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  • As For Me And My House

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jun 21, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    A challenge to dads to be the spiritual leader in their homes.

    As For Me And My House… Father’s Day Message June 20, 2004 Riverwood Church Introduction: On February 19, 1979, a small plane crashed into Ontario Peak in the San Gabriel Mountains, and a ten-hour story of death, courage, and survival began. The passengers of that Cessna 172 included the pilot, more

  • The Great Escape

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jun 10, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    I preach through Acts 12:1-17 and highlight what I feel are its major application points.

    Introduction/Background: This is a very powerful and funny passage in the Scriptures. Let’s work through the story and then I want to highlight what I feel are its major application points. Vs. 1-4 Herod (whose grandfather tried to kill Jesus when he was a baby) arrested some Christians more

  • The Resurrection: Fact Or Fiction?

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    I talk about the implications of the resurrection and what it means for Christ’s folowers.

    The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction? April 18, 2004 It takes a great amount of faith to believe in Jesus Christ. Think about it. God comes to earth in the form of man. Lives a sinless life and willingly dies on a cross for you and I. Not only does Christ die on a cross but the Scriptures say three more

  • What Jesus Knew About The Passion

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Apr 8, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    I talk about how Jesus endured the emotional, physical and spiritual sufferings he encountered.

    What Jesus Knew About the Passion April 11, 2004 Intro: "You have to be living in a hole like Saddam was to avoid all the attention that’s been given to Mel Gibson’s new movie The Passion of the Christ." Rick Warren. I encourage you to go see it if you haven’t. It has caused quite a stir in more

  • Shaped To Serve God

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Mar 18, 2004
    based on 58 ratings

    A sermon I preached during our 40 Days of Purpose Campaign during week 5. The title of the message and a few comments in the body of the sermon come from Rick Warren’s message entitled, "Shaped to Serve God."

    SHAPED TO SERVE GOD Introduction: I want you to know how proud I am of you today. So many of you made a major commitment to be a part of this 40 Days of Purpose Campaign. You committed to having a daily quiet time. You committed to be here for the worship services. You committed to being in a more

  • "Starting Over" (Beginning A New Year) Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jan 19, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    I talk about starting the new year with 1Corinthians 10:31 as a theme verse.

    Intro: Reality television is sweeping the nation and the world. Dozens and dozens of “reality” shows are on every day of the week. Some of them are good others are down right goofy. Come on, for the most part these shows are shallow. For the next several weeks I want to preach a new series of more

  • "Joe Millionaire" (Does Money Really Make Us Happy?) Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jan 19, 2004
    based on 51 ratings

    I talk about the right place of money in our lives.

    Introduction: What would you do for a million dollars? Watch this video and listen to how people in our community answered that question. (WATCH VIDEO) In their book, “The Day America Told the Truth” James Patterson and Peter Kim reported that for ten million dollars, 25% of the American more

  • "Survivor" (Surviving The Death Of A Loved One) Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jan 19, 2004
    based on 94 ratings

    I talk about what we need to know and understand when we lose someone we love.

    Intro: Sometimes we face great loses in our lives. Today I want to talk about losing someone we care about. Let’s face it—people die. They die unexpectantly, they die too young. They die needlessly, because of the acts of another. They die naturally. People we always thought would be around…then more

  • Why Do You Celebrate Christmas?

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Dec 11, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    Christmas reminds us that Jesus is to be sought and truly worshipped by all the nations on the earth.

    Introduction: Play DVD Video Clip Why do you celebrate Christmas? from “Essentials” Vol. 3 No. 6. Here we are—11 days away from Christmas. Can you believe it? Seems as though it has snuck up on us. Can you guess what people are thinking about getting you for Christmas? They want to get you a gift more

  • Are You Related To Jesus?

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Sep 22, 2003
    based on 69 ratings

    From Jesus’s point of view, what does it take to be related to him?

    Intro: A doctor goes to a party one night and sees one of his patients out on the dance floor with a beautiful woman. The doctor goes up to his patient and asks, “What are you doing?” The patient responded, “I’m just following your advice!” “What advice?,” the doctor replied. “You told me to more

  • Glorifying God Through Conflict Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    I talk about ways you can glorify God during conflict.

    (This sermon is based on the book “The Peacemaker” by Ken Sande. Alot of the information in this sermon was gleaned from his book.) Intro: Three burley fellows on huge motorcycles pulled up to a highway café where a truck driver, just a little guy, was perched on a stool quietly eating his more

  • The Truth About The Church Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Using Matthew 16:15-18 I share some lessons about what Jesus mean’t by "the church."

    Intro: A family was sitting in church on Sunday morning. The little brother was fidgety and whiney. Big sister looked at little brother and said, “why don’t you be still?” “Because church is boring”, he said. The big sister looked and at him and said, “church is supposed to be boring.” more

  • The Truth About Jesus Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jul 10, 2003
    based on 76 ratings

    I talk about the importance of having a correct understanding of Jesus and other important truths about him.

    THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS July 13, 2003 A.M. Service Riverwood Church Introduction: A mother told her little boy to go wash his hands. He said, germs and Jesus, germs and Jesus, that’s all I ever hear about around here. I have never seen either one of them. (Paul Powell) A minister delievering the more

  • The Truth About Truth Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jul 7, 2003
    based on 105 ratings

    In this message I define what absolute truth means and encourage believers to live it out and bear witness to it.

    Intro: We are starting a new sermon series this month called “Truths that Make a Difference.” This morning I want to talk about the truth about truth. Please turn in your Bibles to John 18:28-38. (READ) I want to focus on a few of these verses. Read verse 38. Pilate asked, “What is truth?” more

  • The Power Of A Second Chance

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    A sermon on Peter’s three denials: It is a call to understand that God gives us second chances in life and we aren’t to squander them.

    The Power of a Second Chance April 2, 2003 Pastor Lynn Floyd Introduction: Read Mark 14:27-31, 66-72 “You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is written: “’I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” Peter more