James Kelley
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
How To Succeed At Life
Contributed on Sep 7, 2004
Five prerequisites for a successful life
How to Succeed at Life Proverbs 3:1-10 1. OBEY GOD! (1-2) How? Treasure His word God’s promise: You’ll live long and prosper 2. LOVE GOD! (3-4) How? Be consistently faithful God’s promise: You’ll enjoy his favor 3. TRUST GOD! (5-6) How? Don’t lean on your ...read more
Help In The Storm
Contributed on Apr 12, 2004
God is able to help us in the difficulties of everyday life.
In coming to the disciples across the water, Jesus had literally said, "It is I Am". This must have made a strong impression on Peter which the Holy Spirit pressed to his heart as evidenced by his bold profession just two chapters later in Matthew’s narrative. 1. The deity of Christ compels us ...read more
Blessed To Be A Blessing
Contributed on Apr 12, 2004
Easter Sermon that deals with the blessings we have through Jesus’ resurrection and the purpose of God to use us to bless others.
BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING Romans 4:25 (This sermon and the subsequent series is inspired by the sermon series BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING, by Rick Warren of Saddleback Valley Community Church.) I think one of the easiest traps we fall into is taking the blessings of God for granted. We are so ...read more
Building Blocks For A Better Marriage
Contributed on Jul 24, 2001
Here are ten practical steps to strenghten your marriage.
Building strong families gets tougher every day. Children spend less than 30 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their mothers and less than 15 minutes per week with their fathers. Households headed by unmarried people living together have quadrupled since 1970. According to a ...read more
Dealing With Doubt
Contributed on Feb 26, 2001
Satan assualts our mind with lies that cause us to mistrust our faithful God. This sermon deals with four of those lies.
DEALING WITH DOUBT Romans 8:31-39 Introduction: A lie can be the most damaging force in the world. More powerful than an atomic bomb or a hurricane, the most harmless lie can damage your good name forever. Satan is the master liar and he will wreck your mind if you let him. He will ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Blessed To Be A Blessing
Contributed on Apr 12, 2004
Home Improvement
Contributed on Jul 24, 2001
In God We Trust
Contributed on Feb 26, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
God Is More Concerned With Our Character Than ...
Contributed on Feb 11, 2002
God is more concerned with our character ...read more
Ode To The Old Lady In The Mirror
Contributed on Feb 11, 2002
Ode to the Old Lady in the Mirror A very weird thing has happened. A strange old lady has moved into my house. I have no idea where she came from, or how she got in. I certainly did not invite her. All I know is that one day she wasn’t there, and the next day, she was. She is a clever old ...read more
In America, Every 24 Hours
Contributed on Jul 24, 2001
In America every 24 hours: 3,000 children see their parents divorced. 1,629 children are put in adult jail. 3,228 children run away from home. 1,512 children ...read more
According To A Recent Gallup Poll, 73% Of ...
Contributed on Jul 24, 2001
According to a recent Gallup poll, 73% of Americans, under age 45, believe that life spent with the same ...read more