Summary: What does Jesus want us to put into practice (Matthew 7:24) so that we will be attractive bait? This week: A Promise Means Something; Giving, and Faith

Sermon for 9/14/2003

Matthew 7:24


A. The only President ever to fulfill all of his promises was James K. Polk, the 11th President of the United States. President Nixon with the Watergate scandal. George Bush, Sr. said, “Read my lips, no new taxes.” President Clinton, “I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski.”

B. A young boy was driving a hayrack down the road when the wagon fell over in front of a farmer’s house. The farmer came out, saw the young boy crying and said, "Son, don’t worry about this, we can fix it. Right now dinner’s ready. Why don’t you come in and eat with us and then I’ll help you put the hay back on the rack." The boy said, "No, I can’t. My father is going to be very angry with me." The farmer said, "Now don’t worry, just come in and have some lunch and you’ll feel better." The boy said, "I’m just afraid my father is going to be very angry with me." The farmer and the young boy went inside and had dinner. Afterwards, as they walked outside to the hayrack, the farmer said, "Now, son, don’t you feel better after that great meal?" The boy said, "Yes but I just know that my father will be very angry with me." The farmer said, "Nonsense. Where is your father anyway?" The boy said, "He’s under that wagon."


A. How do the fish bite? Attracted to the bait. The bait is us and the hook is the gospel.

B. Gone over 4 points.

1. Bible study

2. Prayer

3. Anger control

4. Control mind, eyes, body and heart.

Thesis: What does Jesus want us to put into practice (Matthew 7:24) so that we will be attractive bait? Go over points 4, 7 and 8

For instances:

4. A promise means something (Matthew 5:33-37)

A. Young man who had left his wife and gone after another woman. His wife was unable to have children. He got this woman pregnant and he was in turmoil over what he should do.

B. Crazy rules for oaths.

1. If I have my fingers crossed behind my back, then it doesn’t count.

2. If we cut our hands and then shake on it, then it is binding.

3. In the days of Jesus it was just as silly. Swearing by heaven and earth was not binding, nor was swearing by Jerusalem, though swearing toward Jerusalem was. Pharisees gave a whole section of the Mishma over to binding and not binding oaths. Silly.

4. Jesus discusses this in his condemnation of the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. If you swear by the temple it is not binding, but if you swear by the gold of the temple then it is binding. If you swear by the altar it is not binding, but if you swear by the gift on the altar then it is binding.

5. Our word should be good enough. To swear on a stack of Bibles, or over our mother’s grave is silly. Our word should be good enough.

6. Jesus says anything more than a simple yes or no is evil. In the East they are notorious liars.

7. We are becoming notorious liars here.

C. When I was buying my house we (the buyers, the sellers, the real estate agent, the bank representative) had to meet with a lawyer. We had to fill out numerous forms. Why? Because many people are not honest. We had to fill out a form stating that we would return to the lawyer is he forgot to have us sign some forms.

C. When we take the witness stand, judicial oaths. I suppose they are a necessary evil but it just underlines the fact that we are a society who puts no stock in a person’s word. This oath is to give a guarantee of truthfulness that a simple affirmation does not give.

D. Relatives, things that we do not mean.

D. My dad. I will not give my word until I have determined if I will be able to fulfill it.

E. This past week- unable to go and visit someone

F. Make no promises??? Can’t get a job, can’t get life insurance, can’t get married, and can’t take out a loan.

G. What about unrealistic vows? One time I made a vow to God that I would stay in a place for three years. It was hard but I felt like I needed to keep my word to God.

H. Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

1. Many people dream of good things to do. Never do them. We need less dreaming in the church and more action. Take those dreams and work toward a few of them.

2. I want to quit smoking, I want to quit drinking, I want to quit swearing, I want to pray more, and I want to read my Bible more.

3. I have a friend of mine who wants to lose weight. Talk, talk, talk, talk.

4. When it comes to church, I have heard all sorts of excuses. One man, who I had a good relationship with, I refused to go around. Every time he would say I am coming this Sunday. I told him I would not come around anymore because I was a stumbling block to him. He came one Sunday just to satisfy me. I was shocked. If I had a $1 for every time I have been to told by a person that they swore they would be at church on a given day, I would be wealthy.

