Sermon Series
  • 1. Serious Fishing

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    We need to be serious fishers of men!

    Sermon for 1/12/03 Matthew 4:18-22 Introduction: A. My fishing at the farm pond. Not serious, just wanted to get away. B. Fishing with my grandpa. Little more serious. Fun but serious. C. Fishing at a bass tournament 1. Pay a registration fee and then an entry fee. Compete for cash, more

  • 2. Fishers Of Men

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2003
    based on 104 ratings

    First in a series about Fishing for Men! (Adapted from Standard Publishing 1998 Vacation Bible School "Hooked on Jesus")

    Sermon for 4/19/98 Fishers of Men Introduction: A. Clarence Darrow, the great criminal lawyer of another day, had among his friends a young minister. This seems strange, because, as you remember, Darrow was usually thought of as an atheist, infidel, agnostic or what have you. They more

  • 3. Philip Fishing

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    Fourth in a series about Fishing for Men. It talks about the case study of Philip and the Ethopian Eunuch.

    Sermon for 4/26/98 Philip Fishing Acts 8:26-39 Introduction: ** My conversion and baptism. Emphasis that I know a lot. WBTU: A. Most people in USA have some knowledge about Scripture. B. Almost everyone owns a Bible. In my high school we could take as an elective, Biblical more

  • 4. Launch Out Into The Deep

    Contributed on Feb 12, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    From Luke 5:4 we see that Jesus wants us to launch out into the deep. It has references to the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster.

    Sermon for 2/9/2003 Luke 5:4 Launch Out into the Deep Introduction: A. Tuesday February 4, 2003- As a bell tolled seven times, America’s space community wept over the loss of the seven Columbia astronauts at a memorial service on Tuesday in which President Bush vowed the exploration of space more

  • 5. The Dragnet

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    A sermon on the parable of the dragnet (Matthew 13:47-50)

    Sermon for 2/16/2003 The Dragnet Matthew 13:47-50 Introduction: The Dragnet from TV. 1. Dragnet = A system of coordinated procedures used in apprehension, especially of criminal suspects. dummmm! dumda- Dum- dum! That program, by the way, captured the intent of this parable better than more

  • 6. The Living Water

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    A sermon on John 4 about the living water that Jesus Christ gives to every believer. (Adapted from MaClaren’s Expositions of Holy Scripture)

    Sermon for 3/2/2003 The Living Water John 4:10-14 Introduction: A. "Cool Water" - Sons of the Pioneers "All day I face the barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water. Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water, cool, clear, water." B. Water is more

  • 7. Operation Andrew

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 170 ratings

    A sermon on the Apostle Andrew!

    Operation Andrew The Story of the Apostle Andrew John 1, 6, 12- Selected passages Sermon for 3/5/2000 Introduction: A. The story of Edward Kimball. Many of us have never heard of Edward Kimball, a Sunday school teacher. B. He won a young fellow to the Lord, he was a Boston shoe salesman, more

  • 8. The Sign Of The Fish

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon on the letters of the Ick-Thoos, the Sign of the Fish

    Sermon for 4/13/2003 Friend Day The Sign of the Fish Introduction: A. What do you think about fish? B. Are you taking us out to Libby Hill or Mayflower later? C. Are you talking about fishing? I love to fish. I hate to fish. The worms are slimy and the fish are slimy and wiggily. I more

  • 9. Helping The Next Generation

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    A sermon for Father’s Day based on Psalm 78:1-8 (Adapted from an outline by Jack Peters)

    Sermon for 6/15/03 Father’s Day HELPING THE NEXT GENERATION (Adapted from Jack Peters) Introduction: A. The Andy Griffith Show started out with the theme song being whistled and Andy and Opie going to the fishing hole. Much of the show was based around this relationship between Opie and his more

  • 10. Jonah's Defiance

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    A sermon on Jonah 1 about defiance against the will of God

    Jonah’s Defiance Jonah 1 Introduction: My son and I were bass fishing in a boat on the Kanawha River in West Virginia, when I hooked a really big bass. My line got snarled on my casting reel, and I didn’t have a lot of extra line to let out. When the big bass hit the end of the free line, he more

  • 11. Running Back To God

    Contributed on Jun 30, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    A sermon on running back to God from Jonah 2. (Adapted from an outline by Jack Peters)

    Jonah 2 RUNNING BACK TO GOD Introduction: A. This fish tastes fishy. B. You know the smell of fish and of ocean meat. Imagine that but 10 X worse. C. Imagine the situation that Jonah finds himself. He is engulfed by the mouth of a huge fish, or whale or whatever. How terrifying. D. He more

  • 12. It's Time For America To Bless God

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    A sermon for Independence Day on Jonah 3

    Sermon for 7/6/2003 Jonah 3 Introduction: In John Steinbeck’s story The Wayward Bus a dilapidated old bus takes a cross country shortcut on its journey to Los Angeles, and gets stuck in the mud. While the drivers go for assistance, the passengers take refuge in a cave. It is a curious more

  • 13. Is It Right For Me To Be Angry?

