July 13, 2003 A.M. Service
Riverwood Church
A mother told her little boy to go wash his hands. He said, germs and Jesus, germs and Jesus, that’s all I ever hear about around here. I have never seen either one of them. (Paul Powell)
A minister delievering the children’s sermon in church asked, "Boys and girls, what lives in a tree, eats nuts and has a long bushy tail?" One little boy responded, "Preacher I know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me." (Paul Powell)
Jesus. The very name stirs up a variety of emotions and reactions. For some the very name is confrontational. In some places you can not even use his name. You can pray to God but you better not use Jesus’ name! I often wonder why that is. A conclusion I came up with his because Jesus personified God. You see Jesus was God in the flesh. He brought personality to God. I think some people just want God to remain a mystery.
Other people love to use Jesus’ name but not in a respectful sense. A month ago I pulled over a man driving a car for running a red light. When he saw that I was writing a ticket he said under his breath, “Jesus Christ.” Without hesitation I immediately replied, “is Lord.” I was glad to be able to finish his sentence for him. He didn’t like that very much.
When you ask people what they think about Jesus you will get a variety of reactions and perspectives. For some, he was a good man. Others, he was a prophet like Moses and Elijah. Many more say that Jesus was a religious figure sort of like Buddha and Ghandi.
Folks, you can’t read the New Testament and come up with those conclusions. Those answers may be true to a point (Jesus was indeed good) but there is so much more to the person of Jesus Christ. Even if one does not believe in Christ, if you read his word you will find some distinctiveness not found in any other religious figure. (I hesitate calling Jesus a religious figure because that’s not what he wanted to be known for).
During Jesus’ day there was confusion about who Christ was. Years following Jesus’ ascension into heaven other kinds of confusion surfaced in the churches. The early church did not have a Bible. They didn’t have sharp volumes of theological information about Christ. So, God used Paul to address some of the issues that began to surface in individual churches to set their Christology straight. Certain heresies came up in churches. Paul confronted them. What is heresy? It is a contradiction of dogma. For example, if I said that your dog is divine and to be worshipped—that would be a heresy. The church has always had heresy. And if we want to keep away from heresy in the church we better have a proper view/understanding of Christ.
So Paul confronted these churches. In the book of Colossians he is addressing some heresy that has come up in that church that was robbing Christ of his central role in the Christian faith. It was causing people to think less of and even deny the uniqueness of Christ. There was an emphasis in angel worship. There was a philosophy called “Gnosticism” which basically meant you can receive salvation from knowledge. It taught of a God who was not near but very far off. This was the situation that Paul was addressing.
Why was it so important that Paul address that? Why is it so important that we make sure that the proper view of Christ is being presented in our church?
Read with me Colossians 1:28-29. (NLT) “So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ. We warn them and teach them with all wisdom God has given us, for we want to present them to God perfect in their relationship to Christ. I work very hard at this, as I depend on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.”
**Your maturity in the Lord depends on your understanding of Christ. Paul went everywhere telling everyone about Christ. He did this by warning them and teaching them with all wisdom (in a way they would understand). The goal was to present the everyone to God perfect (complete) in their relationship to Christ. Some people believe that when they became a follower of Jesus that that is all they need to do. John Piper said, “Salvation is not mainly forgiveness of sins it is mainly a fellowship with Jesus.” Walking with Christ is more than just praying a simple prayer. You begin a journey with a person—not a religion, not a denomination, but with a person. Not to an ideology but to our Creator!
How do you get to know someone? You spend time with them. You talk with them. You study them. You think about them. Same way with Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures we just read said Paul wanted to assist them in their maturity. That was his goal…his purpose. Paul also said he works very hard at it. The NIV says that it is a struggle. Why is it such hard work? Why is it hard work to grow spiritually?
1). There are conflicting views of Christ. You’ll be safe if you follow the Christ of the Bible.
2). A person has to want to grow. I can’t force you to grow. I can’t force you to want to become mature. Some people just settle for where they are spiritually. You can’t do that! You’ve got to press on in your relationship with Christ. There is so much God wants us to experience and know about him.
3). Growth takes time. That’s why you don’t come out of your mother’s womb at 6 feet tall. It takes time to grow and develop. It’s a process. There is no instant growth in the Christian life.
For Paul it was worth the struggle. It is a purpose I have built my life upon. My mission in life is to communicate and encourage faith in Christ in the lives of those inside the church and outside the church. I want to see every one of you grow and develop faith. But you know I also want to help others outside the church develop a faith too.
So, what is your understanding of Christ? What is your Christology? Is he simply “the man upstairs” to you? A good luck charm? Maybe your view of Jesus is based on some painting you’ve seen…some out of date….somber Jesus. I want to encourage you to rethink your view of Christ.
Most of us know certain facts about him. We know that he was born into the world. His mother’s name was Mary. He was born in a stable. He grew up and at the young age of 33 he was crucified. He rose again on the third day. Is that all there is to know and understand about Christ? Absolutely not.