4. Proverbs 10:19- In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.

5. Fear God. Isn’t that what is all comes down to. In our marriage vows. In our financial dealings. In our dealing with others.

6. (Mat 12:37 NIV) For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

I. Think about a group of people who do what they say and say what they mean. A promise means something.

J. People don’t take me seriously. Start to mean what you say and say what you mean and people will begin to listen.

7. Giving (Matthew 6:1-4, 19-21, 24)

A. Left hand not know what your right hand is doing.

B. Do it in secret. Putting names on buildings.

C. Gift a few months ago of a few thousand dollars.

D. Why do people get upset when we talk of money?

1. Abuses

2. It is their god.

E. Cannot serve Jesus Christ and still love the world (1 John 2:15 NIV) Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:16 NIV) For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world.(1 John 2:17 NIV) The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

F. The New Testament Church gave and gave and gave. No one was in need. Some sold houses and lands and put it at the apostle’s feet.

G. Put your money where your mouth is. If we believe in the cause, we will give. Don’t brag about how much but we will give.

H. Not just of money but of our time and talents. Think about what the church would be if everyone tithed, not just their money but their time.

* One hour a week devoted to:

1. Worship

2. Fellowship

3. Bible Study

4. Service

H. Who is our God?

8. Faith (Matthew 6:25-34)

A. What is worry?

1. To feel uneasy about; be troubled, distressed; Nervousness.

2. In our society we are a bunch of worriers. Look at those who go to counselors and receive medication for this condition. Not saying that medication is wrong but most of the time it is a problem of faith. According to Minirth and Meier, anxiety is currently the number one mental health disorder in America.

3. Nervousness is sinful. George Muller said, “The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. The beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.”

4. It is lack of faith in God.

B. What good is worry? Vs. 27, 34 Worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do but it won’t get you anywhere.

C. Many of us do not have terrible sins, but we worry.

D. Some have a gift of faith.

E. If we seek God then we do not have to worry about clothes, food, or drink. It is a promise from God. God is faithful, we are not. We have been lied to so much that we have a feeling that God is lying to us. More sure that the money in the bank.

G. Two businessmen were talking about the economic recession. Jack said, "I’m about to lose my job and our house is in foreclosure - but I don’t worry about it." Bob, his friend, asked "How can you not be worried?" Jack answered, "I’ve hired a professional worrier. He does all my worrying for me. That way I don’t have to think about it!" Bob replied, "That’s a fantastic idea. How much does it cost to hire a professional worrier?" "$50,000 a year," Jack answered. "$50,000! Where are you going to get that kind of money?" Jack replied, "I don’t know. That’s HIS worry!"

H. The “necessities of life” must be a concern but should not be an obsession. Some people are obsessed with extravagance. Living in the right neighborhood, driving the finest car, eating in elegant restaurants, wearing designer clothes- these are the goals and dreams of many people. They worry about how to achieve them and how to pay for them. On a different scale, many of us who are not obsessed with the best and finest are nonetheless consumed with having a better home, a newer car, more meals out, and better clothes. “The pagans run after all these things. Need to learn contentment!

H. Ye of little faith! In my life this last week with the babies.

J. What is faith? (Heb 11:1 NIV) Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

K. Bruce Corder. When it comes to death, we must trust. We have put all of our eggs in one basket as Christians. (1 Cor 15:55 NIV) "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"(1 Cor 15:56 NIV) The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.(1 Cor 15:57 NIV) But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

L. I have a problem of getting up at night worried about something. I have turned these times in prayer and Bible reading. Usually I sleep a whole lot better! Trust the one who has the power and ability. Worship TV is good. Don’t watch those other shows.

L. Faith comes by hearing

M. God has given us two tools in the battle against worry. These two tools are faith and prayer. The two go hand in hand, for when I am exercising faith in my heavenly Father, I will be praying.

O. (Phil 4:6 NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.(Phil 4:7 NIV) And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

P. The Almighty will cheer us and He will calm us.


A. God always keeps his word. If we come and repent and confess and be baptized, God will change us. He will save us.

B. God gave his best, His only begotten Son for you.

C. He came to bring peace and remove anxiety.