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    A sermon on anger based on Jonah 4:4

    Notes for Jonah 4 Sermon for 7/20/2003 Introduction: In a biography of the life of Mikey Mantle there is a story told about a hunting trip that Mikey and Billy Martin took together in the off season in the early sixties. Mikey Mantle was known as much for his excesses as he was for his home more

  • 14. Mad About A Christmas Tree

    Contributed on Jul 28, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    A sermon on Jonah 4 about how petty we can become when we focus on other things rather than the mission of the church

    Notes for Sermon 7/27/2003 Jonah 4:5-11 Introduction: The lady who got mad about the Christmas tree. WBTU: A. Read Jonah 4:5-11. B. How stupid and ridiculous to get mad about a vine. C. How stupid and ridiculous to get mad at God for Jonah’s mission was a success. D. Jonah’s mission. more

  • 15. Miracle Of The Coin

    Contributed on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    A sermon on the miracle of the coin in the fish’s mouth (Outline adapted from Maclaren’s Expositions of Holy Scripture and portions taken from "Peter’s Biggest Fish Story" by Ted Sutherland)

    Sermon for 8/3/2003 Matthew 17:24-27 Introduction: False gospels that are not in the New Testament for good reason. One tells of lions and panthers that worshipped baby Jesus and showed Mary and Joseph the way to Egypt and protected them as they came back to Nazareth. The Infancy Gospel of more

  • 16. My Heart Christ's Home

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    This morning I want us to compare our hearts to the rooms in our houses and see how Jesus would view each room. (Idea and portions adapted from Robert Boyd Munger’s My Heart Christ’s Home)

    Sermon for 8/11/2003 My Heart, Christ’s Home Idea and portions adapted from Robert Boyd Munger’s My Heart Christ’s Home Introduction: A. Wanted: Fishers of Men. You catch them and the Lord cleans them. B. Cleaning fish or getting them ready to eat is a disgusting job. C. Took the boys more

  • 17. Practice Makes Perfect

    Contributed on Aug 25, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    What are some things that Jesus wants us to put into practice (Matthew 7:24) so that we can present attractive bait?

    Sermon for 8/24/2003 Matthew 7:24-27 Practice Makes Perfect Introduction: A. I play basketball on Monday nights with Dean. I am not a great player. I do it to keep my figure. B. This past Monday we started out with 30 guys. Some of them got frustrated and left. We began at 6:45 and at more

  • 18. Control Of The Mind, Eyes, Body And Heart

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    What are some things that Jesus wants us to put into practice (Matthew 7:24) so that we can present attractive bait?

    Sermon for 8/31/2003 Matthew 7:24 Introduction: A. Tell the story of fishing at the Corder’s Pond. Crackers, attractive baits, caught a twelve pound catfish. B. Sharks when they go into a feeding frenzy. WBTU: A. Last week we talked about Practice Makes Perfect. In the Christian life more

  • 19. Read My Lips

    Contributed on Sep 15, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    What does Jesus want us to put into practice (Matthew 7:24) so that we will be attractive bait? This week: A Promise Means Something; Giving, and Faith

    Sermon for 9/14/2003 Matthew 7:24 Introduction: A. The only President ever to fulfill all of his promises was James K. Polk, the 11th President of the United States. President Nixon with the Watergate scandal. George Bush, Sr. said, “Read my lips, no new taxes.” President Clinton, “I did not more

  • 20. Forgive Our Enemeis?

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon on how we need to be attractive bait to the fish of the world. We need to practice forgievness that Jesus talks about in His Sermon!

    Sermon for 9/21/2003 Forgive our enemies Matthew 7:24 Introduction: A. The movie Braveheart is based loosely upon the life of William Wallace, a Scottish patriot fighting for the freedom of Scotland from England. In the movie, King Edward of England takes steps to make sure that Wallace does more

  • 21. The Song Of Glory

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    The last sermon in this series on the fishers of men. A metaphorical sermon on the songs of Creation.

    Sermon for 10/26/2003 The Song of Glory Introduction: A. I remember as a young lad in the 6th grade going down to the pond and just sitting there after a bad day… It helped to soothe me. I didn’t pray but the sounds and smells and feels and sights soothed my troubled soul WBTU: A. In my more