Read with me Colossians 1:15-20 “Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all, and, in fact, Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t; the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory. He was before all else began and it is his power that holds everything together. He is the Head of the body made up of his people—that is, his Church—which he began; and he is the Leader of all those who arise from the dead, so that he is first in everything; for God wanted all of himself to be in his Son.” (LB)
We can’t miss these wonderful mysterious truths about Jesus!
1). To see Jesus is to see God! CHRIST IS THE EXACT LIKENESS OF GOD
Jesus wasn’t merely representing God he was and is God! In John 14:8-9 the disciple Philip said to Jesus, “Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” And to see and understand Jesus is God is to understand that he is Creator….who made everything in heaven and earth, things we can see and things we can’t, the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory. CHRIST IS THE CREATOR. So, Jesus’ life did not begin in Bethlehem, it began long before that. It didn’t have a beginning! Scripture calls Jesus the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. There is nothing before Alpha and nothing after Omega.
2). CHRIST HOLDS ALL THINGS TOGETHER. He is in control. He knows just how much of this and how little of that works together to keep this world spinning.
Jesus is the boss of the church and not me! Praise the Lord because I make a horrible God!
There are stories in the Bible where people were brought back to life again only to die. Jesus was killed and three days later rose again to live forever. He is indestructible! (Hebrews 7:16) Because he rose, we are now able to rise again…indestructible!
Look at the last part of verse 18 of Colossians 1. “so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” The Living Bible says so that he is first in everything.”
So, he is supreme over creation, supreme over the church, supreme over the grave, supreme over authorities, supreme over all other powers and kingdoms. All of that and so much more. Yet, let me ask you this…Is he supreme over your life?
Jesus did not ask our permission (didn’t need it) to create the world. He didn’t need our permission to be Lord over the church. But you know what, he must have your permission to enter your life. He won’t come in unless you ask him.
***Will you remember the following truth: If Jesus is Supreme over all then he is sufficient for all. If he is creator he knows how to create. He knows how to fix things. If he is ruler he knows how to rule. He knows how to provide.
Romans 8:32 (Living Bible) “Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, wont he also surely give us everything else?” Remember the extent as to which he brought you back. How much more will he not provide for you and bless you. Allow him to have the supremacy over your life.
Although he needs permission to enter your life today one of these days the Scripture teaches us that every person will declare he is Lord. We’ll never get away from him. Even if this is your last day to attend church…you will hear about him again. You will see him again and our knees will bow before him and say you are Lord! So, ultimately one way or the other he will be supreme over your life.
As I close this morning I want to close with some thoughts on what Jesus is doing now. What is the truth regarding what he is doing now. Is he up there in heaven just floating around? Is he just palling around with Moses and the disciples? Not exactly.
1). He’s preparing. John 14:1-2
It is neat to know Jesus isn’t up there in heaven sitting around drinking lemonaid. He’s preparing a place for us. He’s preparing our dwelling. He knows our likes and our tastes. I’m not sure what kind of paint or carpet or fixtures your dwelling is going to have in heaven but you are going to be blown away by its beauty. You won’t be disappointed. Listen, a shack in heaven will be plenty enough for me.
He is also preparing to come and get you. Verse 3 says he will come back and take us to be with him. He’s preparing to do that. We’re on his timetable though. I really believe that when it’s our time to go and you are a believer I really believe you’ll meet Jesus. If thousands of believers die everyday wouldn’t that be tough for Jesus to meet all of them at the same time? I don’t know how it’s going to work out. It’s a mystery but one I look forward to encountering. One look into Jesus’ eyes and you’ll say “I’m so glad I’m with you.”
2). The other thing Jesus is doing right now is praying. He is praying.
Hebrews 7:25 (Message) says, “But Jesus’ priesthood is permanent. He’s there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, always on the job to speak up for them.
(NIV) says, “Therefore, he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” What is he praying for us? Bigger car? Successful career? No. We get a good idea of what he prays for us based on an encounter he had with one of his disciples, Peter.
Luke 22:31-32 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.” Compare that with his prayer in John 17. He is praying that our faith will not fail!
He’s praying for you! Talk about someone you want on your prayer team!
CONCLUSION: Knowing these truths about the Lord, can we just take a casual look at him? How can we not give him our fullest attention? I call you and I today back to Jesus. You and I need to realize that at times it will be hard work. It will be a labor. But the rewards are worth it. Maturity! Those times you don’t feel like walking with Jesus, getting to know Jesus know as Paul expressed that Chrirst’s energy worked powerfully within him. Know Christ provides the energy we need to make that happen. Labor to know Jesus. Not just things about him.
Here is your corporate challenge. I challenge you for the next 7 days to read the book of Mark as an individual and/or as a family. Mark gives an account of the life of Jesus. As you read through a couple of chapters a day I want you to ask and answer two questions based on the text:
• What is this saying about Jesus?
• What is this saying to me?