lives, and often threaten to overwhelm us with a loss of hope and vision that we will barely make it through the night, let alone, live in victory in the days and years that lie ahead. It is clear from any honest reading of the Word of God more

  • God's Slience In The Storm Of Discouragement Series

    Contributed by Ken Alford on Aug 17, 2001
    based on 114 ratings


    June 10, 2001 -- AM GOD’S SLIENCE IN THE STORM OF DISCOURAGEMENT 1 Kings 19:11 INTRODUCTION: (1) The world does not care if I die; it only cares that I get out of the way if I cannot compete. (2) With God, dust can have a destiny and human frailty can be covered with eternal glory. (3) To more

  • Commitment

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Aug 19, 2001
    based on 195 ratings

    What does it mean to be committed? Why is it important?

    On April 21st, in the year 1519, the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez sailed into the harbor of Vera Cruz, Mexico. He brought with him only about 600 men, and yet over the next two years his vastly outnumbered forces were able to defeat Montezuma and all the warriors of the Aztec empire, making more

  • How Short Term Missions Can Change Your Life

    Contributed by Frank Piszczor on Sep 5, 2001
    based on 36 ratings

    One lesson I learned on our short term missions trip is: when you pray, you can learn more by listening.

    How Short Term Missions Can Change Your Life! 1 Kings 19:1-18 When you pray who listens the most and what do they hear? It was a day like any other day, as far as he could remember. The drought was in its third year, and the people were suffering greatly. The king was so desperate and more

  • "Meeting God In Depression”

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Oct 15, 2001
    based on 238 ratings

    Depression strikes about 10 million Americans within any six- month period. Some of the most Godly people in the Bible and in Christian history struggled with depression.

    Intro: Researchers at Columbia University conducted the study with 199 women at an in vitro fertilization clinic in Korea. Unknown to the patients and their doctors, groups of strangers from the US, Canada, and Australia were asked to pray for their success in getting pregnant. Pictures of more

  • What Are You Doing Here? Series

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Mar 3, 2002
    based on 144 ratings

    God intends for every believer to walk in freedom. However, even one of the most powerful, godly men in the Bible lost his freedom in the Lord for a season.

    What Are You Doing Here?  God intends for every believer to walk in freedom  Psa 22:5 "Those who trust in the Lord will not be confound  If you are being victimized by a spirit of fear, lust, despondency or depression, you are not walking in freedom  Feelings of more

  • Resignation Or Restoration?

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    Everybody feels like giving up sometimes. It’’s a very important time to consider your options carefully.

    When You Feel Life Giving Up (1 Kings 19:1-18) Elijah’s predicament. 1.) Everyone has felt like giving up at some time or the other. 2.) Even giving up the spiritual battle when it waxes hot, frustrations build, and energies ebb. 3.) We must face the question, “What do I do when I feel more